There are people who unironically buy Ryzen

>there are people who unironically buy Ryzen
>Implying you Indian teenagers need any sort of hardcore multicore processing and arent just in it for the videogames

Plus, a 7700k is literally all you need until you have to get something like a render farm, the fuck are you guys doing? Is that extra 5 seconds in blender something special?

NSA backdoor

Jokes on you I do molecular simulations, my 1700 was a big upgrade from my 990X

>in Sup Forums
GTFO of here

I heavily use the 8 cores of my 1800X when streaming on twitch.

ppff corelet please.

>implying i don't do video and audio encoding as my fucking job
why would I use anything but a fucking 1800x for that, you corelet?
how does it feel to have your brand tell you not to overclock the chip you bought to overclock because they couldn't be fucked to make a 6 core architecture and rushed out a house fire?
literal nigger

Is this going to be another AMD thing that will be hype for a year or two and then AMD will fall back into obscurity?

Oh yeah I forgot about the people who need 8 cores to get a slightly better encode for their 6 viewers.

go away intel shills

For what reason do you do molecular simulations?

>retard doesn't understand jobs
no wonder you're shilling for intel you paki nigger

>MFW these Kiketel shekelchasers have been reduced to totally evidence free shitposting

>implying you're not the shill
Why are you getting so defensive, I was just asking out of an interest as to what he's doing simulations for.

because you're a useless human who clearly has no worth in this world if you genuinely think a 7700k is better than an 8 core ryzen for anything remotely important
stay retarded intel autist

Lol, I never said it was better pajeet, how many ayyymdbux are you getting deposited for each comment?

Anyone who buys Poozen is dumb as fuck desu senpai

>buying Kelvin Lake
Hope you won't overclock.

This is what it looks like when an Intel shill is backed into a corner.

>in Sup Forums
Go back to Sup Forums shillposter

Ok sanjeep.

Try baking a lightmap on four cores.


Fucking asshole, you are the reason why we can't have nice things. The guy asked you out of curiosity you fucking autistic cum gargling STD infested faggot piece of shit.