There are people on this board right now who don't know how to code

>there are people on this board right now who don't know how to code.
Fuck off

i... uh... echo hello world!

>there are people who think knowing fizzbuzz and hello world is knowing how to program

>prideful code monkey
lol just lol

Sorry friend
I'm just here for that one mouse recommendation pic

What bugs me about coding is that it's not abstract enough. "Programming language" Is apt; there's a pretty substantial vocabulary and syntax to learn. I'd hoped that by 2017 we could move past that toward more natural langauge processing.

>There are people on this board right now who use code as a verb

fuck of koders

I'm currently learning how to code, but what should you even focus on to make a living as a freelancer? Webdev shit? And no, I don't live in the US so I'm not going to be replaced by Indians

>code monkey
>not sysadmin/network admin


I did scratch once in a mandatory College class and the teacher said I programmed better than the CS majors, lol

A database, a web front end and maybe your mobile app platform of choice.

Of course you did

You should do some koding like OP to automate shit.

Also this. Came here to say this.

>tfw doing both programming and sysadmin
It's very enjoyable

I work as a software developer and can code in java, c#, ruby, php and javascript.

The rest of you can fuck off :)

learn all you can about 1 platform and all the frameworks that are used for it.

Here's your (You)

You mean scripting?

I can program in ladder logic and structured text for PLCs, but that's it.

One of my teachers at uni lent me a book on generative art and Processing, does that count?
I know HTML/CSS shit but i know that's not programming.

That's what I said, koding.

Jonathan's website
Made with Notepad.exe!

Is this good enough to get me a job in SV at a startup?

suing std;
cout>>'hello world';

i come here for the gpu/cpu sperg threads

Well yeah, this board is for technology, not just programming. /prog/ died years ago.

There are people on this board right now, you're probably one of them, that don't even own a multimeter or even know how to use one, literally the hello world of electronics.

>writing code is the only thing im good at

programmers are all fucking loser nerds who got into computers because it lets them exert dominance over something in their life, namely a overengineered dumb adding machine.

>sysadmin that can't code
lol enjoy your job being automated by us devops derps

better get off your overengineered dumb adding machine and play with sticks faggot

make me

sudo shut the fuck up

write a function that retuns the sum of all prime numbers over two mil in sublinear time
ill wait

I'm here for chinese shopping

I'm just here for the dank memes and the slick desktop breads, famalamzoid

I took a koding bootcamp, can I stay on this cool alternative culture forum?

>cd /etc/
>sudo nano

i know some things but i hate coding.


Lol, retard, you've never met any actual programmers. Get out of your stinky basement once it in a while.

>be me, sysadmin
>only know a lick of PHP
>code monkeys get paid pennies
>just sit around staring at racks
>still making bank

I did CS for a year in college before realizing it's boring as fuck and stopping.

Make me leave.

pls no bully, I'm a recovering gamer trying to make something of my life

>suing std

Not an interesting problem.

>running an editor as superuser
for what purpose?

does javascript count?

HTML counts....right?

Is China Italy?
No scripting is for dang homos

go to heck then you fricking NERD


nice frog pic, nu shit

No you dang knucklehead homo it is a markup language.

I prefer to design over coding. My school teach me like nine languages (c, c#, c++, Java, mysql, sql, pascal, cobol, html, css, visual basic and php) but didn't put attention into that and now barely remember something asides html. Today I work by own designing programs who others can't do, and sometimes my ex classmates call me to work with them and put my magic design over their shittier design taste.

And yet you're still a virgin

The last /networking/ thread came to a conclusion that networking is regarded as a blue collar job and derided by anyone in development.

Oh (You).

>not using CSS like a sane person in 2017


Meme harder.

"Anonymous 05/07/17(Sun)21:59:55" is not even in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

I came here to jerk off over my expensive purchases, and you can't stop me.

>pick up a Introduction to [LANGUAGE] book
>it assumes the knowledge of some basic programming concepts, in particular variables and assignment, control structures, functions and parameters, recursion, streams and files, and basic data structures.
>there are entire books dedicated to each concept

I guess "Hello World" is as far as I'm getting.

Memed my way from a $60k sysadmin job to a $140k devops job at a big saas company.

Medical student here.

I'm fine doing something that actually contributes to society :^)

Good for you. Not everyone has the courage to study a trade.

Have fun taking shit from neets and poor people who think they know better

oh nice, another future """doctor""" that googles symptoms

>he wastes his whole life in front of a computer
he can't even program

might as well go to Sup Forums

>print("Hello World")

I/O isn't koding.


its R lel

I/O as in input/output.

Lol, now what did he possibly mean by this.

All algorithms take input, process it, and produce output.

So tell me, what input does the "algorithm" in take? What "processing" does it do?

>being this retardo

>There are people on this board right now

This has got to be the worst attempt at damage control I've ever seen in my life.

   I think that's the point 

You mean that&s

Did I strike a nerve ;)?
