Post uptime. no lincucks allowed

post uptime. no lincucks allowed.

Screenshot using remote control 'cause i'm not at home at the moment

what do you use for remote access?

>System Uptime: 01:16:16

It doesn't get very high since I started dual booting.

Chrome remote desktop
Works out of the box, doesn't use much connection and it's not blocked by university firewall

It feels much better now it's displaying 60fps

Too bad, I'm entering either way, homie.


Post boipucci.

Jesus Christ that color scheme. Kys

>using an OS that literally owns everything you do on it
>calling linux users cucks


im a girl (。>﹏

First I was getting Solarized Dark hate, now I'm getting Infernus Dark hate?
Oh well, have more Solarized Dark. :~]

Also how in the heck do I change the darned .text-area to the font I want? Seems like it's just refusing to, even with !important, no other rules overriding.

Thank to you I'm blind now

Tits or gtfo.

Posting anyway. Deal with it, winfag.

20d 20h 6m 5sec
Win 10

>retarded gayman uses Winshit no-privacy OS
neck yourself, cuck.

Looks like total shit, bloody shit.

20d 20h 6m 6s
Uptimelet pls go

I'm now up for longer than that.

So am I. You literally cannot surpass me, quit trying.


It's a shame your eyes have wrong opinions. Not my problem, however


If the offset between your message and mine is 94 seconds, even giving you that one second, you're still 93 second me behind forever.