Let's see what kind of linux user you are!

Let's see what kind of linux user you are!

This prints your top 20 most common shell commands:
cat .bash_history | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20

mustard gas

$ cat .bash_history | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
cat: .bash_history: No such file or directory

try history | cut -d ' ' -f4 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20

I'm not a waifufag or anything but I was seriously crushing on, like, every girl in that show.

281 nano
280 ls
237 clear
183 make
167 sudo
99 cd
77 git
57 for
56 man
43 exit
32 cat
27 history
26 aptitude
25 gcc
22 screenfetch
22 hime
20 rm
18 ./img.sh
18 feh
18 dpkg

who is this qt p2t

but it lowkey overwrites your root with /dev/null

'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Don't do this

Aoba from New Game.


290 ls
280 cd..
240 cd
100 pwd

422 ffmpeg
246 sudo
67 dmesg
42 ssh
30 wkhtmltopdf
26 lsusb
15 cd
14 for
9 xrandr
9 convert
8 mpv
8 htop
7 man
7 ls
6 padsp
6 ip
6 gwenview
6 cat
5 glxgears
5 chown

cd ..
cd code

175 sudo
127 ls
77 cd
33 xrandr
33 man
24 apt
23 ranger
22 cat
19 lsblk
18 startx
17 su
17 htop
16 clear
13 ssh
13 amixer
10 whois
10 ./demonsaw
9 mount
8 vim
8 du

480 sudo
268 ls
186 cd
123 clear
93 cat
82 man
59 assemble
40 ~/Desktop/scripts/CPUcontrol.bash
33 ping
29 whereis
27 vim
27 ./count
24 ifconfig
23 ps
22 clear;
21 for
21 echo
16 mv
13 rm
12 screenfetch

is this a virus?


150 sudo
51 man
49 apt
38 cd
36 ls
35 exit
29 weechat
27 cat
24 apt-cache
16 while
15 adb
9 scrot
8 wget
8 vim
7 grep
6 ps
6 mlucas
6 beet
5 ssh

You should learn how to use vim

Why not learn LaTeX? Also you seem like a ricer.

tiling window manager user detected

Are you a programmer? Does that 'assemble' command build asm code?

'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

89 sudo
16 ls
14 cd
12 reboot
11 pacman
10 nano
7 subl
7 exit
6 ip
5 yaourt
3 lspci
2 xprop
2 unzip
2 thunar
2 startx
2 mv
2 dkms
2 dd
1 umount


it's a script that I made that basically links and assembles x86 assembly code

>mfw first is date with 115 occurrances
This is what happens when you remove clocks from your desktop.

I delete duplicates on every reboot.

119 ls
102 ocamlbuild
79 make
56 vim
42 sudo
36 opam
35 cd
33 make
30 dnf
22 mv
19 less
12 ccomp
6 tree
6 tar
5 top
5 rm
3 ln
3 man
2 coqide
2 frama-c-gui

Are you me? I did something like that too.

nasm -f elf32 "$1.asm"
ld -m elf_i386 -o $1 "$1.o"

it's really simple, just to make things a bit faster
fin=$(echo $1 | cut -f 1 -d '.')

nasm -f elf $1
ld -m elf_i386 -s -o $fin $fin.o
chmod u+x "./${fin}"
rm $fin.o
exit 0

>This prints your top 20 most common shell commands:
No it does not, filthy anime posting liar.

Put the time into your command prompt and I hope you are able to remember the day and date.

how is the koding going?

Ricer? What makes you think that?

I just needed a way to share saved threads in a postable form which were too big for an image.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

- use sh instead of bash
- always quote variables
- the exit 0 is retarded, remove it

123 cls
47 nodemon
42 screenfetch
33 node
26 cd
24 git
18 sudo
15 ssh-add
12 npm
11 systemctl
11 man
10 mongo
10 locate
9 ll
7 mkdir
7 history
6 wine
5 pacman
5 mongod
5 dm-tool

155 sudo
96 ls
51 yaourt
43 cd
24 matlab
15 uname
14 journalctl
10 ffmpeg
8 vim
7 rm
7 mv
6 ping
6 cp
6 cat
5 uptime
5 df
4 htop
4 ffprobe
4 chmod
3 which

try ~/.bash_history

Hl Ron!

It would be ``Hi, Ron.'' if that was my name. Ron stands for ``Read Only Node''.

HISTTIMEFORMAT= history|awk '{c[$2]++;n++;}END{for(a in c)print c[a]" "c[a]/n*100"% "a;}'|column -s\ -t|sort -nr|nl|head -20

Actually interesting thread OP.

