List based political parties from your country

List based political parties from your country.

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>Maintain power 60 years in a row
>Turn Sweden form a poverty-ridden hellhole to the envy of the world
>BTFO both Soviet and the USA while every other European became their cucks
>Currently run by no-noodles

better yet


Fascism is not based. Freedom is.


Pick one.

AfD. All other parties are leftist cucks

What exactly is your point?

How is voluntaryism not freedom?


>Using literal Nazi propaganda posters as "proof"

Capitalism has advanced the world more than any other system ever thought of.

>Comparing capitalism and fascism

One is a political ideology and one is an economic system.

Comparing them is pretty dumb.

National SOCIALISM is also an economic system though, it is directly in its name.

Geh schlafen, Frauke.

Saying national socialism is socialism because it has socialism in the name is like saying the People's Democratic Republic of Korea is a Democratic Republic that belongs to the People or the the Holy Roman Empire is a Theocratic Empire of Rome.
Almost nobody, if anybody at all, considers national socialism even in the same neighborhood as socialism. They're on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

>Almost nobody, if anybody at all*
*in political academia, for clarification

>Literally socialist policies
>Socialism in its name
>Not socialist


The eureka cross has become something of a far right symbol here

That's one of the most retarded pictures I've seen this week, and I mean it.

>Being a retard on purpose

>being a retard by accident

>They're on the opposite side of the political spectrum
>this is how little Sup Forumsacks know about the trash they spout
Socialism isn't just a political system, it's also an economic system that the Nazis adopted too.

Nazi Germany has socialist policies... as did the Weimar Republic and German Empire before it. That did not make the politics distinctly socialist. Fascist economies had elements of capitalist and socialist/communist economies without distinctly resembling either.
>Socialism in its name
This fucking meme. I refer you, again, to the DPRK and HRE.
>What do you mean the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a marxism-themed totalitarian quasi-monarchal dictatorship with literally zero elements of democracy or republicanism? It has democratic republic in the name! Checkmate!

There is a political party of lumberjacks?

They adopted some elements of socialism to create their "third way", but the end product was so divorced from socialism, it's not really accurate to group it into socialism. Political analysts don't either.
The core of national socialism wasn't economic anyway, it was primarily ideological. There are no economic policies that are distinctly national socialist, but there are ideological policies that are. The ideological part was what made the Nazis so notorious.

And no, I am not a butthurt Sup Forumslack trying to distance my precious national socialism from ebil socialism, not am I a butthurt socialist trying to distance it from the ebil nazis.
Regardless of their names, they really are different animals.

>Whorshipping the cuck Palme

His predecessor was based but Olaf was à pièce of shit.

>equating socialism with government intervent on the market

don't do that.

Good to see D-Day has all the correct people riled up.

Our political logos are pretty low effort. They should brew their own beer like they do in Argentina

It's still commonly associated with trade and labour unions, and as a cultural symbol of insubordination.

Our system is focused around the President. Parties do not really matter.

>having political parties

What is the political climate in thailand like these days?


>Implying Fascism isn't a form of capitalism
Read Trotsky, will ya? Oh, wait, he was A JEW, so reading his works would taint your PURE ARYAN mind wouldn't it?

How do you think about Gramci?

>Private companies existed
>Hitler himself said he supports market economy and private businesses
>suppress labour movement, forcefully disband unions
>no mean of production to the workers
