He doesn't connect to his desktop remotely

>he doesn't connect to his desktop remotely

ssh & tmux to my centos rack.
laptop for general purpose use.

sshfs for file share.

qemu/kvm tunnel to manage my vms.

winfags fear the terminal and they may never know this feel.

>he doesn't shitpost on his desktop from his phone

>he doesn't run a personal cloud service under a registered domain name

I actually do this because every fucking IP range on my phone network appears to be banned. SSH into computer and then access local VNC server for GUI.

Same but I just got a pass instead

For what purpose? I never leave my house, let alone my room.

But I do....

Chromebook is my main machine these days

I run my builds through ssh into workhorse

For when you ever leave your house, let alone your room.

But I haven't had to leave in over a year, and I don't forsee leaving.
>inb4 how do you live
My handler takes care of me.

That's funny way of saying Mom

Er no. I have a state appointed handler. She is like a mom though I suppose.

But I do
>ssh to my router
>ssh tunnel to port 3389 on my desktop

I wish I had a static IP so I can do this

Put a cron task that upload IP to a websit/ftp/... every 5 minutes. You'll be able to connect to it.

Technically I have a dynamic IP, it just never changed.
Dynamic DNS is a thing.

I connect to my lab (3x routers & switches) "remotely" (it's over in the closet)... does that count?

I wish the state would step in and appoint my sugarmama to give me 2000 euros a month instead of a few hundreds

I wanted a new NAS this month and I couldnt get it because she has bills, get it? Like I believe it. There were times I was getting thousands. They need to do something about it.

This thread needs more smugfaces.png

would do but too scared it'll get hacked

Of course not, I connect to my server remotely.

Hide it behind a VPN