Are you worried about the environment Sup Forums ?

Are you worried about the environment Sup Forums ?

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Yes, but I had long given up hope that anyone would do anything to deal with it, we have almost (if not already) passed the point of no return.

The only thing I hope is that I will not live to see the impact occurring in my lifetime.

People are the ones that do this shit. The environment would be fine if not for entire nations filled with slobs.



At this point I am just living my life because its not going to be stopped

>At this point I am just living my life because its not going to be stopped
People have been saying this since the industrial revolution

Yes I am, very much so.

Yes. Even if you don't believe in global warming seeing shit like this is disgusting. Places with once clean water have to drink bottled water and clean air is polluted with smog. Fossils fuels are going to run out eventually and if that happens we're fucked because investing into new sources of energy is a "waste of money" and "liberal propaganda"

Yes, I fucking love nature and love getting lost at the forest. It's already too late though, I can't even eat certain fish species anymore because they've been contaminated by toxic dumpings

I'm well aware of this however the reasons today are very different than those during the industrial revolution.

There will come a day when Thomas Malthus will be vindicated and that day is coming sooner rather than later

hopefully not in my lifetime


I can't only do my part, the rest is up to everyone else.
E.V.'s discount in NZ when?

Definitely this. I care about the environment, but I wish that I die before any significant events occur.

I burn the whole plastic and paper in your home oven.

>implying environmentalism isn't a thing
>wallowing in misery instead of trying to help

Couldn't care less

That seems to be the consensus among shitskins.

desu most of the pollution comes from white 1st world nation, an average nigerian shouldn't be held to the same level of responsibility as their american counterpart

Yeah, but I just do it to feel morally superior to my brown peers.
I have more plants than clothes, recycle 90% of my shit, I buy exclusively in the market and haven't used a plastic bag in the last year.
I know non of this shit helps in any considerable way, but it feels nice being a special snowflake.

is this really what they teach you at mosque?

is this how they get you to blow yourself up to kill us?

are you retarded? look up carbon footprint per capita


to practice true enviromentalism one would have to completely exclude oneself from all modern products and civilization. If you live among civilization you are directly contributing to the destruction of the natural habitat, you can't do half and half.

People who claim they love the environment but still continue to participate in society are posers. At this point even if (fedora mode) 50-70% of the human population dies it wouldn't make a dent of difference, if you think you are contributing by making the occasional recycling and buying rainforest-friendly coffee you are delusional.

yes, green living is a very popular subject with the imamas

>per capita

not my fault there are billions of asians crammed on to tiny parcels of land

maybe they should stop fucking

But remember kids, overpopulation is always a myth!

This statement does not amount as an argument, reducing carbon emissions is also a very popular subject with the G8 and you don't see them actually doing a good job about it.

I was being sarcastic btw, the last thing imams would think about is saving the planet, to them we're is all gonna die out anyway

global warming is the fault of large cuntrees mainly US, Chyna and Russia, who keeps on burning tons of coal and shit fucking up the atmosphere; my country and other third world undeveloped jungle shitholes have nothing to to about it yet, the UN jews forces us to comply to their climate change BS laws.

> leave the lights on
> buy everything wrapped in plastic
> never recycle
> overuse heating in winter so you can be naked at home in January
> drive your bike/car everywhere instead of using public transport or a bicycle
> eat meat every day
> buy imported fruit and vegetables because locally grown ones are oh so expensive!
> buy cheap sweatshop-made clothes every season in order to follow fashion trends
> choose the farthest holiday destination as long as the plane tickets are cheap enough

We deserve everything that's coming for us to be honest

>you will never live in eco-paradise earth