God bless Italia for its women. I've only fucked Italian women in my life. I literally feed on Italian women

God bless Italia for its women. I've only fucked Italian women in my life. I literally feed on Italian women.
Thank you Italia.

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She's a Sardinian model


pick one

French woman > Italianos

only good italian women are 35+ desu

good taste

The kingdom of Sardinia unified Italy

Italy YES


Too bad she's been Dan "the man with the van and a master plan" Schneider'd

All Italian women here in New Jersey are very proud and loud. I appreciate their blunt humor and openness. Sometimes they like to target me cause I'm really short

who's this cum caresser

>here in New Jersey

Lol I'm half Sicilian and I don't consider myself Italian. She's more like half Italian.

>tfw no qt3.14 eurovision Italian gf


curry toned


Is it true languages in northern Italy are closer to French then they are to what they speak in Rome, Tuscany, or standard Italian?


the regions near France have similarities with French, but they're still closer to Italian (exception being Val d'Aosta I suppose?), but for the rest of northen Italy, no.
Also, if I'm not mistaken neapolitan has some loan words

I have known Francesca since her first audition. Why do people now realize that she exists?

Don t tell bullshit

I don't listen to a lot of music so I only hear the mainstream stuff that's played on radio.

And Eurovision is a pretty big thing so no coincidence that she's getting more attention

>clizia fornasier

she's from veneto

Italian girls are the best

>I literally feed on Italian women

Honhonhonnibal Lecteur