How many lines of code can you right per hour

how many lines of code can you right per hour.



right dhit


Nearly an infinite amount.

Now if were are talking about quality code...

>Nearly an infinite amount.
Even holding down the enter key is going to give you a limit on how many lines you can make.

What a stupid thing to ask

Say bout tree fiddy

more than enough to build a gui interface in real time to hack your IP, kiddo!! Better unplug right now if you know what's good for you

I once did 1 kloc in 24hrs of (easy) c++ structural code - designing/implementing a class hierarchy. It was good code and stood the test of time.

>not mloc or gloc

Not if he writes a script that copies the previous lines, pastes, and repeats.

Enter ×10
Ctrl a
Ctrl c
Crtl p
Ctrl a
Ctrl c
Ctrl p

I could fill 16gb of my memory in less than an hour

as well as a bunch of a useless blank sheets of paper

but that would still be O(n^2)
you can't reach infinite in an hour with that

Please fucking tell me this is satire

>blank paper
Nigga fuck your shit

If you wanted to you could just add print statements instead of empty lines but i dont see how that changes anything.

Lets say you got good and could do the cntrl acp combo in 1 second. Lets alot 3 seconds to do enters or whatever useless code you want to write.

>So thats 60×60=3600

And thats not even the most efficient. If you pressed the paste a couple more times you could reasonablely get it to be 4^x

>So lets approx and do 4^3550
So thats alot of lines of useless code.

>Further, say there was 25 characters per line
>that would be 1kb per 40 lines
So 2.5E2106 kb (uncompressed)

7, but they real good

Are there any ways in which a one big wheel like that one would be superior to two?

about tree fiddy

>can't even get the quote write

I'm going to go create a gui interface in visual basic to track your IP address

Decent programmers can rite about five (5) lines of properly written, debugged, commented and tested code per hour.

Only shitty programmers can be found north of ten lines per hour