Using any other version of Winblows 10 than LTSB

>using any other version of Winblows 10 than LTSB

I have bad news for you CB/CBB fags, you may actually be gay, cause you seem to like taking it up your ass from Pajeetsoft.

>using any version of Windows
How embarrassing

guarantee you're using a *nig distro which ultimately means you're the most vulnerable group, additionally it also means you're very easy to manipulate because no sane human being comes to the rational conclusion to use a shitty OS
macos or B U S T

>Not build 1703
Enjoy your zero days exploits

Some people have to do actual work which means using programs that are only available for Windows (e.g. Autodesk)

Sorry for having a job.

>days exploits
Wow user

here we go with that """professional""" meme bullshit again

"professional" software isn't full of holes, fags. pic related, the entire business world that uses Windows is getting fucked right now because their IT department was too fucking stupid to use a real OS

tech illiterate winfags get what the deserve. get fucked, faggots

>pic related

With windows, you can enjoy exploits far beyond 0 Days.

what kind of shitty job do you have where you have to use Windows?

oh that's right you just use your computer for gayming. jobs my ass

>fell for ltsb meme



Does LTSB have the ransomware patch yet?

Because server>>>>enteprise ltsb meme>>>>>windows 10 home/pro

can you install nvidia or any other drivers on it ? or is it disabled ?

you can install whatever you want

> bad news
> gay
It's 2017.

I have bad news for you.

Works on my machine.

I can download and crack it too, but this wont decrease the price for wojak.

What are you doing on this board, newfag? Or is this your pathetic attempt at trolling...

are an idiot.

How to completely disable automatic updates on win10, i don't really update windows, i have win7 currently and i haven't installed an update for my whole life, i don't care sbout security snd shit, updates just waste a huge amount of time, since we have very slow internet here

>using windows


Every time I see this thumbnail, I always looks for me like Windows 98 setup.

>what kind of shitty job
type that actually pays, and demands work done in return

>Windows is getting fucked right now because their IT department was too fucking stupid to use a real OS
OS does not get job done. applications running on top of OS does.