Is functional programming the future of programming?

Is functional programming the future of programming?

Why should it be?

>needing a UTF-8 keyboard to program

If functional programming is so cool why is there no dedicated arrow character on keyboards?

Yes. But we haven't figured out all the details yet.

What you see spreading across most languages (including Java, C, C++, ...) is what currently really works.

Because it's the only way we have actually managed to work with all these CPU cores and other resources locally and in the network. Everything else was very limited and problematic, the foundation of this must actually be functional units.

Also, because it's ultimately also what we want for code reuse, testing and so on.

>noting having a UTF-8 keyboard

Shouldn't be programming to begin with, loser.

This is the most verbose POS I've ever seen.

with processing power of machines increasing monthly why would any normie bother with it.It will be a hobby paradigm for autists that is all.

What kind of autism is this?

If you see the output of that program it's actually no verbose at all.

It's actually incredibly concise.

FP doesn't work (or is cumbersome) in most situations because real systems have state.

the opposite, actually

The overhead is too great for it to beat anything

Unrelated: I keep getting "calle" in my captchas

Pure functional programming is a meme that will never happen. However functions as first class objects/closures are useful and will be/have been integrated into normal programming.

>the output is pretty
So can a 300 line GTK+ and matplotlib script in Python be, doesn't mean that the code is pretty anyway.


CloudDeploy["Hello, world"]


It is too late. It was always too late

CloudDeploy[] is awesome. What the fuck are you even smoking?

What vou even mean by that?

The future of programming, user.

How can non-functional languages even compete?

>doing statistics
>not using R
you dun goof'd

>he fell for the R meme


>he thinks R is a meme
Come back when you've taken university level statistics, kiddo.

No, it's the past, but sadly too many people can't let go, so we're still stuck with that shit.

Oop zealot?

OCaml is the greatest programming language.

R is GOAT tier for statistics. Try again.

I agree. And I'm paid to use it every day.

OP your pic looks like ass.

I think OOP is not ideal BUT makes for clean code in huge dev teams. If everyone wrote like OP's pic (I work with about 100 other programmers) the project would be unmanageable.

I think you functional NEETS are forgetting about real world application. Intuitively if something performs better you think it's the best option, but in the real job world you sacrifice optimization for deployment reliability. Do you think any of the devs at my work want to use windows? Do you think we like our idiotic third party vendors who have shit support? I won't join the performance debate, but from a dev ops point of view, OOP and clean code is Superior in large dev environments. If you're a NEET in your moms basement with 5 gentoo installs running at once thats fine but don't kid yourself by thinking anyone wants to work with some pseudo intellectual MIT shit.

>functional programming
>pseudo intellectual MIT shit

literally what?