Mongols: conquer most of the known world, make various empires, people, and civilization bend to the knee

>Mongols: conquer most of the known world, make various empires, people, and civilization bend to the knee

>Native Americans: cucked and subjugated by whitey

What went wrong?

No horses

>What went wrong?
Natives like yourself OP have been alcoholics since day one. They were never like how they are portrayed in the movies, they are/were even less advanced than African tribes.
Natives were always lazy shitbags who should've been killed off.

>What went wrong?
trusting in white people ("jews")

its because mongol tribes always were at war with each other so all of them knew how to fight plus horses were "tanks" of that era and middle-asian tribes were expert of them . then after temuchin uniting all these warriors they became just unstoppable.

Natives of the Americas are the shittiest scum of all, just look at the crimerates of the mestizo, literally mmuch worse than Africa. The Aztecs couldn't defeat the Spanish with 10x the size, and their fucking vassals declared for the spanish overlords lmoa. The Zulu fought much more bravely than spics

>>Mongols: conquer most of the known world
>conquered A FUCKING STEPES full of literally nothing

The Mongol empire contained 25.60% of the world's population and they killed another ~10% of the world's population themselves.

To compare, the British empire had 20% of the world's population at their height.

Educate yourself, Polish monkey.

1) Conquered China = which was the most advanced nation with the largest economy / population at that time

2) Conquered Persia and destroyed the Middle East = which at that time was more advanced than Europe. if it wasnt for the Mongols, Europe would be Muslim today

3) Defeated the Holy Roman Army and advanced as far as the gates of Vienna.

Don't forget your history, friend.
Even my substandard education mentioned a place called Legnica.

You are an ignorant sandnigger , shut the fuck up

Awesome arguments there, swampnigger.

Mongols were Khanz n shiet

>different time periods
>no united native american force
>early biological warfare
>white men lacking honor

Short answer, no ghengis khan

Who would have thought, it's a twice-conquered Poolack in denial

Native Americans had no natural enemies other than other stupid natives, so they never adapted their warfare tactics other than to defeat other indians. Mongols and other steppe peoples had millenia of warfare against other civilization that made them hone their warfare skills/technologies.

int doesn't know history or biology

>employed superior units (horseback archers) against slow, heavy European units

>native americans
>technologically inferior and completely exterminated by a plethora of Old World diseases

the irony being the predecessor to the horse developed in north america

>early biological warfare
The Mongols are usually credited with inventing biological warfare.

while horse archers were good they weren't some super unit in combat. The fact that every soldier had multiple horses he could switch to for long distance travel, and the fact that they had very advanced tactics and army organization was more important

it's a bit stupid to compare the two

Aboriginal Americans started arriving roughly 15,000 years ago, and kept arriving in new waves until roughly 3,000 years ago, and they spread all the way from Greenland to Tierre del Fuego. There's huge variety, including in genetics, with different aboriginals having completely different origins in Asia. Even within small geographical extents, there were huge differences between different peoples, for example the Iroquoian peoples were very different from the Algonquian peoples in the same area.

Though in all areas they had shitty military technology, whereas the Mongols had God-tier military technology at the time (i.e. horse archery with recurve bows), which in the end was one of the biggest factors. Why this is the case, I don't know, but if I had to guess I'd say the Mongols had much more difficult challenges to overcome and therefore were forced to git gud, lest they die off.

There was a species of horse in America that the injuns hunted to extinction.

yes where are the proofs?

In a pre-gunpowder world, a nomad society would have an advantage over an agricultural society due to the nomadic life being more militarized while standing armies were very expensive, nomads don't have to pay their soldiers/tribesmen anything other than sharing loot and special privileges for exceptional warriors.


Itt, knowing nothing about the mongols

The mongols believed they were being oppressed by themselves and their neighbors

the mongol conquest came from the idea of one man, gengis believed he was the rightful ruler of all mongol people like his father but somehow his father did not have feudal power over other tribes thus the need to unify through force

horse although helpful had little to do with their need for unification

once unified they took advantage of the ease of access and wrecked the whole landscape incorporation non-mongol people or destroying them but as soon as disloyalty arose and empire was done

horses was just a tool but not critical


The Mongols were simply a force of change against relatively complacent cultures. Once that kind of force gets going it's very hard to make it stop even if it's just a bunch of clueless peasants with torches and pitchforks, and the Mongols had the peculiarity of being MORE organized and technologically advanced than many of the peoples they conquered.

>read about history
>realize that the mongols are literally a plague that set back 300 years any part of the world they conquer

I think people are ok with Mongolians because they are irrelevant and not muslims

They literally made reverse-eugenics to Arabs in Siege of Baghdad, killing their brightest while letting useless ones outside of Baghdad live. It wasn't muricans, romans, turks or anglos who fucked up Arabs, it was mongolians.

>The Grand Library of Baghdad, containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Survivors said that the waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river and red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.

Lot of bullshit in this thread. The natives were beaten because...

>massive technological disadvantage
>massively outnumbered not long after colonization began
>less sophisticated political and economic practices meant they were less capable of organized resistance
>divided into countless small tribal groups, Europeans often played native tribes off against each other, divide and conquer

Idk why people are so amazed desu, the natives mounted a far more impressive resistance than Africans did. Euros landed in the early 1500s didn't fully control America until the late 1800s. Euros began earnest colonization of Africa in the mid 1800s and had complete control of the continent by the end of the century.

The Mongols also had regular contact with the Chinese, one of the most advanced societies of the era. Natives were totally isolated.

>since day one
its's been like this since you started taking the native children population to brainwash them into christianity and that our culture is wrong.
once a kid would be able to leave a residential school, there'd be nowhere for them to go.
>can't go home because he wouldn't know his language
>bad english(or french depending where)
>no experiences other than living with catholic/christian rapist pedophiles for whole childhood and adolescents
don't be giving me that "oh you guys were week" bullshit meme like you always do. When multiple people hold you up at gunpoint to take your children away, what the fuck are you supposed to do?
finally ended just a couple decades ago when the poverty you gave us was at its peak

you guys did this for generations for all tribes till you destroyed our culture.

all in the name of jesus fucking christ


and this
I have to agree to

it's actually not that bad of a comparison

the tribes the NA settlers came into contact with are now believed to be latter-day settlers, who essentially conquered preexisting societies (like the Hopewell, Mississippian cultures)

Mongols were simply better


>that the injuns hunted to extinction.
they actually were driven extinct due to climate change after the last major ice age

Metis were the best. Basically the boers of north America
