Dear fellow posters of Sup Forums. There is a matter of grave importance I must bring to your attention...

Dear fellow posters of Sup Forums. There is a matter of grave importance I must bring to your attention. As some of you may or may not know, Americans do not celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays on the calendar. The holiday in question you may be asking, is in fact, Easter. More importantly, it has become apparent that through some strange turn of events, Americans are in fact completely unaware of this holiday. The exact reason behind this is largely unknown, despite the best efforts of many posters questioning Americans to determine how such a religiously Christian nation could completely abstain from such an important Christian holiday. It now appears that the only way in which we may shine light on this peculiar situation is to continue to question the Americans and raise awareness of their deficiency of Easter celebrations. To conclude this announcement, it is recommended that whenever you see an American flag Sup Forums, remember to ask, "Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?"


But what is it, exactly?

>Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Christ's resurrection ?

What is Easter?! RRRRREEEEEEE!!!


Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Why don't Americans eat Kinder eggs?

Why is he abusing an illegal substance?

You tell me

Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

>no response

Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

Me and my wife's son like to find interesting facts from newspaper articles and share them with each-other. It's become something of a hobby and it's one of the few activities we both get a bit of enjoyment out of. Some of the stuff he comes out with is often peculiar and I struggle to understand it. It his hard to accept some of these facts of his when you have been taught the opposite in school or heard a fact which contradicts the one he's found but we always research and double check them just to make sure they aren't false. The other day he told me one which completely blew me away apparently in America they don't celebrate Easter. I know it may sound ridiculous considering they are a Christian country but I swear it's true. If there are any Americans that read this post could you verify my wife's son's fact as I find it hard to believe and if possible would you mind sharing with me the reason why you don't celebrate Easter.

Hey guys I just woke up to feed my wife's son and stumbled across this thread. Is it actually true that americans don't celebrate one of the most holy Christian holidays?

Lmao, I mean they probably don't even understand what a holiday is, they most likely associate Easter with a "vacation" and then.wonder why God didn't buy them a plane ticket to Hawaii.

I think you call it passover?

>our wives sons are good little goyz


We choose to worship our goddess Ēostre as opposed to a false god.