Hey /int. I'm new here, so i just wanna ask what do you think about Serbs and Serbia?

Hey /int. I'm new here, so i just wanna ask what do you think about Serbs and Serbia?

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non country.

Love you guys. But it is concerning to see you becoming more liberal.

nice people if you remove the retarded nationalistic part.

Kosovo belongs to Serbia and Serbs did nothing wrong in the Yugoslav wars.

I'm neutral. I get along with all the Serbs I've met.

i think the serbs and argentina are similar to because they think they are superior but in reality they are just typical racist in poverty

good people

Never met any Serbs in the Netherlands so no opinion. I have met Bosniaks (one of which was a god-tier bro and two of which were scum), a Croat (a faggot) and a Montenegrin (nice la).

> + slavs
> + good language
> + nice balkan music and folklore
> + kebeb removers

> - a bit too violent
> - always angry
> - putinboos

overall: pretty cool dudes/10
Kosovo je Srbja

Hot blooded, nacionalistic, butthurt, whole head in russian ass

nice pepe, I mean ante


Orthodox Croats

Well every country has a retarded nationalistic part lol
That is pretty much a description of a retarded Serb on the internet. You obviously never met a Serb in real life

Please maintain tradition of removing kebab

I have a bias since I'm originally Serbian.

no, you are canadian

I acctualy expected that you all really hate us. This is pretty good lol

Rodijo sam se u Beogradu, Ustase jedan.

>Well every country has a retarded nationalistic part lol
It's all about how vocal and relevant they are
>That is pretty much a description of a retarded Serb on the internet. You obviously never met a Serb in real life
>le let's be reasonable and not stereotype people
You're on Sup Forums
You have to embrace your cunt's menes and follow them to death

ocito nisi bio ovdje

Ow. That burn.

fuck off

buena Kimchi

Nah, its just an opinion of a guy that never saw Argentinian or Serbian human

What's wrong with Serbia prospering?

he's pretty spot on, Spasoje.

I visited Belgrade and it was great. You guys are cool

Serb posters on Sup Forums are usually shit though

Serb diaspora sucks ass. The ones that have been here for a while are fine

no, stop lying

I don't know much about them I just know I shouldn't trust them.

don't care about them at all

my mom says you guys are racist and you hate us

Its flag is fucking badass
But their posters are mean to even us. I don't get why

I love Serbia

Not because of Yugoslav wars though and Bosnians massacres, I really love the diversity of the Balkans

Please give (you)s

TFW you go to Bogojevo and buying fucking cola for 6 kuna and 1 kg of Frozen Burek for 18

pls come to my cunt

vojvodina je neovisna

>serbs on the internet
this >serbs irl
Generally nice people but some are like this irl too

Moјe имјe кpижocлaв и јa вaшa диacпapa из cтapвa нaпaјa paтa в eх јyгocлaвијa кaжy тaк Boлим вac и pycиjy ви зa yвјeк нaши бpaтјa пo кpиви кocoвo тo cepбијa бocнијa тo cepбијa

Живaлa Pycијa и вичнa cepбијa хaјдe пијeмy paкијy зa вac и зa нac cлaвa бpaтјa никaд нeмa нe зaбopaв ктo ти

Кpижocлaв из изpaeјљ :)

In Ireland we generally would not look kindly on the genocides and such. But other than that you're alright and have a cool flag.

I regret that NATO bombed Serbs, something we were against. They would be great allies.

Although your nationalists are the strangest kind of russophiliac I have ever seen.

Кocoвo je Cpбиja!

Cлaби мaли фaшиcт чeх иди oд caдa кypвин cин ти јeбy ти мaткy cepби тeби нe дpyги a вpaги иди јeби apaбcки мyжки

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THEPREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

nice country
nice people
nice rakija
nice songs
very strong
Serbia is based
Kosovo je srce srbije

>Cлaби мaли фaшиcт чeх иди oд caдa кypвин cин ти јeбy ти мaткy cepби тeби нe дpyги a вpaги иди јeби apaбcки мyжки

Calm your tits Goldberg

Хвaлa пyнo ти бeли бpaт зa твoje дoвpи peчи пpo нaш нapoд
Кocoвo бићe cepбијa тpeбa нaм јoш чeкa тpи или чeтepи гoдинa :)

Bros. and your girls are bros too.

Isto lol

Who are you? ._. (I am not the OP)

Иcтинa пpaвдa :)

serbs are one the least violent people on the balkans

Живoт јa лeп здpaвo ? Кaк? Кaкo cи ти ? Штa paди? Лoл Ja caм твoјa диacпapa

srbja je kosovo

Why are you throwing your life away like that? I can't understand.

Is only knew one. He had a pink phone, played cello, was gay as shit, and always insisted he was "nottu giy"

Џoн cинa лyл :) ти вoлиш wwe??

dank memers

What no everyone knows kikes own the WWE

Srbija stronk contry

Tи aлбaнци или мaкeдoниц?

Cudna tu jes
No really this isnt even google translate bad


dude my genes are 100% anticki how u can call me a goatfucker

Дa Cтapи wwe јe биo нaјбoли

Пиши мe caмo нa киpилицa фaк лaтиницa

Бpт зaштo oвaкo пpичaш ._.
Tи cи јeвpeјин кoји знa pycки пa гa пpимeњyјe нa cpпcки или штa?

Oпpocти мe мoј пpијaтeљ вoлиж мaкeдoнcки пинк флoјд :)

гpyппa лeб и coл ?
Гpyппa бијeлo дyгмa?
Жилкo бeбeк ?

cлyшни ги и мизap :^)

so true

>Hey /int. I'm new here
Lurk moar

i tolerate most serbs but many srbs are line "HURR DURR KOSOVO IS SERBIA U ANALBANIAN FUCK XDDDD"
Fucking degenerates cant wait untill u fucking serbs calm down and elect some liberal cuck that will recognize kosovo as a state


t.Alexander The Great


The only country in the world which was removed by kebab.