How is miscegenation thought of in your country?

How is miscegenation thought of in your country?

i live in brazil lel. everyone here fucks whatever they want.

It's a pretty common fetish amongst our "white" population (which is truthfully the result of miscegenation in previous generations), particularly when it involves cuckoldry

Nobody cares. We're all mixed beyond recognition.

Happens the other way around unlike in cuck countries. Italians fuck the Moroquettes, Romanian gypsies and nigresses.

>everyone here fucks whatever they want.
Is that why you're all HIV+?

Literally nobody cares about it

>majority is black

go figure

I don't know, I personally have nothing against it.
A lot of the arguments against it is "muh wimmin, a complete stranger needs to have undying loyalty to muh club" or "the kids will be confused" even though the western anglo world is full of Euromutts who have no connection to any of their ethnic makeup and adopt subcultures to compensate for lack of ethnic culture.

My great great great great grandpapa raped many of niggas.

100% get bullied in middle school and start to be Gangsta bad student.I have met 5 mixed(JP/CH,JP/AU,JP/PH) guys,and they had gone to Amurica or some kind for mixed cunts already.

I live in NYC. Literally no one cares. Midwest you get a few looks due to the novelty

> and adopt subcultures to compensate for lack of ethnic culture
see, and that's a huge problem
special snowflakes and SJWs have been getting worse and worse lately

Everyone "doesn't care" yet it's a small minority of people who actually race mix themselves

Blacks are only 7% of the population, fatboi.

Are you from California or something?

Yes, mate.


I have never met a single black person not even kidding, i dont know why they are not very welcome here

It's not a topic that gets touched on a lot because it still too new I think. The mass immigration of black people started maybe 8 years ago? But the general consensus, even if people here don't want to accept it, is darker skin = bad. Of course there are people with fetishes for black people and obviously some don't care what they fuck/marry at all.

nigger and brown parents approve, since they love the idea of whitening their lineage

average white parents don't care. rich white parents also don't care as long as the nigger has money

asian parents (here mostly japanese) used to be against in the past (first generation, issei) but the new generations of japanese-brazilians mix a lot, especially with whites and browns

Yeah my notoriously liberal west coast city as well.

mostly scrawny white guys with thicc black chicks tho, i'm wondering what's happening in the high schools.

Most of us have a bit of Greek, Italian, Irish, Asian or Scottish in us.

So it's not that bad

Just because I don't give a fuck doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way looking for blacks to have fun with.

>we gave it a fancy science type name to give it legitimacy

who gives a flying fuck

What the fuck are you talking about, Abo?

That's a very, very old fashioned word to describe it you filthy fucking undereducated ozzy

you must be one of those public school ozfags whose folks couldnt afford to buy them a real education at a private school

Should I dump my black gf?

No blacks? Not even mulattoes? Is costa rica mostly mestizos or what?

I even know Wanchope thanks to PES.
