Why do people make these stupid distros?

Why do people make these stupid distros?

For every original and successful distro, there are a million spinoffs and shit that are the same thing but with more bugs and other problems. Why can't the people who make these distros just contribute to the existing distros to make them better instead of making some half-assed niche distro that will be dead in a year?

Do you think any of the more popular spinoffs will die soon? Like Elementary or Manjaro?

Apricity never had a real community behind it.
Also NO, other popular distros won't die.


Any distro with a significant userbase won't die. Elementary and Manjaro both have significant userbase, as does Solus. Even though they're somewhat small, they aren't going anywhere. Which is fine, because if they have userbases it means they're doing something well/different.

Distro concept is mostly deprecated. Neckbeards just haven't heard the shot yet.

Really? The most used server OS family, the thing powering the big majority of the Internet, is dead? Wow, you should tell someone!

He said distro concept, not Linux, you gibbering mong

I'm new to Linux, and I've decided to go for Mageia after the only complaint about it on DistroWatch is that people expect it to die. So I want to save it, but if you're predicting the death of a distro, that's the one to circle around, you fucking vulture.

>Distro concept is mostly deprecated.
and replaced with...?

On Sup Forums everything is on suicide watch, no matter how popular.

He also said most used server os, that's Microsoft Windows


Still a distro. Next!

>and replaced with...?
one size fits all systemd/freedesktop

It just werks minimalism and choice

That's Manjaro.

There's a million spinoffs because installing software for different desktop environments is time consuming (replacing your gnome applications with KDE applications) , buggy (old and conflicting config files littered everywhere), and has ugly defaults (e.g. cinnamon). Until all desktop software is containerized, this will continue to be a problem.

people making these shitty distros that are based on other distros have nothing to contribute because making a distro like that does not require any coding skills. im sure that there are gui programs that you can use for distro making now.

I haven't heard about that one in a long time, I thought it was already dead.

A distro is basically whatever default package manager and software come with the kernel. You could install Linux From Scratch, choose a package manager and software repository manually, and bam you have a "distro".

>Why do people make these stupid distros?
Freedom. Freedom to do whatever they like and not be a fucking slave to other people whimsical whims.
>Also it is a good way to learn.

A healthy Linux standard kernel, a sane file structure (see gobolinux), plus cross-distribution packaged software for the enduser(s) (see appimages). No need for anything else.
Distros are useless neckbeard tribalism.

And nothing of value was lost.
You don't want to use straight Arch, use Manjaro. You don't want to waste time installing and you are not a faggot use Antergos/Arch Anywhere

Well it's not as if there's going to be a one size fits all Linux that everyone uses.

No need to, If you insist on using distro specific thingies like apt, yaourt or whatever install them yourself.

Yeah at a certain point the only difference between 99% of distros is what comes preinstalled on it. You can make your own install image and based on Debian or Red Hat or whatever, or you can use one made my curators.