Why Korean abandoned KANJI?

why Korean abandoned KANJI?

now became a mean less language.



? but I guess they use Hanja sometimes like persons names 李大浩 or their country name 大韓民国. Or am I wrong?

We don't want to have anything to do with Japan and netouyo. There is no relationship and nothing in common between Koreans and Japanese. We desire no contact and want to have nothing to do with Japan or Japanese. Please leave us alone.

Thank you very much

We do. We use them often in news articles or when we want to be pseudo-intellectuals.

They do use in news and newspapers but only for certain words
Most people dont know much hanja

their literacy rate was too low before the japanese annexation and had to be raised sharply by the japanese officials in korea

in short they were far from bright enough to utilize the east asian master race characters

And nowadays you use them for...what?
Writing shitty books about some three year old girl being in a sexual relationship with a teenage boy?

Oh what a great use of a language, I'm sure you must be proud of yourself.

Korean always can't be smart with own cheep proud.

They were too retard and lazy to learn Chinese characters and print them.



if you live in Japan and Korean you will understand how Korea is poor country.


this is a half-self satire ironically or unironically. no one in the west ever understands it and get the wrong idea that this is some spicy dank humor though because immigrants and gaijins know nothing bout the koreas educational situations and circumstances.

i lived in the lot of the country but nothing better than Japan.

very interesting to me this laughing people

fuck off stupid nip

You are mocked retard

fuck off stupid koretard

It's possible that OP has used American proxy. Don't post on this bait thread anymore!

お前マジで恥ずかしくないの? こんな頭の悪いスレ立てて知的障害者みたいなレスして
そんな知恵遅れみたいな英語で多くの外国に住んだって? くだらない嘘ついてんじゃねえよアスペ

proxy said proxy lol

nida nida


that's interesting Korean thinking if they use easy language they became better.

such a funny thinking.

never heard of it wwwwww

if anything you are just the koretard wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

now all Korean society made from Japanese and Americans technologies.

they can't invest anything without Japan and America.

Korean can't make anything with own easy language.

koretard mansay

ya i know you are korean for real

yes, unfortunately im Korean.

and i feeling very bad futures Korea.

make cool shit by yourself
just ignore other people and your country and everthing
live for yourself

i always do like that.
i always ignore all japanese and japan and everything
and im making cool futuristic shit alone to please myself, while learning english

Zainichi Korean leftards are the worst Koreans.

I want to be the electro gook.
One two electro gook, zoom zoom.