Hi Sup Forums. I am 18 yr old student moved to America from Egypt. What do people here think of Egypt?

Hi Sup Forums. I am 18 yr old student moved to America from Egypt. What do people here think of Egypt?

Hold on a second.

So you're tell me that you're a Pharaoh?

Better than certain other Muslim countries.

It wuz were my ancestors came from ya feel me, when we wuz kangs n kweens.


Why did you kill all the black egyptians?

egypt is shit

Be quiet please I love Tunisia but the shape of your country looks like a full condom

My neighbor is Egyptian and he is chill as fuck. His name is Mahmoud or w/e and his little brothers are well behaved. His parents are business owners and work hard. If you see well behaved brown kids playing outside that's the Egyptians. Where as the shitty little turds running in people's lawns and screaming are Mexican kids.

Recently had Iranians move a house over and Mahmoud said "not to be racist but I fuckin hate Iranians"

"""OP""" reminds me of this Croat.


Best Arab immigrants to US desu

They're well behaved brown kids when theyre in america, but not over there

ay hol up
you finna say yous a Gyptian and shit nigga
That shits in afrikuh
You need to be lookin like Kanye West or suttin nigga he was a Pharoah an shit in a past life
Shieeeeeeeet you dont even got a yugioh deck nigga watchu doin'

Is you a kang n sheit?

Gamel Abdel Nasser

you egyptians think the Pharaohs were blacks?

You're not Egyptian because you are not black! I am tired of these Indians pretending to be our people. You fucking dot heads are always saying you're egyptian because your culture is shit!

no, definitely not black

Really? Eh, they aren't screaming like the Iranians, the blacks or the Mexicans so I don't care what they do in their own country

Why are egyptians so brown?

mynew neighbour is mexican and all i hear from their house is screaming, viva mexico right? hahaha

Egypt stop being Egypt when it adopted Islam.


there is a big yellow ball called the sun that sits on top of our sky and it turns everyone into a nigger

Educate the blacks and tell them that they were not kingzz

my egyptian gf sent me this and i don't know what it says
translate please

So WUZ you?

In egypt i actually fell into the small percentage of 10% christian. they made me memorize excerpts from the quran in school. you are right

>In egypt i actually fell into the small percentage of 10% christian.
Is it actually as bad for Christians there as Western media portrays it?


Not really, it was much worse before, things are getting better.

Do you like Marlboro cigarettes?
Pilots in the Suez canal always ask for Marlboros

I recently quit, but i did a lot

ena men aswan?


What do people in Korea think about Egypt?

Pilots? What

Like airplanes? Why are they flying planes into the water

dankest kek

Pyramids, Sphinx, and cursed relics

How do you think about Israel and Palestine

Why do you guys trully belive there are no gays in egypt? you all look gay as shit.

>Neighbors are Egyptian and Iranian
How is North Jersey or Dearborn treating you?

Most of the Egyptians and Iranians I've mete are pretty cool.

>"not to be racist but I fuckin hate Iranians"
Is this the whole "Sunni vs Shia" thing?

Wuz your ancestors kingz n shit