"156 gb on C: remain"

>"156 gb on C: remain"
>delete 6 hours of video
>"176 gb on C: remain"

How the fuck do i clean my drive? I need top tips for things thats dragging me down i dont know about.

Other urls found in this thread:


i use my dishwasher but some idiots here will tell you to wash it by hand. that's really not necessary. the label says not machine washable but i've done it about 5 times and seen no adverse impact

Just install gentoo


Why would you ever bother when there are 10TB drives?

If you delete your temp files and Internet Explorer cache you can free 1-2tb

If you know what you've been putting onto your computer, it should be easy. For me, the biggest things tend to be videos, games, and miscellaneous downloads.

>go into downloads folder
>delete everything
>go into program files (more importantly the x86 folder) and look at the file size of each subdirectory
>if I see subdirectories taking fat data that I don't want, I uninstall those old programs
>go into add/remove programs utility in control panel
>just uninstall old garbage
>go into my porn folder
>delete the porn vids of only the ugly girls
>go into steam
>uninstall HIPSTER GAME #2081 that I haven't played for more than 20 minutes

I don't know about you OP, but that's how I do it.


Im deleting 6 hours of video, do i seem like the type of person who can afford 10 TB?

Completely forgot about the downloads folder, thanks for reminding me.

You should also consider what this guy said. For all you know, there could be a huge chunk of memory being taken up because of some old temp files that were never flushed.

Over write it?

We can let this thread die now, question answered.


use treesize

It won't die until every user with an opinion has had his say.

Use Disk Cleanup to remove old Windows Update files and restore points (need to click Clean Up System Files to see these options). Windows 7 never deletes any old versions of updated files unless you do this.

Also if you have 16gb of RAM or more, you probably want to decrease the size of your page file.

>right click on disk in explorer
>clean disk

Delete Windows backups.

I came here to post this

>ugly program
cant you just sort files on everything?

Theres a program called "win stat disk" or something that breaks all your directories on you disk into sizes and percents so its easy to view whats eating alot of space.

CCleaner. That should free up a bit the first time you run it.

same feature but not looks ugly

If you use a image organizer, like acdsee for exmaple, remember to check database size from time to time. You dont realize but little by little it's growing in size and occupying more and more gb.

It's Windirstat, and has been named above already.

>t. ungrateful little shit

>specular highlights are ugly because all shit must be fucking flat and more than 3 colors (including black and white) reeeeeeeeeee

>and more than 3 colors
*NO more than 3 colors

c: is for OS.
Never save stuff on c:
If you can only afford one hard drive, then make 2 partitions: c: for OS. d: for data.
Then you can completely re-image c: when it is fubar and know that your data is safe on d:.

why the fuck has no one suggested SpaceSniffer?

Run it, click the biggest box, that's not System related... delete shit you don't need

Why are you even storing anything on C: anyway? It'll only take one shitty windows crash before you have to try and recover it before a fresh install.
I keep all my files on separate partitions after going through that once.

Just move all the shit you don't need at the moment, or even all the shit that doesn't require quick speeds to access, over to your tertiary drive or home server.

Put ccleaner in a ram drive.

Delete your porn

>60k files

Tfw my doujin archive is around 300gb big or more
I know I should delete some but I have this nagging feeling " what if someone wants a doujin and can't find it?"

I'm like a hoarder for fucking degeneracy

>tfw a little over 86k files just in my ''pictures'' folder and can be bothered to post a reaction pic

>tfw my folder is ~700GB

get windirstat
run disk cleanup
delete system32


Delete everything inside. No, I'm not trolling, these are old Windows update installation files that have already been installed. I do this all the time on my own Windows machines, Windows VMs at work, etc.

Windows does this automatically after a couple of weeks

Delete all your porn

I move everything important to my nas and wipe the installation

If you've been using the same installation for years, there's probably a lot of old temporary data cached inside your user folders. Windows' own built-in disk cleaning utility can clean this up for you. Beyond that, you can look for folders like C:\Intel or C:\Nvidia containing temporary installation files for drivers from respective company that is never cleaned up after the drivers have been installed.