Linux IDE

Best IDE's for GNU/Linux?

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just use vim

Jetbrains, Netbeans, VS code, atom, Emacs all are good IDEs depending on your language

IntelliJ as IDE, vim + console or Emacs as DE

What IDE for Linux is most similar to Visual Studio?

vim is okay for smaller projects
you wouldn't code 10k lines in vim wouldn't you

what's so great about vim?
I see people being smug about using vim all the time but it just looks like a glorified notepad

Eclipse and don't listen to these posts
They don't know jackshit and running anything jetbrains or netbeans = running pile of steaming hot shit that makes the system half unresponsive.

Use vim.

i need something generic... like VS in microsoft

mybe try not being a poorfag and get a decent fucking system, idiot

There is nothing great about it. However the customization you can do and macros and more makes it popular, just like emacs. Basically Vim or Emacs are glorified poop and puke. You could say the same way how "murikan" politics are, you have two great choice :-)

microsoft windows*

I think you could bloat Eclipse with a lot of plugins if you wanted a disorganized fat pile of an IDE.

Jetbrains or VS code
VS is not good for many languages, it's only good for C,C++,.NET, D and Rust.

I am using a very nice elitebook.


Well, I forgot to mention Eclipse there, but I never had any problems with VS code myself

I just hate the jetbrains laggy piece of crap of software they offer.

i would say the exact opposite.

it takes more than twice as much time to open projects in eclipse compared to intellij

vim or emacs

It takes for me roughly 30 sec to open Eclipse and that is along with 4 heavy duty projects in maven.
While in Intellij it takes more than 2 mins for the application to launch and another 3 mins for it to settle down before everything is "ready" to be used.
So don't know how you can have the opposite.

i don't want to learn 40000000000 vim commands with 4000000000000000 options for each of the commands
and emacs is written by fucking stallman for fuck sake

you literally need like 10 commands for it to be worth it

just go through vimtutor

But learning all the commands and options you will become a wizard at it.
Soon you will be able to write hello world.


Sweet, thanks


Linus still uses Emacs btw

He is a god, gods use Emacs btw

I've used PyCharm (JetBrain's IntelliJ) and have no complaints.

If you are using Rust instead of C/C++ you should really use VS code

I do precisely that when I contribute to the linux kernel.

I also work on a bunch of other projects with 10k+ lines.

vim succeeds at providing me a superior editing experience.

That's not to say that high line count is something to brag about, it's not.

who uses rust

Many FOSS devs (Including GNOME) actually are using Rust.

In fact I was reading an article about someone writing a nice desktop utility in Rust and what problems he faced

>vim succeeds at providing me a superior editing experience.
not a shill at all

Glib is a nightmare

dude what

Emacs. Everything else is shit

Sublime + CTags + CScope

Depends what you're doing. C/C++, honestly vim is the best, and still perfectly usable. Emacs too. Sublime is nice but I hate that it's proprietary. VS code is OK but I'd stay away from it, because it's a laggy desktop program written in JS (same goes for atom).
If you're a Java/Scala programmer, literally your only option is Intellij. Programming in Java in anything else will make you want to neck yourself, eclipse included.


I have given into the Idea products so I use a mix of CLion and Intellij
everything else is a waste of time, and yes they are heavy IDE's but my computer isn't a cluster of toasters
so it works fine and the resources the IDE uses are worth what I get out of it

ignore the shitposters saying to use Vim/Emacs or open shit garbage like eclipse.
Vim/Emacs are great as text editors and for small programs (or if you are autistic you could use them with large code bases)
Eclipse is a giant turd and it attempts to be a full featured IDE like Intellij but ends up having a clunky UI with half the features

Most of Sup Forums is going to confuse the use cases of a Text editor with some QoL enhancements like Emacs/Vim with the reason people
use a fully featured IDE. That is because (most of) Sup Forums is too busy writing their daily fizzbuzz and shitposting about CPUs/GPUs and anime


then you dont know how to use it correctly.
vim + tmux + plugins = ide godmode

I moved from tmux to i3

Literally nothing is great about vi/vim. It was a shitty temporary program that became ubiquitous. The one good thing about it is thats its always available on any system. Even the original progrmmer of vi doesnt get why people still use it.

Jetbrains is the best out there if you dont mind paying (and thier prices are reasonable). If not that then Eclipse is serviceable, but a little bloated. If you just need an editor for a scripting type language, then anything you like is fine but sublime is pretty nice.

