When an American calls me buddy or bud

>When an American calls me buddy or bud

Other urls found in this thread:


>a fucking leaf

You have a problem bud-o?

Minnesotans WANT to be leafs

>A canada

Leafs are Minnesotans

You have that backwards

>when a non-anglo call me Argie

>inb4: original cunts calling me argie

What's wrong with that?


I don't know, it feels awful


I'm not your buddy, guy

came here to post this.

>Hey bud, ---"

Translation: I really think you better stop what you're doing

>Hey pal, ---"

Translation: I'm about to call you an idiot and tell you what you're doing wrong

>Hey guy, ----

Translation: Who the fuck are you

>"Hey man, ---"

Translation: We're just kidding around

>"Hey dude, ---"

Translation: Hey what's up

Who taught you our language?

It's the same way rednecks talk

>When an american tells me to have a good one
A good fucking what

ahhhwl right yu haev a gud wun now

They're just being polite. Now I gotta run, have a good one.


>when an american says lad or mate

one. A good one.

As a mexican am I allowed to say those two words?


It must suck not even being called a whole leaf.

Even less so, i should think.

Stick to amigo, mi compadre.

A good one. What part of this are you not getting?

you know, a good one, make it a good one

Too many fucking years of Runescape my man

what do you want me to call you?


Its actually a very rude thing to say. One means number one, as in urination. Hes telling you to have a good urination, or, more succinctly, to "piss off", as it were.

The more rare phrase, "That's good two" (frequently misspelled as "That's good, too" is also another way of saying someone is the shit

Where did Argie originate from? Was it just English slang used by newspaper during the Falklands? Or have you been called that before?

I prefer amigo, we don't have many Mexicans over here, I've never met one, call us amigos.

Plenty of old people call youngins lad's here, though obviously not in the same way Brits use it

The Spaniards don't call you amigos?

Spaniards don't come here that much, it's more that we go to them to retire haha.

Mate what u on about ya cheeky coon

That's not as common here as it used to be, Aussies use it more now I think.