We can all agree on this right?

Job-tier general-purpose languages:

Anything not on this list is irrelevant as far as general employment goes (yes, there are a few more niche languages that you can get a job with).

Of these C and Go are really the only ones worth learning. Want speed? Use C, it inter-operates with Go using cgo, which is officially supported by the Go team. Want efficiency? Again, use C, although Go is a good choice too if you're concerned about safety. Just care about safety? Use go.

Because Go has strict adherence to standards and idioms, Go code bases are far more digestible than Java or C++. A Go program written by one developer can easily be deciphered by another Go developer, the same can't be said for Java and C++, because they don't have well defined standards. Each project has its own style guide.

People say Go is made for unintelligent programmers, but Java is made from the ground up to be useful with an IDE, something only retards rely on. It's LITERALLY made for retards to click and press buttons instead of just editing text. Go has great official tooling that integrates with text editors to give them IDE-like features, but without the need for a whole IDE. This makes it extremely hard to write bad Go code. Also, almost all Java programs start out with generated code. Java is for literal retards.

C++ changes so often that any old code bases will be nearly indecipherable to new, modern C++ programmers. This means that a decade old code base that's been maintained by 20 or more people will be a convoluted mess. We've all seen them.

Other urls found in this thread:


We can all agree Java is shit right?

>mile long class hierarchies
>indentation as thick as my neck
>absolutely retarded syntax

what the fuck is Go literally never seen that shit used lmao kys cuck famalam stupid AMD poorfag

Why is ocaml on the list?

>We can all agree on this right?
>Job-tier general-purpose languages:
>Of these [my personal favorites] are really the only ones worth learning.

>job tier
>no C#
This meme thread deserves no replies.

I'd rather use Java than Go

tell me why java is good without mentioning Go or C

java cant stand on its own

daily reminder that go is literally useless

Notice that people who hate Go can't defend their language of choice?

Pick a language and tell me what makes it good without telling me how shitty Golang is (you won't).

The list should actually be C, C++, Java, and C#.

Everything else is situational, but those four will get you a job regardless of the job market you're currently in.

>Not relevant for jobs

No one uses C# out side of microsoft.

It's a cuck language meant for use with .NET, which is a cuck framework.

C# isn't on the list because its beyond irrelevant.

It's irrelevant.


>No one uses C# out side of microsoft.

Languages in use at my work

>s390 assembler

I'm sure there are some I've missed

If you know C#, Swift/Obj-C really well you can get a 6 figure job tomorrow. Your choice of languages is fucking shit-tier which leads me to believe you're either from some 3rd world shithole or you're just inexperienced retard.

This is a cop out.

Not having generics is irrelevant. There is never a case where is matters.

>Python, perl AND ruby
>both C# and F#
what kind of clusterfuck company do you work at?

Honestly it's shit.
List of its killer features would be too long so I'll just say templates.
Ugh, anonymous classes I guess. It's quite a limited language, but at least it's widely available or something.
Prototypes are wonderful and should be used more.
No redeeming features.
C# has the biggest amount of features and there are many jobs for it.

Seems like a lot of silicon valley companies are using it. That probably doesn't apply to other regions though.

Plenty of companies make their products with .NET, I am not defending the decision. I have never used C#

>I love to write a shitton of similar code!

A large one with many teams, and contracted staff for a specific project who want to use their pet language, we also have code from the early 80s still in production.

must be fun having to copy paste a million times

C doesn't have generics and you cockgobblers love to drool over it.
Go is literally just C without having to fuck around with malloc all day, and uses slices instead of arrays.

At that point just use C instead of your stupid meme language

c11 has generics.

> Go & OCaml
These do not belong on your list. Niche languages are niche.

>No one uses C# out side of microsoft.
I don't even like C# or .NET and I know you're wrong. Go to any widely used programming job listing site and compare the amount of positions asking for .NET experience vs. those asking for Go experience. Don't be stupid and base your argument for Go being more "worth learning" than C# because you think it's used more than C#.

