There's no reason to buy an iMac or console anymore

There's no reason to buy an iMac or console anymore.

>RAM is $5/GB
>Hard Drive space is $40/TB
>Decent processors are $125
>MicroATX cases are $20

PC gaming isn't an expensive hobby.

>no gpu

ok enjoy playing minecraft on that $200 pc.

60Hz+ 1080p ultra capable GPUs are $250 or less.

so now your pc is $450, which is the same realm as a console.

good job your thread is retarded.

Yep, similar price to a console with better performance and much more capability.

Lies and faggotry

everything besides the gpu I would need if I was gaming or not, gaming just costs me 200-300$ every 4 or so years

iMac and a console require no setup though, which is an important factor for generation ADHD

Just take a look at the web browser on the PS4 or Xbone. Much less capable than a full desktop browser, and you can't replace it with something like Chrome. Consoles are inherently less capable than desktops because they are designed to be used for media and gaming, and everything else is an afterthought.

>RAM is $5/GB

It's actually more like $12 - $15 / GB

8th post, best post.

Huh? You can get the good shit for $50/8GB stick.

wow what a stupid thing to say

Can't refute it huh?

buy a optiplex on CL for $50, pop in a recent GPU, maybe a new PSU and tadaa you now have vidyo gams.

But I can buy a $150 laptop and play all of the games I like. New video games are shit and they're all online anyways. I have a $900 mid range gaming rig and I installed Debian on it because Windows is terrible. Now I just keep an XP VM for muh games.

>which is the same realm as a super locked down DRMed jailed TIVOed gimped "PC".

Fixed. Console tyranny is never worth it.

I can't play Persona and Neptune on PC.

Is this bait?


>There's no reason to buy an iMac
Keeping my desktop in my monitor means I don't take up any additional space by having a server

>t. mactoddler

>look mom I posted it again


You can get R9 290s for 100 € nowadays, 290 is on par with a RX 480.

Pair this with a 100 € i5-2/3000 bundle, 8 GB RAM, a 120 GB SSD and a Corsair Vengeance PSU and you got a console killer.