How much caffeine do you drink a day?

How much caffeine do you drink a day?

How do you ingest it?

How do your fellow countrymen view caffeine?

i drink 4 cups of pic related a day, it's pretty good tbqh

Three cups of coffee a day on average. Coffee is a delicious meme in the states.

1-2 cups of nespresso a day

kinda watery but hey

3 cups on gym days, 2 cups otherwise
pic rel
they'll drink any swill given to them

I probably drink 10-15 mid-sized cups of coffee a day with some milk. If I stay 2-3 days without any caffeine, I wake up with a terrible migraine and nausea.

1 cup of coffee every morning.

Occasional soda/Glass of Tea a few times a day.

God bless America.

Do you ever stop peeing?
I drink about 5 cups a day and peeing all the time is the only drawback.

>Do you ever stop peeing?
I pee a lot. It's rare for me to stay more than an hour in my room without visiting the bathroom. Now that I think about it, my existence is pretty miserable...

I drink around a litre of coffee a day. Made from normal coffee machine and not mixed with any milk or cream shit. Everyone drinks coffee all the time, it's not possible to be at work or visit someone without there being a full pot of coffee waiting to be drunk.

2-5 cups a day. I should stop. I never drank coffee while at uni on purpose, and now that I'm doing my internship (which is way easier than uni actually) I started drinking for no fucking reason.

Fuck's sake. I hope I'm not addicted.

Depends of the day, but generally 2 or 3 in a day.
I smoke too.

I probably have 4-6 cups a day and feel fine.

>not mixed with any milk or cream shit
I like you mate.

No more than one cup of coffee in the morning


1 to 3 cups of expresso a day

An espresso at breakfast, an espresso after lunch and a third one in the evening.

7 cup a days. every single day.

2 cups / week

I prefer hot chocolate.

>How much caffeine do you drink a day?
1 or 2 cups of espresso with milk
>How do you ingest it?
>How do your fellow countrymen view caffeine?
A normal social drink that gives you energy

>espresso with milk
Are you gay?

Coffee is for degenerates.

Well, what is the drink of the braves, then?

oh shit i didnt knew liking cortado can change your sexual orientation

When i used to drink coffe i'd drink 2 or 3 cups a day.

Indeed. Watch what you drink bro.

Mine too.

I stopped drinking energy drinks today. Usually drink 3-4 a day.

2000mg a day

4 scoops of 5150, right babe?

they are too small for this much power.

I don't think that counts as coffee

Isn't 500mg lethal?

I take a pill for 100mg every weekday though

Approximately three cups a day. Plain coffee, without any of that sugar or milk shit in it.

I tried substituting it for green tea (which has less caffeine), but it's hard to find good quality tea, and I have to make a separate bottle for me, so I ended up going back to coffee.

Used to be 400mg ie 2 nrg + 5 coffee
Dropped to around 3 coffee + 15mg ritalin
My chest hurts constantly.

>400mg ie 2 nrg
What's that shit? can't we speak in Murican measures?

say "N R G" 3 times fast

2 cups of coffee, 1.5 pot of tea


Yeah, I was kidding, friend. I understand better Euro measures than the American ones

Serious talk now, I don't think so. A 24 oz coffee from Starbucks has about 480mg of caffeine in it.

Usually 6 to 8 cups a day. About half of them with milk and the other half just plain black coffee.

It's just strange that YOU use milligrammes. Thought it was funny. Yeah, I'm a bit stupid.

sugar is for fags

It's labeled as mg on the can, and I'm not american