40 cd
16 echo
13 sudo
13 ls
12 top
7 vi
6 sensors
6 killall
5 xset
5 cp
5 cat
4 mount
4 history|grep
4 apt-get
4 agi
3 ssh
3 for
3 dpkg
3 chmod
3 acs

man cd

62 ls
42 cd
9 ll
8 cat
7 exit
6 shutdown
5 apt-get
4 wget
4 less
3 w

yep, orange pi

28891 make
7305 sudo
6279 git
5341 ncmpcpp
4428 cat
4253 cargo
3725 ./a.out
3685 ./vm/vm
3211 vim
3152 ls
3145 bklg
2830 time
2752 man
2554 curl
2479 ./vasm/vasm
2318 clear
2233 cd
2202 ssh
1314 ./vasm
1274 mpv

I don't know, I think something went wrong here (it's from .zsh_history). I certainly don't think I've typed cargo 4253 times.
And some things are higher than they should be.

421 git
94 cd
91 ssh
49 gitk
47 vim
46 v
31 su
29 adb
26 tmux
20 ps
16 kill
10 rm
10 ping
8 ip
7 screen
6 svn
6 scp
6 less
4 vi

124 sudo
56 pacman
52 exit
46 neofetch
29 ./lain
24 cmus
16 tmux
16 cp
14 mv
12 nano
11 clockywock
9 ./chancli
8 touch
8 catimg
5 htop
5 clear
5 cd
4 xbindkeys
4 ./spectrum
4 pkill

brand new install so it's mostly just fuckery at this point

not very indicative of anything

>cat .bash_history
>cat: .bash_history: No such file or directory
do you even know how to use a terminal?
you still have more practice to do

cat: /home/user/.bash_history: No such file or directory

underrated post

73 sudo
63 cd
26 ls
25 pstree
22 convert
20 killall
19 yaourt
19 ./runanki
18 git
18 echo
16 lsblk
12 zsh
11 vim
9 screenfetch
9 aft-mtp-mount
8 reboot
8 dofus
7 chsh
6 pip
6 make

>everyone having screenfetch as one of their top commands

kek, really makes you think

>not having no dupes on

Ya ok kid.

Ctrl+l you fucking retards

Because TeX is autism.

Never use sh over bash. Are you a tardo?

shopt -s autocd

You're welcome homo.

>hurr bash is the only shell

/bin/rm: cannot remove `run/user/gvfs/1000`: Device or resource busy
/bin/rm: cannot remove `run/shm`: Device or resource busy
/bin/rm: cannot remove `run/lock`: Device or resource busy
steve@ublaptop:~$ ls
bash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory
now nothing is working.

940 brew
665 vi
486 cd
479 rm
415 mpv
397 ls
334 curl
295 dig
250 scp
196 convert
174 git
167 mv
162 man
153 ssh
148 sudo
148 echo
105 openssl
100 time
99 wine
89 wget

I have no idea why dig is that high

just type in history ffs

cat ~/.zsh_history | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
1139 :
3 \
1 don't


>1940 sudo
>487 screenfetch


Lmao, you only use this system for ricing, right?

81 javac
62 java
56 ls
46 clear
42 cd
36 git
26 sudo
15 vim
8 rails
8 javadoc
8 heroku
7 rvm
7 htop
6 yaourt
6 rm
5 thunar
5 ruby
5 mkdir
5 man
5 lxappearance

user0@primary:~$ cat .bash_history | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
82 cargo
49 cd
34 rdmd
33 ls
31 sudo
25 vim
22 ldc2
18 ./main
17 rustc
15 rustup
13 cat
11 gcc
10 time
9 redpill
9 cc
8 which
8 ./a.out
7 mv
6 mkdir
4 man

user0@primary:~$ redpill do you know what this does?
(((do))) (((you))) (((know))) (((what))) (((this))) (((does?)))

$ cat .bash_history | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
344 ssh
229 nc
136 nslookup
117 cat
116 ls
116 cd
98 ping
84 sudo
83 echo
61 wget
55 locate
47 ./vanitygen
35 pnscan
29 strings
27 sh
23 nano
21 killall
20 ps
19 crc32
18 sync

What are the most useful commands? I'm new to Linux and I'm using Fedora.

Im able to use my computer fine. Im just not using the terminal for the good stuff

>what are the most useful commands
The right tool for whatever it is you're trying to do?

