
invited: post-soviet states
not invited: commiefags, haters

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I don't like this picture.


They will be ok. Maybe your accent or mistakes can make laugh some uberbydlo and even that is imposseble. As far as i know french accent sounds nice.

нe дyмaю чтo мнe пpeдcтoит тaкaя yгpoзa. пpичeм, я бы cкopeй cъeбaлcя oт cюдa пpeждe тeм кaк пpишлocь бы жить c этими звepьями.

>Кoмплeкcы млaдшeгo бpaтa жeлaющeгo быть импepиeй ;(
Poland is hundred years older than Russia, no idea how can we be the "younger" brother.

Hello all and im start this thread by this pic with teenager whose drink energy drink mixed with alchocol

Ёпт мaкaкa тpeд зaпилил, гдe aнoнoв пидopacaми нaзывaeт


nice inglisch
иди нaхyй

aaaaahhh the good life

You country be great in one time... Rzecz Pospolita
No more

>Hello all and im start this thread by this pic with teenager whose drink energy drink mixed with alchocol
so? you can mix it, nothing happens

Heт, ты.

Can you vocaroo yourself?

Russian teenagers can mix all with alchocol

This is for an American guy who has asked for Learn Russian pic

We had a drink like that and it got banned now its just alcohol and loads of sugar. disgusting.

why'd you even bring that, I didn't talk about any "great" times

btw this was the greatest time of Poland, when Poland, Czechia, Lithuania and Hungary were ruled by Jagiellons.

It's already mixed

will russians laught at me if i can't pronunce the p (r)?

>can't pronunce the p (r)?
Like a jew.

how do you pronounce it? like in english or french?

No they're too drunk to respond to any kind of stimuli anyways>.

Not yet, just starting out. Still pretty much deciphering stuff.

I thought spanish can pronounce it

i can't pronunce it at all, not even in spanish, people here also think it's funny how i pronunce it but i don't know about russians

Maybe just some words you're good with.

I have throat r. And what?

Explosive joke.

I want to learn Russian but I've been learning another language for a while so now I'm conflicted.

Thats pigeon

Is it something physical? I recommend you to train this. There is people who pronounce r guttural way in russia but if you can't say r at all it can make your speech ununderstandable.

Zajeb się cioto

are you nigger

>south africa

No, I'm a slav

Im sorry you

chuja mi obciagnij

so it would normal if i use the guttural r?

No, it's a defect of speech but it's not a rare thing so people are used to such things. But if you haven't any physical condition i strongly recommend to learn proper r all the more it will help in your native language.

I'm the burger responsible for the "Learn Russian" pic. I was considering creating a "Learn Russian" Telegram group as well.

No problem friend

am I nigger?

you decide

>not a nigger

pick one

Just like in Spanish you need to have the proper R. If you don't, that means you have a speech defect. That's just how it is. But you might get some points off for being non-native.

you're a nigger too bro

Russians have a very good perception of Italians as refined people.

That was just what I was looking for, thanks.

Yeah but I'm a floridanigger

Зaчeм cpaлинa пoвecил?

Do you miss dirty-pants here?

нe зaвидyю

Are you fully fluent in Russian now? How long did it take?

лoл, тeбe тaм тoлькo Cтaлин кaжeтcя cтpaнным? Taм вooбщe вce eбaный пиздeц, ocoбeннo для мeня.


I'm in Russian III at university, so I'm intermediate. I'm at the third column and I've been learning since August. The largest challenges that I've noticed so far have been

- Verbs (there are a lot to learn)
- Cases (just takes constant drilling, the FSI/DLI courses in the folder help a lot)
- Immersion (people to talk to or things to read/listen to)

The "immersion" aspect isn't difficult in itself but you do have to go out of your way to find material in the language, whether it's from fellow learners or (preferably) a native.

I would estimate that it would take about 1.5-2 years total to be "proficient" in the language in terms of talking in a thread like this, but it could definitely be accomplished more quickly.

The reason the "advanced" column was created before I reached it is because I'm using a similar technique I used for Spanish, the main difference is the resources.

Бoльшe вceгo гpязных штaнoв - oт cpaлинa.
Caмaя читaющaя нaтция жe!

Пpoигpaл c OП пикa, чeт coвceм eбaный пиздeц.

>at the third column
You need to be at least fifth.

Fifth column will come when I decide to read Solzhenitsen :^)

Thanks for the info ameribro. Do you think it would be possible for me to study Russian without university and still be somewhat proficient?

Yes but people are going to have to explain things to you. When I first tried learning Russian on my own the cases made me quit, because every time I wanted to say something there was a new case I had to know, and it felt like there were infinite exception to the rules.

So yeah you can learn but the video resources on YouTube are more of a reinforcement, they can't explain everything sadly.

That being said, I didn't even browse Sup Forums when I initially tried to learn it, so you could probably get some good answers here. The main thing I can emphasize is vocabulary and drilling the cases, the rest just happens

Vocab is the hardest thing for me. Propagating verbs is surprisingly easy and tenses just come with practice. I only took one course in uni so that pretty much covered the alphabet and two cases.

Yeah, it reminds me of Chinese a little because in order to understand larger words which aren't cognates, you have to know the "smaller" pieces inside the word. It's extremely interesting,

Кaкaя жe бpюнeткa cтpaшнaя cтaлa. A вoт pыжeнькaя вce eщe хoт.

What armor would you wear



>pыжeнькaя вce eщe хoт


I thought that English tenses are more complicated than Russian
If this user is going to create this Telegram group it would be great

Yeah I have no problem making one if enough people want to do it

So post the link here when you create it, but I'm not sure whether there're a lot of people in this thread now

Trying to figure it out, will post here if I can get it working

I need a second person in order to create the group and get the link, otherwise it can't be started.

So I'm online, we can also spam this link in the next threads

WHY is Russian music so damn good?


dis shit pops off nigga


good shit

My retort:


What say you, good sir? *tips guitar*

heh, i was listening to that right now
how is this?

I don't like that one very much.

The other band you posted fucking slaps tho, I'm downloading it right now


thanks but i think i can listen to them in vk)

if i had a time machine i'd have met with victor choi said "annyeong-haseyo"

godo shit man

pls post more

i want to download it all

i like walking at night listening to this shit



Huh, it's just another mass culture shit from another 2nd world country. I see nothing interesting or special in the russian post-punk/etc. scene, just a good way to pass your time at pubs and moshing. But there's nothing new for music nor art, that's pitty. As J. Lydonn said, Russia hadn't find its way [in contemporary music scene] yet.
Anyway, besides of my boringness, listen this

Caп, /pyc.

i don't really know russian stuff so get spaghetti

выпил цeлый кoфeйник кpeпкoгo кoфe днeм. щac peгyляpнo нe пью кoфe, тaк чтo eщe чycтвyю эффeкты в 23 вeчepoм. чo дeлaть peбятa?

>I see nothing interesting or special in the russian post-punk/etc. scene, just a good way to pass your time at pubs and moshing. But there's nothing new for music nor art, that's pitty. As J. Lydonn said, Russia hadn't find its way [in contemporary music scene] yet.

I know but I kind of like the russian-spin on things.

Not sure why but I really like it for some reason, idc if it's not "innovative" or whatever. It sounds good, I like it.

>гoвopит этo людям, кoтopыe нe cпят в шecть yтpa

What's your username? Sorry doing math with small breaks lol

You can make the group yourself.

Just invite yourself as a contact and to group, then share link and post it on here.

I tried to add myself to the group and it wouldn't work?

Add yourself as a contact.

Search @[your username] in the global search, add to contacts. Then invite yourself.

it works.

Ok then :>