AlphaGo vs Ke Jie, Game Three

Final game starts in 2.5 hours. AG leads 2-0. It also won the game against Chinese pros yesterday.

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Also, Ke Jie requested to play as white in this game as he cannot win the overall match anymore.

I'm rooting for AlphaGo.

Will we see an influx of band-wagoners and low level players filling this thread with their nonsense again?

Typical Ke Jie, he loves his white stones.

30 minutes

Pre-show is on.

I read DeepMind is looking into tackling Starcraft next. True?

When will Google create Go and Chess software in search like Solitare, Tic-Tac-Toe, Random Number Generator, Spinner, etc? I'd like to play Tic-Tac-Toe against Google DeepMind.

>alphago gets no food
Fuck the chinks.

It begins!

Shitty microphones, audio mixing, camera angles, shitty interpreter...
The Chinese Go organization is either incompetent or trying to undermine this event.

it's already fed by the tears of Chinese coal miner orphans

Google DeepMind's human may not ingest his tea.

She's sexy.

Looks like google rigged alphago to take longer with its moves than in the previous games (45s -> 60s). In reality, it probably needs just few seconds.

That's because the chinese have drugged it to try to make AlphaGo do a mistake.


should just bring out like 5 top chinese go players and have them collaborate against alphago.

They did that yesterday. Group vs AlphaGo.

who /math/ here?

it's held in a backwater town. google is officially unwelcome in china, that's why

i don't take life advice from bloggers who communicate with impact font images

decent article

kind of sick of the machine learning meme desu, literally the least interesting area in math and programming. people who deal with it are just feeding a black box data and aren't much better than robots themselves

AlphaGo should play in Japan as well.

They don't have any good players.

w-what about that one young guy, ichiro or something, he's promising isn't he?


Ke lost already.

hello Nie Weiping

>3 rounds
>AI is 2-0
>Still play final round
Humans need to be replaced by robots once and for all.

Google paid him to do all 3 rounds.

Something about "muh data"

They should hold a one month event where all the pros have a chance to play against Alphago. Have the pros hammer away at Alphago 24/7 in shifts, playing together or alone, throwing everything they have at Aphago. You can join the event if you have X amount of dans.

Beating Alphago just once earns you 1M DOLLARS prize money.

That's pretty much what happened last year. It beat 60 pros in a row

I'm more interested in seeing how some of the other 10d bots compare to AlphaGo.

Is kot male or female?

AlohaGo will be so specialized that could be beaten by noobs using unconventional moves after a year or two

eta koshka

i don't think the hawaiians are that far along though

I thought it did lose online sometimes, back when it was called something else and wasn't known to be an AI.

Hawaii will be a superpower by 2040

AlphaGo has never lost, though there was a timeout or cancelled game or something when it was playing as Master on Fox.


этo кoшкa, ты дypaк

China is so upset after Ke losing first match that they banned streaming of all future matches.

> It appears the government was concerned that 19-year-old Ke, who lost the first of three scheduled games by a razor-thin half-point margin, might have suffered a more damaging defeat that would hurt the national pride of a state which holds Go close to its heart.

> After the game Ke said AlphaGo had become too strong for humans. “I feel like his game is more and more like the ‘Go god,’” he said. “Really, it is brilliant”.

> The ban underscores the esteem in which Go is held across east Asia, where it has been played in more or less unmodified form for over 2,000 years. First invented in China in 500BC, it was considered one of the four arts a scholarly Chinese gentleman should master, along with playing the guqin, calligraphy and painting.

>China is so upset after Ke losing first match that they banned streaming of all future matches.
Read your own article, it was banned from the beginning.


I mean Ke already lost to AlphaGo in January, during 3 games.

It was beaten by the Korean once.

you caught me

Can someone give me a primer on Go?

What's the allure?

I'm a chess player and Go never grabbed my attention. Even though it's a complex game, it seems to lack the dynamism that pieces with different abilities gives to chess.

Should I look more into the game or keep ignoring it the same way I ignore Yu-Gi-Oh?

less rules + larger board = more complicated game
i wouldn't call it less dynamic than chess, it's a different game
>what's the allure
try playing a few games or watching/reading Hikaru no Go, that'll give you a good idea

dynamism in go emerges from formations and the way they interact. there are different "types" of groups - weak groups, strong groups, thin, thick, bad shape, good, two eyes, one eyes, no eyes and running, dragons...the shapes are extremely diverse and the game proceeds from the interactions of these shapes

the key difference is that you and your opponent are responsible for which shapes emerge in a given game. you want to be strong, but your opponent is trying to make you weak. and because there are many groups on the board, every move has dual purposes. a player that is better than you will "gain" moves on you by playing flexible moves with many purposes, and then you will find yourself in a position where you have more weak shapes than is tenable, and something dies

if you've never played the game at all it is essentially impossible to read the board, because you won't "see" these shapes. you'll just see pieces and the game will look like the interactions of pieces. but in fact close-piece reading is only a small part of Go, the game ke gie is playing right now is being determined almost entirely by many-purpose moves and a struggle for life and strength


Chess is to Go what Yu-Gi-Oh is to chess.

