Not running ComOS

>not running ComOS

why live?


Arch but bloated. Nice

is this the new desktop thread

Dude she's like 12, m8..

>not running MacOSX

3% of the market, can you really trust all the fags that say its bad before you try it when everyone who has them seems to be loving them

just when I thought he couldn't get any lower.

Post more hot 2d little girls.



that's the best part about it

It's buyers remorse coupled with choice-supportive bias.

>non free OS

You mean buyers remorse plus antagonising the expensive choice they didn't go for?
Because 3% of the market, 100% of the haters

>3% of the market
because it's overpriced
>100% of the haters
because people who are not special snowflakes resist their marketing

>being a freetard

has your master already allowed you to remove doc without it sliding up when pointer is in bottom of screen?


why would u want to
apple put it there for a reason duh

are u saying that the doc is always up in macos


>why would u want to
because it's annoying
>apple put it there for a reason duh
I don't care about your master's reasons, I can decide myself what I like and what I don't
fucking no, it can be hided but when you move mouse pointer to bottom, it slides up
>pretending that you don't know how doc behaves

>lewding the dragon loli
disgusting faggot

You can probably hide it with terminal somehow

its not lewd shes my gf

lol no, I googled and that fix also hides titlebars and half of their DE
cuck os is literally a brick


This is one of those, "to get an answer on the internet, rather than ask politely you should diss and tell people it can't be done" things isn't it?

try this shit

defaults write tilesize -int 1; killall Dock
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 20000000000; killall Dock

maybe it's intended to be an updoc

>posts screenshots in every thread with different images named "me.jpg"
this faggot renames images before making a screenshot
>autohide-time-modifier -float 20000000000
>set pop-up timer to some big value
>typical mac os customization, "everything just werks, you don't have to struggle"
yes it is, but I prefer not to waste space when I work, that's why I use linux

your really dumb

arguments needed
the only person who looks dumb in this thread is you

>This is one of those, "to get an answer on the internet, rather than ask politely you should diss and tell people it can't be done" things isn't it?
googled this shit literally yesterday to fix it in hackintosh and after I saw how shitty cuck os customization is, I turned off my computer, put hackintosh hdd on a very far shelf and continued using linux

>Codename Trump
Made me chuckle


You must be new here

you make me sick with all that cartoon cp

>8GiB ram

Why are you not using Pentium 4?

Pretty much this

Mac hate is just a bandwagon that everyone jumps on blindly for no reason other than everyone else is doing it. But the people who actually own them seem to love them.

>#imwithher discord window open
megumin is a qt tho



that looks like a really old version of puppy

is this real?

Only in our Discord AFAIK

>They didn't name it CumOS

Old distro to a old machine. It is not like coding and optimizing has improve has it?
But yeah, this is from year 2012 from what I know. I should probably look for the newer one but I like this even if it is a bit tense to use.

> running cinnamon, mutter, terminator instead of tiling, compton, alacritty
why live?