Why is Sup Forums the only board more cancerous than Sup Forums?

Why is Sup Forums the only board more cancerous than Sup Forums?

I've worked in IT for 15 years, and it's such a shame that so many people in this field are arrogant, autistic, unhelpful, narcissistic, immature virginfags who get off on being a hostile cunt.

So why are all of you such hostile cunts? Seriously, it's like a phenomenon. You go to HR, it's full of bitchiness. You go to consulting, it's full of corporate double-speak. You go to IT, it's full of dick-swinging hostile cunts.

Why is this, and why do you contribute to such a shitty mentality?

Have you read /sqt/?
If you try trolling in there, everyone just politely shows you the door.


Thanks for the insight, pajeet!

thats obviously a boulder

Yup. Boulders are typically made of rock.

Sup Forums is what you get when you add brainlets + a modicum of knowledge. They suddenly get really smug and forget they're still brainlets.

This board is full of people who feel like geniuses for plugging RAM its proper slot, or following installation instructions from a wiki, or pretending to have read a meme textbook for CS undergrads. What do you expect?

Because you're incompetent and can't take criticism or a joke.

Its the way of things, car dealers are funny jokesters, bankers are full of themselves, taxi drivers usually have great stories to tell and IT people have a God complex. Nothing new

>Boulders are made of rocks
>Therefore boulders are rocks

>Humans are made of blood
>Therefore humans are blood

manlet detected

Every board on Sup Forums is Sup Forums with a slight twist. Sup Forums is Sup Forums with a slight tech twist, /fit/ is Sup Forums with a slight fitness twist, /hm/ is pretty much /fit/.

Pretty sure it's a sedimentary rock formation.


It's a glacial erratic you Creationist shithead.

He's the exception.


>Glacial erratic
Okay, you can stop niggerposting now.

He has a really pretty smile.

arrogant, yes. autistic, not sure. unhelpful, some of them do help. narcissistic, yes. immature virgins, who cares. hostile, definitely. it's hard to expect help from the people on the board but the wiki seems to be a good resource.

Let me tell you a story about my life.

When I was a little kid, I was very smart. When other babies were sticking toys down their diapers, I organized them up by size and color. How amazing I was!

Then I was the 4 grade. My favorite was to go around flapping my arms and say over and over again, "Look at me! I'm a beautiful butterfly!" The other kids would make fun of me, but my mom would say, yes you are a beautiful butterfly, so why do I need to be ashamed? Sometimes I just flapped my arm too because no why.

My teachers said I needed to go to a class for special needs students. My mom refused, she said I am special, not special needs. She saw how smart I am.

I never had a friend. In high school this made me very depressed. I try suicided very many times. But how lucky the world is I didn't suicided! Because if there was no me, I can't show world how smart I am, right? World is very lucky have to me.

To this day, I still have no friends. But now I know it's because I am too smart to relate to other people. Sometimes it makes me sad, but then I remember I am so gifted and how lucky I am.

Now I am good at programming. I am the best at it. I get to tell all the girls at the bar how good I am and tell them about the amazing algorithm I implemented at work. Sometimes they throw their drink in my face and say stop talking to me you creep, but actually they are just jealous how smart I am.

I have never met a programmer as smart as me, so I must always help other programmers be as smart as me. I am such a good guy (see you bitches women? you don't know what a good guy I am).

This is why you think I am asshole, really, you just can't see how smart I am, but deep down you know, and you are jealous. So to make yourself feel better you tell yourself, no I am just autistic, no I am just an asshole, no I just have no social skills. But the fact is I have all the skills and you have none. NONE.

>tfw this story is more true than I want to admit

>Why is Sup Forums the only board more cancerous than Sup Forums?
Was going to argue, then I re-read and understood that you're saying Sup Forums is more cancerous than Sup Forums.

The cancer in Sup Forums is second only to the cancer of Sup Forums.

Agreed, this user speaks the truth.

It's obvious OP.

If we didn't eat ass burgers for lunch every day, i we actually had social skills, if we weren't assholes, we'd actually had spent our high school years fucking like rabbits.

Instead we were bored losers, and the only stimulus we had, as all the other people rejected us, was the computers in our rooms and the internet.

Into adulthood this means the only thing we know is computers, so we gravitate to IT and software dev. fields.