Yeah but if you code all day it will be open 100% of the time. Mine only ever gets closed when i reboot

Dude, vim isn't that bad.
Go through the tutorial, add some basic stuff to your config, and you're already at notepad productivity.
Yes, at the first weeks you'll use google quite a lot, but with times it will embed in your muscle memory and you'll start thinking in vim while editing.
I even printed out vim cheatsheets and hanged them on the wall
After some time it just clicks, and smooth sailing from there


t. professional programmer

this guy gets it


Netbeans vs eclipse

Which is better and why?

Currently running VS code, pic related for plugins, works great.

It has a superior interface for keyboard oriented use.

These shitty IDEs people use these days come nowhere near close.

All this graphical shit is also nowhere near as robust and fast as vim.

Found the emacs user

> better
> why
sucks less

I used tmux on AwesomeWM and it felt like a downgrade.

vim is simply the best editor between all the ones i've tried, and trust me, i've tried them all !

It's made with ncurses, which is a huge advantage because it's lightweight, fast and responsive (goodbye 300ms VS response time), and XXI century here, it's fully mouse responsive (so you faggots who says you can't copy past, just upgrade your system :o).

Keyboards shortcuts does make sense, like "diw" (DeleteInWord) to delete the word the cursor's in. Or "daw" (DeleteAroundWord) to delete the word + spaces around it.

Hundreds of plugins available, infinite customisation, and more importantly : it's made to be productive. Shortcuts are shorts and straightforward, not like in emacs where you have to type half the bible to do anything.

I am learning vim (currently love vimperator)

but I still need something for java.

eclim or stop being a pajeet

Pretty much what I thought. Thanks user

That's exactly true. Fancy editors are only fancy, but behind their nice colors, it's full of crappy shit made by developers who can't code in anything but garbage-collected languages.

And guys, vim do have autocompletion, syntax errors linters etc. Stop thinking these features can be done only with crappy languages or fancy interfaces.

You should stop being a pajeet, though. Java is literal poo.

What's your favorite language user, and why isn't it Haskell?

vim + tmux / tiling vm

Because it's C.

If you're running a tiling WM and can write code natively (as in without SSHing to a shared dev box), you may as well as run gvim.


For what benefit?

Intellij everything

But you probably can't afford a liscense

> you may as well as run gvim
but it's still convenient to paste the terminal way instead of using "+p, especially in neovim where you don't have to enable the paste mode
also why struggle with making gvim not to look like total shit when you've got that in vim ootb

I've been using vim + tmux for the last couple of years and it's awesome.
I'm considering switching to emacs though to take my ricing to the next level. Also orgmode seems like it could replace my current note taking solution

But being able to ctrl+z, do stuff zsh and then fg is awesome


>VS Code
You don't even know what you're talking about, shut up.

Literally vim+tmux. It's a meme on here, but it's a good meme.

you haven't tried acme and sam

have fun with your keylogger, user

It's cause youre an idiot.

No code::blocks itt?

Learn to configure Intellij. I have no issues at all with its speed or responsiveness.

>not a shill at all
Not that guy, but what's wrong with shilling a open source project?

>subscription pricing model

Who the fuck rents their software?

>he is not reinvesting his earned money to make even more money
top kike.
literally piece of shit style

If you want to make GUIs Qt is the only option. If not go with what was suggested itt.

Use Emacs. Checkout prelude Emacs to get started

i really enjoy qt creator

>i really enjoy sucking cock

It is 99% personal preference. I literally use nano for most of my small projects.

>using the windows device driver keylogger on linux

Been working professionally in software development for 6 years now. I've settled on the following tools:

1. Vim/MacVim(gVim if you're on linux) - enough for most of my text editing needs
2. JetBrains - solid IDEs that don't suck
3. VS Code - great editor that performs better than Atom

Languages: Python, Javascript, Java, C#, Golang

I'm also trying out Clojure in Spacemacs at the moment, it's not a terrible editor either.

why would you need VS code when you have VIM?

By the way, what does the "sudo ps stuff" command from the first panel actually do?

When pairing with someone who doesn't vim.

Yes, I PAIR PROGRAM sometimes.

If you're too afraid of vim, qt creator is IMO the best VS-like IDE, except it doesn't suck. And despite the name, you don't have to use QT at all. It has decent debugger which works for external applications too. Otherwise vim+tmux.

You haven't used it at all, have you?

Sublime 3 checking in, the VISA product key on WikiLeaks still works.

Ignore VISA, I meant CIA and can't fucking type.

themed Tk

Link pls

Google "CIA Vault7 Sublime", should be first result

Jetbrains IDE for your specific language, anything else is a complete waste of time.


What about Codeblocks?