Why are SJWs and leftists so able to take over FOSS and free software organizations and enforce their CoCs and...

Why are SJWs and leftists so able to take over FOSS and free software organizations and enforce their CoCs and affirmative action so easily?

Seriously. They effortlessly get onto board of directiors, in the inner circles, and have ruined countless projects. Is it because programmer nerds are beta and low testosterone or something more insidious?

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Please use Rust.

Lots of thirsty men seeking female validation.

isn't the guy in charge of the documentation for rust some kind of mega libtard sjw tranny?

Are you racist?

They aren't so much different from Stallman. So no surprise

Yes, I am racist. I don't see what's wrong with racism. It's natural, healthy, and even preferable to prefer your own race to others. It's what keeps your culture and people alive. But that doesn't have anything to do with the point I'm making.

>able to take over FOSS


>devs are weak cucks
Big surprise. It's a good thing Linus is too autistic to let anyone ruin his work.

libtard trying to claim the accomplishments of others for himself and turn it into mongrelized nigger SJW trash, what a surprise.

>your own race

No such thing.

>your culture

Culture is fluid and changes every month. People in your country had very different diets and clothes and religion just 50 years ago.

It's hard to put your foot down and say "cut it out" when you'll get media-lynched by wailing SJWs.


>>your own race
>No such thing.

Yes, despite different species of animals being genetically more distant than niggers and whites, and different races being unable to accept organ transplants from one another, race isn't real. Good job.

>Yes, I am racist.
I've reported you to the mods. Once you've been removed the rest of us will have a grown up discussion about what might have possibly led to you having these views, and what we can do from here on in to keep these views off Sup Forums.

glad Sup Forums is finally waking up

here's your (You) dopamine hit

Wake up, sheeple.

You asked if I was racist and I answered honestly. I am racist, yes, and I think niggers are sub human apes. But I didn't say that in the OP, did I? You are the one who initially derailed this thread asking if I was racist.

I know you're probably baiting but libtards love to censor everything they dislike, they can't even, like, totally, ugh, just, omg, no.

>accomplishments of others
>brainlet with no idea what he's talking about

Richard Stallman, creator of the Free Software Movement is a SOCIALIST and himself said FOSS is SOCIALISM.


GIMP's Twitter is being bombed by SJWs who think the name GIMP is "offensive".

It's all downhill from here.

No such thing as race.

In Europe Arabs aren't white but in North and South America they are.

>I've reported you to the mods

Back with you to reddit

Because most freetards, like most other people are literal cucks who are afraid of "offending" anyone. It's the sad truth.

What does it matter?

Guys make better girls, anyway

Computer nerds are uber-betas. They don't interact with women. If one comes by and tells them how to behave they just do it.

Thanks for the clarification, rabbi.

jesus what a faggot thread

Arabs are not white and nobody considers them white. They look like ugly mongrels with hideous noses.
You're just talking about how they're reported on census forms.

>ctrl+f "sociali"
>no results

anyway stallman is irrelevant and piggybacked off people like linus, who is staunchly anti sjw and censorship

Furthermore let's assume free software is indeed socialist intrinsically like you claim, which is retarded (most of the early pioneers were actually libertarian etc). Some of the founding principles are that anyone can contribute and that meritocracy is extremely important. This runs counter to CoCs and affirmative action. Should I not be allowed to have my code available because I hate niggers? Should I not be allowed to run an organization, or contribute to a project because I think niggers are monkeys? Should I not be given a position commensurate to my qualifications instead of an affirmative action nigger?

The difference between right wing people and left wing SJWs is that right wing people believe in merit. If a tranny, or nigger ape, or arab shitskin was genuinely talented, even though I think they are scum, I would let them contribute, I would promote them based on their qualifications and talent. Whereas SJWs that have infiltrated the open source community don't think you should be allowed to have a job, manage projects, or even contribute code depending on your political beliefs. That's the difference between you and me.

>no such thing as race

>Arabs are not white and nobody considers them white.

The United States Census defines WHITE as:

"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian.

