Brown eyed/brunette women are INDISPUTABLY superior to "aryans"

brown eyed/brunette women are INDISPUTABLY superior to "aryans"

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tru. this is now a brown qts thread

you mean nords

white people like hitler himseslf have dark hair

Who is this? She reminds me of MEW.

that's because it is her

can confirm

her name is !sis Cleopatra Wifes-Place

forgot to link you, phann


i want her to stick that finger up my bum


>brown eyed/brunette women are INDISPUTABLY superior to "aryans"

>says the dude from russia

how do you even know anything is true outside your media?

Why is she so perfect?

is it true that she constantly cheats on her husband?

Lel she's like a basketball

why does she wear contacts?

I prefer the dark hair+dark eyes+pale skin combo
But that's good too
I also like dark hair+light eyes

I meant black hair

I think brown eyes is boring as hell to be honest. I prefer blue, green, or anything else than brown. Not because of muh white, but because it's prettier.

I think blond hair only looks particularly good if it's complementing someone who's already attractive, most people look better dark-haired

I agree with on the eyes. One of the chief things I notice about people is their eye color, but it may be because anything but dark brown is pretty rare here. I think the most impacting ones are amber and grey, though I may find it easier to trust someone with brown or green eyes. Prejudice I suppose. I mostly overlook blue eyes unless it's a very deep shade.


Very true.

I agree that blonde hair is shit-tier but any eye colour can be beautiful 2bh.


You couldn't possibly be more wrong, leaf. Unless we are talking Asians.

nah, yeah

the true master race is brunette hair , brown eyes and white-pale skin

Brown eyes are polluted niglet eyes