A russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar

a russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar

bartender says: i will give you drinks for free, but only if you answer what's 2+2

russian says: it's clearly 4

canadian says: it's clearly 4

american says: I dont know, I'm retarded brainwashed fucking faggot son of whore white male I wish mom aborted me so there was one less american white male in this world retarded whoreson

bartender pulls out a shotgun and shoots dumb american in face


good thread you cunt

nice 1


the funny thing about this joke is that the odds of a russian that can speak english ahhahahaha

the funny thing about this post is the negligible odds of a literal cockroach having learned to operate a computer hahahhahh

Hilarious Banter!



see you on r/Sup Forums!

wow nice one i feel 'properly bantered' haha

haha nice joke bro ahah



so dumb it's funny


americans can't fit through doors so this joke is flawed

Holy shit, how will the USA ever recover?

Australia wtf? I though you were good at banter..

A lot of those are valid questions. People are obsessed with America in the same way that they are obsessed with India; it's out of disgust and disbelief, not admiration.


great post

Do you know why Americans are in general the worst users of Sup Forums? Because most of them don't come here to simply discuss with people of other nationalities. They don't come here to learn more about the world either, since Americans think that they know everything regarding planet earth (that's the same reason why USA keeps pretending to be world's police.) Truth is: they come here to relieve the frustration of their personal lives. Don't get it? Then try to picture a fat and depressed guy. He lives in the most successful country in the world, but he can't get a job, because he's afraid of being responsible. He can't get a girlfriend, because he's fat and stinky. He can't get friends because he's annoying. No one respects him, even his parents. That guy is about to commit suicide, but one day while he's browsing Sup Forums, which he uses to discuss his favorite hobby (anime), he discovers what will eventually save his life: Sup Forums. He notices that people will take you seriously here because of that blue, red and white little flag on the top of your post. Here he will have the attention that he thinks he deserve. Here he can humiliate people by using his luck of being born in the most powerful country in the world for his own particular interests. Here he can act like Elliot Rodger and get his retribution by being hostile with people. And when these people fight back and point things that actually show why USA isn't a perfect country and why he's probably a frustrated guy, he will say that those people are just jealous. And everybody is going to agree with him, because on Sup Forums people only agree with people who live in a relevant country. And then the fatty finds his new home. He will finally be respected, people will finally judge him by his opinion, not by whom he is. And when these people don't: he will say they're irrelevant, their opinion doesn't count. And at the end of the day he will lie on his bed and smile, because he's finally someone.

Thanks for making my shoes

Lads I did it! I took a shower without my shoes on. Only slipped twice.