Hello there, so i'll admit i'm new to the board and an upcoming college student

Hello there, so i'll admit i'm new to the board and an upcoming college student.
I would like to know what are the career applications of getting a degree in EE, CE, and CS.
Which one is the most employable and allows for the most range of motion.

That picture only serves to show just how corrupting modern liberalism is, depressing.

Don't go for CE. Go for CS instead. Can't say much about EE. All I know is there are tons of CS jobs and many pay bank with experience. Ignore the shills complaining about Pajeet outsourcing; it happens, but plenty of developers want devs who can speak English and be presentable.

there are only two genders

>People expressing themselves is bad

I trust people with blue hair about as far as I can throw their overweight lesbian mothers.

ISIS expresses themselves.

>Implying she's expressing HERSELF and not who her FATHER wants her to be, as Adam Savage is a pretty outspoken modern liberal, akin to the likes of Bill Nye the Partisan Guy.

>deliberately not treating a mental illness with something like a 50% suicide co-morbidity to appear "progressive"

>People are so fucking talentless they think dying their hair is 'expressing themselves'
Express yourself with something that's artistic and meaningful you fucking hippy.


EE let's you cover nearly all of it, though you're poorer on the software side. I literally got hired before I finished school at vocal.com (their headquarters is in my university commons).

I was thinking of power before as a career choice, but EEs can go material (photonics), communication (software and hardware), energy (maintenance and development), circuits (whatever machinery), programming (embedded systems). EE has one of the most diverse application fields. Even if you don't like it, it's one of the most math/physics heavy Engineerings, so you could switch to other STEM areas easily.

go fuck yourself

taking a shit in a park in front of everyone is also a form of expression, user. Go and express yourself.

If you can do EE or CE, then you will have no problem.

Don't listen to
CS is significantly easier than EE/CE and it's trivial to switch over to a programming job after getting a degree in engineering.

Programming is easy, math/physics is hard.

Do Math + Statistics

It feels like someone's trying to sell me something

CE actually employed as CE master race here

CS is babby mode and EE is cool but has no jobs

install gentoo

Literally just typed that while taking a shit in a park LOL

But this form of expression has been tainted.

>Which one is the most employable and allows for the most range of motion.
None, just kill yourself before you're in to deep. We all should've done that a long time ago, but now look at us, we're all here dicking around on Sup Forums.

end your life fuckwaste

Yeah, install gentoo and emerge the degree