Faster than chrome and werking as chrome

>faster than chrome and werking as chrome
>integrated addblock to block juden 4chin adds and YOU WON A WAIFU DOWNLOAD OUR FREE WAIFU APP shits
>just 100k downloads

Why aren't you using the only way to web browse on android Sup Forums?

>inb4 botnet
>on android
>on fucking android

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is Floens' Clover

I don't use an Android phone
>inb4 iFag
mine is Ubuntu Touch

SJW team/attitude

>Ubuntu Touch

That is why you don't have any friends and your mom will celebrate your suicide

I use firefox because of sync and uBlockO.

It used to crash all time, is it actually stable now?

You're still shilling this garbage, OP?

I will flash Lineage on it, now that Canonical has killed the project.

ShareLatex is not a browser.

i used it on android but not on PC because no extension support yet

don't fall head over heels for brave though, i don't trust them that much i just use it on android because i barely even touch my android

You want people to download something? Watch this.
>fuck this dev, they support drumpf

the developer of brave was kicked out of firefox because he made a donation to an anti gay organization a few years before

So he is still in the closet?

Iridium is better.

They just added extension support its not much but its getting there

Just downloaded it, works just like chrome but it isn't, with adblock. Thanks OP

We are talking about android, for PC you have opera and vivaldi as chrome replacements

It's led by Brenden Eich - victim 0 for SJW outrage in tech.

Nothing SJW about this.

Good, I hate trump.

And firefox/nightly

Bookmark sync when

>doesn't play webms
>no ad collepsing
Otherwise better than stock android Chrome.

>doesn't play webms
But it does
>no ad collepsing
It does

What fucking version are you suing

Any of you Sup Forumsuys do development on Brave? It's open source

I just jumped to it, fucking awesome


I want a waifu. Guess I gotta use Chrome then.

does it give you notifications on new messages on Sup Forums with the Sup Forums addon?

if not i'm not using it

But you don't actually won it, its a scam, instead of a waifu you get lewd daiz pics

I use it on my desktop and my phone. It still needs a few QoL improvements like better navigation for bookmarks, and bookmark folders. Could use a bit more 'performance' in 4k streaming too.

i heard you can make mad money from viewing ads on this thing
so how boxes of pocky sticks will it buy me each year?

Reminder to report and sage all shill Brave threads

It's literally adware. Replaces legit ads with their own injected into the page you are viewing. Robs the publishers of revenue and cheats the user by promising to block ads without mentioning they will replace them with their own.

I have looked through it before... I wanted to see how they were doing their stuff because I have a similar project and realized the client side scripts that handle the tabs and webview frames are so convoluted..

I'm not sure, maybe it's just me and my preference for vanilla js which makes me see it as a mess.

Either way, maybe it's due to this development path that they are having trouble implementing user scripts support which is a feature people have been requesting.

Implementing user scripts was one of the main features I was going for on mine and I had no trouble implementing it due to the simplicity of the code. It leaves me wondering, is the complexity behind braves development style really necessary? Using all those libraries and refrencing them all over the place with require('..\..\..\module\thing-i-want-to-use.js) etc

wow i want some lewd daiz pics. sign me up!

How fucking retarded can you be?

I've explored their project and what you are referencing is an option that is disabled by default.

iirc, if someone wanted to support the project, they could enable this functionality you pointed out.

Might be desktop only, on android is not even a option
I'm using it for months and I have yet to see a fucking add, even cheeky porn sites are addless

>replace a botnet with an even slower botnet

Thanks for the info. Downloaded. Will use.

I only used the desktop version on windows

>no add-on support past the adblocker and maybe a couple of password managers
Pre-alpha software.

>the developer

He is the co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox

What's your excuse Sup Forums?

Already use it on both desktop and mobile



Literally the only think worth a fuck is the VPN


Kill yourself my man, and take your closed source shitfest with you

Using it right now

lol wait why would you use firefox on desktop?

I like Lightning because of how easy it is to switch tabs or bookmarks

Arent the devs Zandronumpftards?


>new as fuck
>use anime reaction memes
never fails

>makes a post revealing his low IQ

I don't understand what you mean.

But here are some of the devs.

Android too?

Actually moved to brave last week, it's pretty comfy



How's the RAM usage? Does it have vertical tabs? Can it use Chrome extensions? These are a must for me.

>not moving to sailfish preemptively to avoid the steaming pile of shit that magenta will be

Used Link Bubble. It's by the same developer. Kinda like a compact version of Brave. Definitely would recommend.

>no left/right swipe for tabs and bookmarks

Why do these chrome copycats get the UI so fucking wrong

That is literally their business model though.

nigga we are talking about android, unlike it desktop already have "proper" chromium flavors

You like to use a 2015 browser?
You must hate your phone data safety


>"written from scratch but not really"
>default features are turned off, last I checked saving an image is impossible
>already bloated yet feature-less
>claims to be privacy respecting yet the upstream isn;t entirely free as in GNU FOSS
>terrible ad-revenue native injection
>ever falling for the new 'n' hip meme

I might try it on my phone because Firefox mobile is a broken sack of shit, but no Chrom* based browser has the addons I want for desktop use.

Addon list is robust and doesn't have the Google police removing all the good shit. UI has greater flexibility. Has automatic history removal.

Because clover

It's shit. I'm not going to bother to sign my extensions using a command line like a fucking neckbeard luddite. Fuck off, cuckzilla. Either make your own store or give it up to Opera.

their logo looks too much like ING

>saving an image is impossible
>terrible ad-revenue native injection

It can't clear all open tabs on exit. Unacceptable.

>he needs an adblocker
>not having his own dns that blocks adsources

This. What the fuck, all I want is a browser that just werks without doing esoteric command line shit only the most Stallman-shilling faggot nerds are accustomed to do.

And I'm not that tech retarded, now imagine how a normie will react when they see all the hoops they have to go thru to install a single extension, they will be fucking horrified.

It's pretty good mate, just looks like shit.

How does this compare to Vivaldi?

>closed source

It's open source. It's just not FOSS.

Vivaldi is not a fucking android browser
Can you even read the OP?

installed it just now on Xubuntu, looks good, clean / fast, keeping it installed as secondary browser to FF

and inbred
great job guys!!!!

>worse than any adblock as a plugin
>100k downloads because it's shit

File picker window has no side preview

>what is Floens' Clover

Still using firefox for android.

They both have desktop versions

I use it on my phone. On my laptop I have chromium installed.

overchan masterrace.
>apart form viewing videos when it is completely shit.

is it on fdroid?

>implying people make friends based solely upon what phone OS you are using

just installed it, works well.


How doest it feel using a dead system?

>running anything but firefox with noscript on your android device


no, no, its not about making them its about you using it, only a guy with nothing worthy on his life could go for a ubuntu phone

How do you miss the point of this thread that badly? Low IQ apes.

>Not using Firefox Mobile with uBloc