So it's a GC'd language with syntax no better than C? Wow.

>This language is nearly as fast as the other one but gets rid of its biggest problem!

C# and F# are intended to work together, F# wasn't ever billed as a C# replacement.

Not every language with garbage collection has the memory footprint of Java, you dingus

>anti-C zealots are retards that love generics
Like pottery.

>>Java is made from the ground up to be useful with an IDE, something only retards rely on

Unsubscribed. Why would you not want to make coding objectively more efficient and easier?

I'm writing a backend for my application that accesses a database, does some processing and exposes a REST-like API. Does Go have something even remotely comparable to Spring Boot and Hibernate for this task? (this is a rethorical question)
I am also rewriting a frontend for that application. It uses React with Mobx, which is currently the best option for fat frontends. Does Go have something better I can use? (another one)
On top of that, I have a bunch of utility scripts that scrape data needed for said application. Will using Go really make writing of 100-line web scrapers and data converters easier than in Python with BeautifulSoup? (you guessed it)

If I needed something for distributed shit that scales well, I would use Scala+Akka or Elixir.
If I needed something for systems programming, I would use Rust or C.

I don't give a fuck about your useless language and I don't need to defend shit.

>implying implications
I like C. I like generics. One not having the other is not a big fucking deal.

>If I needed something for distributed shit that scales well, I would use Scala+Akka or Elixir.
And that project would never see the light of day because nobody else would want to help develop it.

>adding GC
>getting rid of a problem
pick one and only one

> It's quite a limited language, but at least it's widely available or something.
Not just widely available, the overall ecosystem is extremely strong.

It's where corporate open sauce lives, (particularly the bunch that neither wants to trust MS nor Google with all of their future - which is almost everyone by now, heh).

If you're not happy with Java's own syntax, another strength the ecosystem gained recently is getting very powerful language implementaitons like Scala, Kotlin, Clojure, and generally a strengthened support for polyglot programs. It's pretty damn common to see a production big data framework or database written in Scala also getting ABI/API or such for Python etc.

This was one of .NET's ambitions and selling points, but it kinda happens more on Java.

> Does Go have something even remotely comparable to Spring Boot and Hibernate for this task? (this is a rethorical question)
To give an explicit answer anyhow:
While *really* not everyone needs a Spring or Hibernate, Go doesn't really have any good DB bindings that I'd consider safe for production. [Not that they will all fail when you touch them, but did someone polish them enough to iron out almost all bugs and make them fast down to caches and buffers and transactions and all? Nah.]

> And that project would never see the light of day because nobody else would want to help develop it.
Just like nobody wants to develop (with) that Akka-based Spark thing, right?

you just suck at coding.


>Go doesn't really have any good DB bindings that I'd consider safe for production.
Go has fantastic database bindings in the standard library.

>more LOC means better code

>Will using Go really make writing of 100-line web scrapers and data converters easier than in Python with BeautifulSoup?

I can tell you're a bad programmer by this statement. Go has simplistic html parsing in the standard library, but Go is the type of language you use when beatifulsoup isn't good enough.

That's why Go devs get paid more than python devs.

>it takes him more LOC to do something in Go than in other languages.
Proving my point that you're a bad programmer.

Having no generics by definition leads to longer code. Because that's what they were invented for.

>third party libraries don't count as extra code


>by definition
Do you even know what a definition is?

C has no generics and it's fine. Most C programs are small and compact, just look at the GNU core utils.

>C has no generics and it's fine
Is this Rajesh serious right now.

Well, if you compare them to early PHP bindings perhaps?

But really, no. database/sql and so on aren't really particularly good at this point.

>has literally no counter argument

I won the debate.

Ocaml has no unsigned integers and concurrency support is basically just threads, use F#

Well I disagree

>python can't get you a job

In a world where C is fine, sure.

Write a shorter equivalent of this in Go:
T add(T a, T b){
return a+b;

I'll wait.
This should add not just numbers but anything that has addition defined, like strings: ideone.com/6D0UFJ. This should also have zero runtime cost.