Difficulty through complex rules vs difficulty through exponential state space.

This picture says it all. Ke Jie hasn't resigned yet, but he can see where this is going. It is just heart breaking.

And we are talking about the current world champion. A YOUNG world champion, who should have many years left to lead the game community forward. But here he is, in despair.

why did you not just take a screenshot


>why did you not just take a screenshot
It isn't mine. I am watching a different stream.

Would be interesting too see Strong AI integrated into daily software.

Like imagine, you want to do graphic design. You open an application and tell it exactly what you want. Poof, the logo/design/interface/wallpaper is made. Then you describe the changes, and it's done.

You want a program for a specific task, you just tell the system in general terms & it's made, ready to use.

You want a retro fps game in the style of doom using a caveman theme, a few minutes later the game is made ready to play.

We'll probably see strong AI integrated into the economic system as well. The invisible hand of free market is bullshit compared command style economy controlled by Strong AI. Unfortunately you would lose all privacy, but your fridge will be stocked with every item you want. Self driving cars will make deliveries in minutes. Higson bison type of discoveries on a daily basis.

>double-spaced, short paragraphs
>delusional thinking
>doesn't care about privacy
i know where you're from

Chess got more popular than ever, because of chess bots.

>gook manlets taking their board games too seriously

I'm glad robots are taking over desu

And this also eventually will lead to better analysis of the game leading to better players.

>gay cyberpunk future
pick one

how do you think AI would be able to do graphic design or program?
The AI has to be incredibly general to actually program but where would it be learning from? How would it even debug the application? Not even going to ask about the retro fps game.
Did you just think that AI can do whatever with no limitations? Did you even think before you typed any of what you typed?

Current chess players are worse than they were 20 years ago, but the game is more popular than it was at that time.

how do I git gud in Go? I get the rules, but CPUs always beat me in harder difficulties, I just ladder myself up

No idea. I can't even beat the simplest bots out there.

You mean Higgs boson

pretty sure animation is already working on AI for tweeting, because that is some grueling slave workshop work and everyone wants it done faster

The move A Beautiful Mind had the main character playing Go

The late game is where AlphaGo really shines so if he doesn't have a confident lead by this point he may as well resign

>The late game is where AlphaGo really shines so if he doesn't have a confident lead by this point he may as well resign
At this point it isn't about win or lose. Ke Jie just doesn't want the game to end. He can't win anymore but he wanted to see it through.

This would be considered rude if he was playing a human, but Alphago thankfully couldn't be offended.

What do Chinese paintings look like?


Christ these ugly chinks are so fucking boring.
Why can't they just get the white guy back?

Those girls are cute!

Well, it's over. As expected AlphaGo just btfo everyone in the event.

I will be welcoming our new robot overlords in the very near future.

>Well, it's over. As expected AlphaGo just btfo everyone in the event.
>I will be welcoming our new robot overlords in the very near future.
There is a silverlining for all the players in the world. Alphago can beat any human, but it is incapable of teaching humans why it does anything. So all the game instructors can keep their jobs because players still need good teachers to understand how to get better.

If the game is more popular now then are you sure you're not just dragging down the average?



This guy is so butthurt, rofl

who is watching the post game interview?

Lee Sedol beat Alphago, which is something I guess.

>ruining a perfectly good goban with ugly scribbles

Has this happened yet? I can't find a link for it.
>Pair Go: human plus AlphaGo versus human plus AlphaGo

Hassabis confirmed that there will be no future matches between AlphaGo and professional players. This was the last.

Computers will teach humans.


>be the best in your field
>get schooled by an AI
I dunno man, he might have enjoyed it if he was playing a human who was better than him. Having a computer take you apart so easily probably feels bad.

Thank fuck this shitty game no longer has to be the benchmark for AI.

What did Go do to you?

10 games in which Alphago plays against itself.
A lot of these moves are pretty crazy.

life is cruel

>mfw robots are pretending to be dumb so they don't reveal their secrets to humans

8 of those games were won by white. I wonder if this is just a coincidence or if AlphaGo prefers white with this komi.

>Should I look more into the game or keep ignoring it the same way I ignore Yu-Gi-Oh?
please dont talk about yugioh again, its my trigger.

rip chink guy ;_;

>Higson bison
physicians get out reeeeee


So Deep Mind has released 10 new self-played games of Alphago, and will release more over the next few weeks until they realise 50 new games total.

The interesting thing with these games, is that players can barely understand what is going on. At least with a human opponent you can use Alphago's reactions to humans, to judge what it is doing. But with self play games Alphago just go ham and counter-counter-counters itself. In one game White Alphago sacrificed 30 points to win later. One of the human players reviewing didn't even realise that White won that game because he had assumed that the move was fatal.