We get off on being hostile cunts because it's the only way we can get other people to acknowledge us. Hostile interaction is better than the deep, empty loneliness we'd have otherwise.

OP's case in point; a melting pot of literal autism, narcissism, arrogance and a god complex.

>We get off on being hostile cunts because it's the only way we can get other people to acknowledge us.

You know, this is an interesting point. Hostility is a shortcut to discussion. If someone makes a point, and you politely suppose an alternative with your opinion, you open yourself to being diminished by them; embarrassed and forced to be on the defensive. If you're already so far on the defensive that it kinda becomes the offensive, then you've both:
a) assumed the position of 'superiority', and;
b) forced them to respond by defending their position; thus being noticed, and having your own opinion discussed.

Deep down it's a way of mitigating the loneliness and depression stemming from a lifetime of being embarrassed, rejected, bullied, humiliated and ignored. Makes a lot of sense.

>replying to pasta

You should do big boy IT
>inter connecting networks
>Fiber circuits

Sup Forums is the most cancerous board

Code for 100 years and then you may seek permission to re-ask your question.

I'm a pseudo-psychologist and I believe that the phenomenon you describe OP is mainly from the constraints that normal society has on the form of primal behavior that at root, serves the creation of a social hierarchy.

in other words, wolves will bare their teeth constantly before order is established.

because of the fleeting nature of Sup Forums threads, each new thread introduces a new hierarchy, therfore in struggle to attain alpha position, hostile behavior is the norm until the established authority proves his superiority.

societies only gain stability after the accepted order is evident to all those involved


>Why is Sup Forums the only board more cancerous than Sup Forums?
There a bunch of presumtions in this. Is Sup Forums the most cancerous board?
Is Sup Forums really more cancerous than Sup Forums?
Maybe it just looks cancerous to you because you actually have knowledge on the field AND you care about meaningful talking about it. Which rarely happens here.
I have about half of you experience but been on Sup Forums for a really long time. I just don't engage with neither shill not trolls and their posts

>If you're already so far on the defensive that it kinda becomes the offensive

makes literally zero sense lol

but theres 4 slots man!

oh fuck he has the tom cruise nose-teeth misalignment can't unsee

Sounds like you need a new job grandpa.


You're doing the very thing you're complaining about in your post; name-calling, bragging about how long you've had a job in the field... ie; "dick-swinging" and the Sup Forums-grade shitpost that isn't technology related.

Good job OP, you're everything you hate. Now please kill yourself.

falling for the bait. I'm a cross poster, anf this is the comfiest board I've ever been on
There's virtually no roasting, not a lot of trips, newfags can ask to be spoonfed and anons will actually help them, off topic shit isn't just invasions from Sup Forums and /p/ like I'm used to, what more do you want?
There's underage annoying shit on every board, just hide the threads you don't like

This rock is not round enough.

You must be a stupid person.

At the age of 2 I read at a high school level.

By the time I was 6 I could understand how to assemble a computer by myself

By age 8 I mastered BASIC and wrote my first OS

At 11 I mastered 5 more languages, and started a free lance company

At 12, as I said, I learned Perl to make my company's website

At 15 I was earning over 100000 a month, and started hiring employees to keep up with the demand for my skills

Here I sit at age, a CEO, age 18, with 20 employees and a 2m salary

So please, don't assume everyone is below the average IQ like yourself (I happen to be at 180)

I have bad news for you. That shit isn't pasta. It's OC.

You go to software development and everybody gets along and we're having loads of fun.

Yeah, why is this? - is everybody else just jealous?

You're a fuckwit. My first shit was in Ancient Greek.

IQ tests are biased toward white people. My dad's a psychologist, he said anybody can have an IQ test administered, but whites have an inherent advantage to do better because of the actual content of the tests

Sure, Pajeet.

I'm white =(
A black psychologist even developed an IQ test specifically for blacks lol
Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity, or BITCH test

How come asians get even better scores than white people?

They are even whiter

On IQ tests, they don't. On standard rote memorization tests that they can study 90 hrs a week on they do though.

>Here I sit at age, a CEO, age 18, with 20 employees and a 2m salary
>age, a CEO, age 18

Tired of being called fat nerd losers I guess. IT was a mistake

Nah, when you're so defensive about something that you turn to proactively attacking another opinion; that's offensive

Fair point

you are lying

Except humans are made of other things too dumbass