These are the only languages useful.
We can all agree on this right?

Silicon Valley is a bubble. Where everyone uses iPhones and Macbooks. They claim to hate Java and C#, yet they are dominant industry languages.

Many people on Sup Forums don't have jobs, therefore have no idea what they are talking about.

.Net is huge. Java is huge. C/C++ is huge. Python is huge. Javascript is huge.

Go is a meme. OCaml is a meme. Haskell is a meme. Idris is a meme. D is a meme, etc.

>tfw in Sillicon Valley
>everything is retarded expensive
>everyone has macshit
fuck this place

Languages at my work are very similar:


I've never seen Go even proposed for anything.

>we also have code from the early 80s in production

I work for a payroll company and most of my job is taking code from 1983 written in BASIC and porting it to C.
I want to murder the people that programmed this shit.


Go can't do anything that other, more established languages can't do. It lacks speed and has GC, so forget about using it for systems programming. Not a good scripting language. No good for automation and data-science. High performance servers are better off in C++ or even Rust. When performance is not key, it lacks productivity of Ruby, PHP, or JS. Can't really write mobile or desktop apps either.

>Go is literally just C without having to fuck around with malloc all day, and uses slices instead of arrays.

If you add in "and you also have to import the unsafe package to do anything really useful" then sure, it's just like that.

If you're actually want to make money

Android Apps
Android Apps
iPhone Apps
Web Apps

The new generation is mobile, deal with it.

pretty much this

>General purpose
>SAS, R, and SPSS

Literally every language worth even giving the slightest shit about can call C with very little hassle.
That's not a feature you should be touting.

Is Xamarin with C# popular? I've never actually looked.

You can make hybrid iPhone/Android Apps using JavaScript too :^)

this is true. asked work related question on /dpt/ recently, got 0 (you)'s. then i realized everyone there is either a studeneet, a kid, or a schizophrenic

Who uses these?

JavaScript doesn't have C interop

I hear about it a lot but haven't seen people actually use it.
At the very least it has my interest. Whether it's popular or not is irrelevant to me as long as it isn't shit to work with.

>but Java is made from the ground up to be useful with an IDE
Well, that's the most retarded thing I'll read all day

I make 80k/year with C#

I also am the founder of my own business

What's with all the Go threads today? Have I just been missing them before?

For me it is :¨(

Sup Forums is two years behind the latest YC memes.

is there a sqlalchemy for go?

Why not use C for internals that doesnt execute or parse user input?

yeah its not like most commercial computers run windows or anything

>lot of silicon valley companies are using it.
sooner or later they will end moving to Java, C#, Python, Ruby or C++

Something I noticed with people that bitch about IDEs is that they're almost always NEETs or college students that have never worked on a large system or touched any enterprise tier code.

Literally there are HUNDREDS of job advertisements within a 200 mile radius of my location for C# developers.
If you know Java or C# you are pretty much set for a standard, average pay software development job anywhere in the United States.

What do you think should rubiest go next?
I think Elixir is pretty cool, but I'm not sure if this language go further than just meme.

Had to sneak one in there, didn't you?

Seriously, is OCaml actually used for anything useful? Is OCaml part of a requirement for more than 1% of jobs out there? More than 0.1% of jobs?

You should have stopped at JavaScript.

Only NEETs care about Go and OCaml.

>>absolutely retarded syntax
What's wrong with it?

OP is talking about jobs. Far more C#/Java enterprise jobs out there than go.

Go is pretty neat. I favour it for little embedded things if I don't need some dinosaur C library. But JavaScript is sadly where it's at until browsers supply an alternative

>But JavaScript is sadly where it's at until browsers supply an alternative
wasm soon™


>Look mom I did it again, I won an argument online
>Can you bring me another plate of tendies please, I'm exhausted from p0wning this n00b

Yeah there are far more C# and Java jobs, but they don't pay as well as Go, C, or even javascript.


>just look at the GNU core utils.
/usr/bin/false is 78 loc