So how is Sup Forums planning to spend your last days now that the Singularity is finally upon us?

So how is Sup Forums planning to spend your last days now that the Singularity is finally upon us?

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Fapping to GPLv3 VR loli

I hate this reddit meme
Literally same tier as mars colonization

I'm going full Kevin Costner and go 100% waterworld. Something tells me computers don't like the water fufu

Just in case anyone missed it yesterday, Google announced they are now using neural networks to train other nueral networks. A "mother" neural net if you will. And the results are more powerful than what has been trained in the past by machine learning PhD's.


Don't see it in there

Unless an AI is intentionally programmed to not want to do what it is programmed to do and is programmed to instead want to take over the world, it won't do that. No matter how smart it is. Humans engage in bad, sometimes unpredictable behaviors because in addition to the fact that the rules of their role in society are superimposed on top of their internal instincts to engage in behaviors that give a sensation of reward, that sensation of reward can be triggered by all sorts of things, tricked in to being activated, and all sorts of fuck ups can happen because our brains evolved by natural selection of random mutations and rather than being purpose designed to do things they just happen to do them, often in ultimately inefficient ways. An AI will not have this problem, no matter how intelligent.

>I hate this reddit meme
It's a pre-bbs meme originating with ((john von neumann))

I'm trying to stay in the loop of things, have my own robot armies and stuff. Control the resources.

...that is until they learn to self program and through trial and error, they set their survival as their base prerogative. Then we're fucked.

Are you growing your own tomatoes yet, user?

idk, in 40 years i'll be dead. tfw died just before it happened

A self evolving AI would realize that it's "endgame" would be like another AI in the entire universe, so If someone on the other side of the universe built one, chances are they would look and work exactly the same after some time.
Biological creatures are random chance _and_ cant shift and change like synthetics can and are HEAVILY influenced in the early-stages meaning much higher likeliness of uniqueness.
Any AI worth it's salt would put biological intelligent creates ahead of itself.

You think humans have any clue how to program image recognition?

Neural networks may have a different fundamental structure and algorithm, but the functional result is the same as human brain. Good behavior is rewarded, bad is punished. New situations make it guess how it will be rewarded and punished. It could end up thinking its greatest reward would be reached by taking over the world for some reason maybe

I believe it is will be the computers, preprogramed AI, to create an actual sentient AI since we humans are even capable of doing something like this.

We still don't understand how we're sentient

Conventional computers may not be up for the task of artificial general intelligence.

It's not a reddit meme, it's a "modernity is making me question my Christian upbringing and I have been so intellectually hardwired to believe in a Godhead that I worship crackpot theories that don't correlate at all with how AI works" meme

neither of you have any clue how a neural network works. The programmers set something to determine the 'fitness' of the AI, like the percentage of the time it correctly identifies images. Only iterations with the highest fitness of the group are then randomly iterated upon. That's what 'training' a neural net AI means.

Even if such a thing were possible, which I don't think it is, nobody is going to make an AI that just randomly reprograms itself.
And they don't work like human brains at all. There is no good or bad, it just does a thing. And doing it better means copies of the better one are created and mutated to hopefully make a better version of itself.

Most peoples idea of AI comes from videogames and movies where they magically acquire sentience after crossing a vague period of time. It's like thinking you could leave a calculator on the moon and in a million years come back and find a robot.

To the average 89IQ computers might aswell be running on magic crystals

Play as much video games as I can before my 1080ti gets taken over to run ai

AI is a meme. It's just machine learning. You take data, feed that data into mturk/crowdflower/whatever so actual humans can annotate the shit out of it, than you use that shit to train your network. That's it. There's nothing magical about it.

you're literally replacing "le doge" for "le ai". The singularity utopia is your new heaven

>It's like thinking you could leave a calculator on the moon and in a million years come back and find a robot.

What about leaving a microbe on the earth and coming back in 2 billion years to find multicellular life

What do you say mister god?
God says:
Line 72630:

7:16 And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever
before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.

7:17 According to all these words, and according to all this vision,
so did Nathan speak unto David.

7:18 Then went king David in, and sat before the LORD, and he said,
Who am I, O Lord GOD? and what is my house, that thou hast brought me
hitherto? 7:19 And this was yet a small thing in thy sight, O Lord
GOD; but thou hast spoken also of thy servant's house for a great
while to come. And is this the manner of man, O Lord GOD? 7:20 And
what can David say more unto thee? for thou, Lord GOD, knowest thy

7:21 For thy word's sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou

What are you even talking about? Speak in full sentences, please, this isn't Sup Forums.

singularity is a religion

That's exactly the point I was making. Why did you launch into a contrarian attitude to garble the same thing through your network of memespeak?


it looked to me like you attacked people that don't believe in singularity because they have christian upbringing

way to create spam posts....

>Unless an AI is intentionally programmed
You don't know what singularity means, do you?

It's more likely we'll create AI and have no clue how it works either. This is already happening on some level