How do you pronounce Dijkstra?

How do you pronounce Dijkstra?




The closest sound in english to the dutch 'ij' is something like 'ai' (as you hear in ice), although that isn't quite correct, but it's the best I can come up with atm. So it'd be D[ai]kstra.

I had this same question when learning Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. Witcher 3 Geralt pronounces Dijkstra incorrectly, so I was called out.

Jeekstra, because I am retarded

Dike - stra


As a Dutch person I can confirm this

Only thing I would add is that the r in stra is pronounced slightly different in Dutch than in English.

DJ kys

Deed(Voiced palato-alveolar sibilant)uhckstrah



There isn't really a prononciation in english for the dutch 'ij'
t. belgian

There is, the i in dike or like is pretty much the same.

The r is different though, Americans pronounce the r in the front of their mouth while Dutch people pronounce it from the back of their troath, hard to explain

okay dikestra is dutch dutch, in flemish it's more like deikstra, not dikestra

Dijkstra is not flemish though, it's Dutch

It depends on dialect desu


Dike = i as in Mike?
