Nicknames of New York City include:

Nicknames of New York City include:

>The Capital of the World
>The Center of the Universe

Kind of arrogant tbhonest

Other urls found in this thread:

being arrogant is just an american tradition

Only outsiders use these nicknames...

well, in its heyday, it was. if you were a rich fuck from 1910-1960, you were gonna do some sort of business in new york.

Only new yorkers use these nicknames*

I am from New York, no one there has ever referred to NYC as "The Capital of the World"or
"The Center of the Universe" people would look at you like a fucking idiot

I see it all the time. New yorkers really pump up their ego and talk about how they live in the greatest city in the world.

Yeah, we're proud of our city like any other red blooded group of people are on the planet of their own city, but no one calls the city, "the fucking center of the universe"

When you are surrounded by greatness that tends to happen

>>The Capital of the World
>>The Center of the Universe
>Meanwhile Washington DC is the US capital

more like you're sorrounded by fatness

Just another example of Americas greatness


But we don't use those names, we call it the Big Apple.

yeah, here is another example of it

Yup, we're pretty great

DC is the capital of the US you idiot NYC is the capital of the world

Unironically I didn't see many fat people in NY compared to Europe desu. Actually there were tons of fit people.

>he doesn't have the Freedom to poo in your pants in Argentina

all the fat people live down south

>mfw people who shit themselves in public have more control over the culture and economy of Argentina than Argentines
You must be so fucking angry lmao

There are less fat people in American cities because you have to walk a lot

That's because people in NYC walk everywhere.

it's not arrogant if it's true. which other city is the capital of the world? montreal?

I guess so, the East River was full of people jogging.


>he believes that people who shit themselves have control over anything

I feel very civilized after seeing that pic 2bh, so I think I must thank USA for it

Countries that default on their loans aren't civilized

but we're paying our debts since we have a new president

Small steps user, small steps. You'll join the club some day.

you don't walk, you scitter

NYC is 60% immigrant niggers and the rest are all Jews. Nothing to see there except 10,000th national museum of the 6 trillion and how great immigration and poverty is

What's wrong with museums?

Nobody from New York calls it anything other than "the city"

Does that mean we will be truly Third World when Donald defaults on our denbts?

Yes because that would wipe out 25% of the world economy.


Londons the capital of the world boys

for muslims


meh, it's just banter, Ben

London is The City


never heard it called either of those

love you too