Additionally, people who reported Muslim (or a sect of Islam such as Shi'ite or Sunni), Jewish, Zoroastrian, or Caucasian as their "race" in the "Some other race" section, without noting a country of origin, are automatically tallied as White.


Pic related

it's funny, white and asian computer nerds are so fucking dorky and beta, even though they're 99% of programmers, instead of unionizing or something they let an extreme minority discriminate against them and push affirmative action an SJW shit

they are that fucking beta, if a woman even shows up, they will put her on the board of directors and let her put in a pozzed CoC and destroy the project from within, just like what happened to mozilla


that's insane

and then I said "You're just talking about how they're reported on census forms."

Ask any white person if they think arabs are white. They will all say no. Ask the arabs themselves, they will also say no. Arabs even get affirmative action, unlike whites. You think some idiotic government categorization changes their race. It does not.

But I'm still racist.

>Ask any white person

Europeans don't consider Americans white

> marxists
> "work" for free
Don't be surprised. These yahoos probably believe they're right around the corner to post-scarcity

>I don't see what's wrong with racism.

Reality's gonna hit you hard by the time you hit 16

>white American
>actually an Arab

how do you feel about whites?

they are old, racist, and they must be bred out of existence as they are problematic

every white country, and only white countries, must become multicultural

that's my opinion. racist.

>obvious jew
>paraded around as "an arab" who "looks white"
7d hebrew chess

No such thing as "whites". I identify with my country due to the same language and culture, not with people from other countries.

Arabs are white in America and have been breeding with Europeans there for at least 100 years.

Pic related is a famous white American actor.

Levanites aren't Arabs.

His father is Muslim.

doesn't look white to me, he has a clear arab facial phenotype

>pretending a mediterranean man of phoenician extraction is an arab
lebs are white as italians, you got that right

is his mother a jew?

Yes they are. They are literally on the Arabian peninsula.

It is because people who take free software seriously, don't give a shit. The only thing that matters is producing code, since open source code is audit-able it doesn't matter who writes it.


the arabian peninsula isn't the levant

Italians aren't white either.

Arab larping as white detected

italians are white

you will notice that the levant does not include the arabian peninsula

not sure why you'd want to eliminate true lebs, palestinians and syrians

Wow this makes me want to scream. I don't care much about politics and haven't let SJWs bother me entirely. But this is tilting inducing.

>italians are white

No, we are European, not white.

italy is literally the apotheosis of white and created all of white culture

I know you want to get out of the SJW white guilt thing but you are white. Speak for yourself terrone. I am italian and white.

everyone is racist you dipshit

I think the problem here is that your worldview is so unpopular that you see far too many people as a SJW. If you look at a board of directors and consider everyone who's not white or not a racist a SJW, then it doesn't mean that there's this organised group pushing an agenda that are seeking positions of power so they can force their view on everyone else. It might *look* like that (and in some cases it might be true) but the far simpler explanation is that most people today are in favor of breaking down racial barriers.

>you are white

No, I am Italian. You're an American mongrel with no culture.

it's all love and peace until you tyrone, tyrese, d'antwon, mbeke, and d'andrea run a train on you

what if I told that that most minorities are racist as fuck. if you hate white people so much, do the world a favor and KYS

>what if I told that that most minorities are racist as fuck
Sounds like you're generalizing racial minorities, have you considered that you might be a racist? :^)
On a more serious note, I know that some minorities hate white people, out of a feeling of revenge or something. I'm not defending that.
>if you hate white people so much
I don't.

it's human nature to categorize data, it's literally what separate us from the animals.

no one cares about foss except stallman.

Because leftism is the reigning champion of subversion. It's literally how the entire mindset / ideology operates.

>that 0.1/10 troll pretending to be a mad leftist is getting any replies

also to answer your question op, it's mostly that they are forced to get them or they will be labeled as racist/misogynistic or whatever

>Culture is fluid and changes every month.

