So user we heard you hate us just because we're Anglos. Are you aware Anglophobia is a form of racism?

>so user we heard you hate us just because we're Anglos. Are you aware Anglophobia is a form of racism?

*steals their wallets/purses and runs away*

*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel
*blows up your pub*

me on the left


Why the fuck you dyed your hair pink?

How many kilogramms worth of makeup are in that picture?

*arrives legally in the country*
*tax evades*

It's not racism because you are white, silly.

The Anglo race is NOT white

dont talk to me anglotrash

Damn straight. Never forget 1776.

>chuckled loudly


Oddly enough my first instinct would be to lower my nutsack on the table and explain that's what I think of their argument.

>stab her

But you spent so much time learning our language.

Me on the middle

I'm not white so therefore I by definition cannot be racist.

remind me name of pinkhair one. kind of s4lady

He looks italian not english

Yes, i'm totally aware about that.
But Anglos and Americans are natural enemies of my nation, so it's totally okay to hate them in Russia.

I've found. ldshadowlady

But we are tea bros :3

me in the background

Spain is Nordic