Can we agree that we can write better frontend code without React/Angular/Vue and all that shit?


using only C is sufficient.
js is for plebs

Macedonia deserves 2 scoops desu

we can't though


Why don't you show us?

Isn't it obvious by just looking at the web today? You need to download megabytes of Javascript so a page can hijack scrolling and use 50+% CPU to do it (

These web frontends destroy battery life and device compatibility. What the fuck is wrong with web developers.

this has nothing to do with the subject. you can make shit software no matter the tools you use

Eh...I like react. Everything is tightly compartmentalized, has intuitive structure, and if done right - is reusable. Its exactly what I've been waiting for on the frontend.

it's discusting what people rationalize under the false flag of developer productivity

SSR + some jQuery sprinkled on top will be king for many years to come

Composable templates rendered and cached on the server side is the most efficient way to design a document.

For a single-page "web app", then no, I'd recommend one of those frameworks/libraries.

Writing frontend code sucks ass.
Frontend js libraries are great because they reduce the amount of time I have to spend getting shit working on the frontend, & I can spend more time adding functionality in the back

fuck off to

> react
fuck off to

i don't use any of your javascript shit. c++ is enough, web was a mistake

react is a poor fucking excuse for Web Components / X-Tags. They tried to make everything declarative and ended up making the unholy love child of PHP and the worst parts of JS. React users should stop being fags and use Elm. Honestly, I prefer Riot.

They're trying to move the mvc and templating off the back end server so the back end server guys only have to expose rest end points. It offloads work that is otherwise done on the back end to the client machine to save costs.

>React users should stop being fags and use Elm.
I do. Ports are pain in the ass, the syntax for declaring html is shit, there are breaking changes every release. When it's production ready I'll consider using it for something non-trivial. Until then I'm more than fine with react+mobx.


Why though. Fucking with the Dom so much makes me want to kill myself.

I need at least something like Dom diffing and hyperx like.

Once I learned how to develop in Angular, I never even thought of going back. A lot more structure and less painful (if you do right) than all that jQuery spaghetti shit. RXJS is also a godsend for frontend development.