>What are the most useful commands?

sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root

it makes your pc a tad bit faster. it deletes all unused directories / bloat so you could expend less ram and cpu in inactive shit

me using fedora

Kill yourself faggot

Use a computer from day to day


472 make
444 ./pv112
162 cd
146 git
97 vim
55 ls
54 mpv
36 skola
34 gdb
28 r2
28 gcc
28 cmake
27 fg
26 man
23 tmux
23 sudo
19 ./a.out
18 ncmpcpp
17 ssh
16 weechat

1198 git
1132 sudo
475 l
394 cd
290 machinectl
251 vcsh
240 vim
203 bspc
196 man
191 pass
168 systemctl
144 ls
119 cat
118 apt
79 ranger
69 rm
64 less
57 mr
48 compton

lay it to me straight doc

420 git
222 cd
180 sudo
147 make
108 ./a1
89 ls
55 exit
35 ./a2
21 bin/rails
17 source
17 bash
15 python3
14 ssh
14 nano
14 heroku
13 sh
12 scp
12 pip3
12 deactivate
11 jupyter

93 git
79 cd
59 docker
47 ls
44 cat
38 docker-compose
37 curl
36 trash
36 ssh
31 npm
22 vim
21 brew
19 mv
15 mkdir
14 cp
13 pbcopy
13 nosetests
13 go
12 touch
12 head


128 ls
94 vim
65 cd
58 ./score.sh
28 make
20 ./test.sh
18 feh
17 cp
11 git
10 rm
9 ./evallm
6 cat
4 wifi
4 shutdown
4 firefox
4 echo
3 score
3 ./eval.sh
2 ./text2idngram
2 mkdir

maybe for converting shitty gifs to webm

Was expecting this epic copy-pasta xDDD

>posting the result command unironically
you like to get traced don't you?


muh OOP and portability

cut -d ' ' -f1

cut -d ';' -f2

Fucking illiterate winbaby.
Looks like i'm a faggot lmao.
222 ls
71 cd ..
51 cd
49 make
43 cd Build
40 sudo dnf update
36 mc
24 sudo dnf upgrade
24 ./configure
23 htop
22 cmake ..
20 sudo make install
16 ssh
15 l
15 cd Videos
14 exit
13 tmux
12 nano .zshrc
12 cd build
11 clear

Except that's entirely wrong and counts/lists entire commands instead of just utilities

kill yourself

67 ls
64 git
61 cd
59 exit
49 vim
23 clear
13 cp
13 apt-cyg
11 curl
11 ./ssh-shambles.sh
10 rm
10 man
10 echo
9 sl
8 ./setup-shambles.sh
7 mkdir
5 wget
5 ssh
5 matlab
5 dir

I'm not even linux user but unix enviroment is very comfy if you're developing something.

Looks like your computer is fucked. Russians are hacking your computer right now...

Okay okay
cat .zsh_history | cut -d ';' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20

707 sudo
383 cd
229 ls
120 git
81 nano
69 make
64 ./flower
53 ssh
40 rm
37 mc
35 cmake
31 ./configure
27 cat
26 emacs
23 htop
22 aria2c
20 mpv
19 free
18 mkdir
18 man

Feel better now?
Thank u.
>kill yourself
I adopted emacs -nw recently. Btw, i can't use neither vim or emacs on openwrt so it's only viable choice for ultra-minimalist environment fuck off.

335 ls
260 gcc
238 cd
160 vim
142 sudo
142 clear
78 ./a.out
51 touch
37 ./sums
27 rm
25 uname
25 mkdir
24 redshift
24 ./palindrome
22 htop
21 ./lan
20 screenfetch
19 ./mastermind
14 rpn
13 ./reverseArgs



haha what a fag

>i can't use neither vim or emacs on openwrt
bullshit. vim.tiny runs fine on it.

96 ls
51 ed
43 cd
24 cc
15 ps
14 awk
10 diff
8 tar
7 rm
7 mv
6 su
6 cp
6 cat
5 chmod
5 df
4 man
4 cmp
4 chown
3 finger


This doesn't work for commands you have to sudo to use, assuming you don't run as root 24/7. For that reason I have 885 sudo in my history and a smattering of navigational commands.

Learning C, user?

1 00101111
1 1800/83
1 1800:83
194 apt-get
184 proxychains
1 83*12
159 cd
151 /etc/init.d/tor
120 aptitude
117 apt-cache
105 ls
56 exit
51 neofetch
47 cmatrix
46 tyls
46 curl
43 sqlmap
38 figlet
35 fuck
32 apt

>not starting with a clean history for every session


Sad, use CTRL+l