>every month

you are an idiot

culture is fluid but it changes on the order of decades and when the change comes from the outside influx instead of a natural evolution of the people then it is deeply problematic

because just look at that thing, it has unlimited confidence and motivations fueled by delusions and an insane concept of reality


Culture changes every month because every month new fashions come out in language, food, clothing, hairstyles, music etc. That is culture and it's changing all the time whether you like it or not.

there's no such thing as a white race, but arabs are not the same as germanic, nor niggers

>That is culture
It's called trends and have very little to do with actual culture.

Fuck off, stop comparing your shitty snownigger country with italy.
We are mediterranean, there's no such thing as white, and a swedecuck is as different from me as a nigger.

>t. italian with light hair and green eyes


I'd fork her dongle


jesus christ, it's like only the 20th century exists
end you'reselve


I'm on replacing problematic terminology gradually, with aliases. For the kill and suicide terms, it seems to me like stop and stopped actually makes more sense, especially across language barriers. The master and worker terminology could also be parent and child, which seems a bit friendlier.

Sadly, the whole unix process model is overridden with terminology related to violence and slavery...

so many people to be removed from the gene pool

>implying trumpfags dont ruin everything they touch

Dude do you know that the the board of directors are all programmers as well?

>isn't the guy in charge of the documentation for rust some kind of mega libtard sjw tranny?

so fucking what?

FOSS is communism. Communists are degenerate. Degenerates tend to like other degenerates.

Beta white knights must die. Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo.

using parent and child you would inherently imply that the child is related to the parent

using master and slave you donĀ“t imply a relation where there is none
please go away with your newspeak

Mostly colaborations comes free time in house of programmer, times org gets big some big name start to send money,then SJW start to attack source money to gain administrative role,which enable power to add all rules or send money to help women, see GNOME or Mozilla

>This goes back to the Node.js is fun principal: seeing suicide in my code bums me out and is decidedly not fun.
How can these people even call themselves programmers if they don't seek the sweet release of death?

It's easy.
FOSS and GNU is full of thirsty, lonely men who's sexual hunger is greater than their self decency.
They latch on anything to fulfill their desires.
They are the nuMales of today, the cuckmales.

Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.

If you're living in the 21st century you're part of global culture and no longer have a unique culture that can be protected.

Your culture is influenced by everything you see on the internet and tv and that's why people dress and think the same everywhere in the world except in the few places where it is banned.

There's literally nothing you can do to prevent cultural globalisation and cultural homogenisation because economic globalisation and political globalisation are its drivers.

>literally nothing
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

I thought Sup Forums was full of progressives. I thought Sup Forums was a place where I could have interesting discussions about important issues.

I didn't know Sup Forums was full of trump supporters. Sorely disappointed.

It's the same Trump autist posting this shit

Weak bait. People like that know Sup Forums as the "ebil misogynistic sh!thole of the internets".

>trump supporters.
AKA any people don't like me is trump supporter

sounds like someone didn't have a father growing up

>Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour
Not everyone live in burgerland mate, our culture is as strong as ever if not more thanks to globalists like you telling us otherwise and making us appreciate out own diversity. Also globalism ready failed, so hard it brought back fascism, communism and racial segregation back because in comparison to globalism there are reasonable ideas.

Not him, but:

>This runs counter to CoCs and affirmative action.
Wrong. Rejecting hate does not run counter to including everyone. Rejecting hateful *people* *would* run counter to including everyone, but you can accept hateful people and still reject hate.

You see, the point is that there is a need to separate the idea of a person's qualities from the idea of their behaviors. If I were in charge of a FOSS organization, we would gladly accept contributions from racist programmers, but we would *not* accept contributions *of* racist *software*.

You don't have to write software that says black people are great, obviously, because if all software had to say black people are great, that would be really stupid. And in the community, you don't have to treat black people with any more respect than you treat anyone else. If you feel the need to go to this extreme, you don't even have to interact with black people if you don't want to. You can be exclusively willing to interact with white people and still be abiding by the CoC.

But what you *can't* do is:
>submit software explicitly excluding or expressing hatred for black people or any other group of people to which membership is involuntary
>express hatred in the community toward any such group (it's okay to hate them though, you just can't express it)

How is that excluding anyone?

Finally, on the point of affirmative action running counter to the principle of including everyone, I absolutely agree.