Which linux distro do chinamen use?

Which linux distro do chinamen use?

Other urls found in this thread:


Who is this semen demon?

chinks don't use linux

Qilin? Deepin? I dunno

red flag linux


Ubuntu Kylin

Chinks use only bendows?

Literally 30 seconds of searching


Asianux•Cosix Linux•Hiweed Linux•iBox•Magic Linux•OpenDesktop•Rays Linux•Red Flag Linux•Xteam Linux

But it is interesting. I wonder how accurate DW's numbers are.

You got jokes

>alibaba web services

How do I get a cute chink gf?

offer to marry her to get a greencard

who knows

That's what I thought at first, too, but she looks too good in the OP pic.


What a waste eh

Close enough




which porn shoot is that one from?

RedStar DE for all linuxes when?

Gentoo, Red Flag Edition with Chinese language pack

pick one

>do degrading (literally) porn
>daddy still pulls some stings for you and sets you up


>You will never go to the Opera with Mayli

jdimsa ;_;

Maybe she did porn to pay for college you insensitive fuck.



She's just the end result of WM/AF.

Who knew windows XP was a Linux distro?

Source: used to be married to rinky dink chink, been to China lots

A pirated copy of Windows XP

>Little emperors syndrome
Literally don't bother, human trash

her family is loaded as fuck.

I saw a hotel running it but that was all

Wtf I love anime now!
Can you post more cute gifs like this one?

>norks managed to get font rendering right years ago on linux

no they just installed freetype, smuggled it in through sweden

Her dad was literally top man of Goldman Sachs

Communism OS