Two most powerful Turk leaders in history

>two most powerful Turk leaders in history
>ones Jewish and the other ones Georgian

There is no Jew, no Greek, no Laz, no Georgian, no Turk. There is Muslim.

Atacuck was atheist.

You forgot the early Ottoman Sultans (Mehmet II, Selim I, Suleiman), all of whom were chinks.

>Anatolians will accept this

mashallah brother

He was secretly Muslim. It was only to drag Turkey into the oasis of a first world nation that he said and did all of that.

"I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men."

A paradoxy of the two seemingly opposing and seperate statements is a semantical issue but he advocated for the establishment of a simpllfied and for everyone accessible world religion; the following statement is a excerpt from the Nutuk, the guideline for Turkish governance:

"Efendiler, bütün insanlığın görgü, bilgi ve düşüncede yükselip olgunlaşması, Hristiyanlığı, Müslümanlığı, Budizmi bir yana bırakarak basitleştirilmiş ve herkes için anlaşılacak duruma getirilmiş saf ve lekesiz bir dünya dininin kurulması ve insanların, şimdiye kadar kavgalar, çirkeflikler, kaba istek ve iştahlar arasında bir sefalethanede yaşamakta olduklarını kabul ederek, bütün vücutları ve zekâları zehirleyen zararlı tohumları yok etmeye karar vermesi gibi şartların gerçekleşmesini gerektiren «birleşik bir dünya devleti» kurma hayalinin tatlı olduğunu inkâr edecek değiliz."

He was a Turkmen.
They still exist in those approximate areas and display the same phenotypical features.

That's wrong, plus even Genghis Khan accepted Jochi as his first son.

Ataput was a Albanian-Bulgarian dönme

He was a Yoruk Turkmen


choose 1 pls.



no thanks

suriyeye aylardır uçak uçuramıyoruz sevgili çomar, bunun ekşiyle ne alakası var. madem erdogan güçlü vursun pyd'yi suriyede uçaklarla. ben olsam 100 kere kaldırmıştım. :^)

>suriyeye aylardır uçak uçuramıyoruz
>dün ırak'ın kürt merkezi kandil bombalandı
>suriyedeki muhalifler hala destekleniyor
as kendini delüzyonel ekşici

>suriyeye aylardır uçak uçuramıyoruz

koalisyonla vuruyoruz hem de baya vuruyoruz. muh s400 balondan başka birşey değil. söyle putine bir jet daha yollasın reis bişiy denicek :^)

>suriyeye uçak uçuramıyoruz
>ırak'ı bombaladık

ırak ne zamandan beri suriye

>muhalifler hala destekleniyor

muhalifler bitti bile. pyd'yi siksen durduramıyorsun, suriyede pyd'ye kafa atmamız lazım yoksa daha çok bombalama olur türkiyede, bütün analistler basbas bağırıyor bunu.


bir kere bile girmedim.

>koalisyonla vuruyoruz

koalisyon pyd'yi vurmuyor aksine pyd'ye yardım ediyor. bizim pyd'yi vurmamız lazım.

>Erdoğan allegedly said in 2003, "I'm a Georgian, my family is a Georgian family which migrated from Batumi to Rize."[29][30] However, in a 2014 televised interview on the NTV news network, he said, "You wouldn't believe the things they have said about me. They have said I am Georgian...even with much uglier things, they have called me Armenian, but I am Turkish."[31][32]

Kill yourself nigger

>oh shit a politician lies
welcome to the real world baguette

such dumb lies is pathetic

Why a lot of people on Sup Forums keep calling Ataturk jew? Is this a meme?

Yes actually lying like that would be a big deal in any civilized country.

because he wanted to crush islam so he must be a jew.


well politicians in supposed civilized countries lie blatantly a lot as well.

yeah about unemployement and growth. But lying about ancestries? lmao

well as you can see being a non-armenian is important in turkey ;^)

>even with much uglier things,
>they have called me Armenian,

armenian is basically a curse-word in turkey
calling someone an armenian is on the level of calling them a traitor bastard
although hate-speech against armenians is also criminalized, turkey is a weird country