What is Sup Forums's opinion on Putin?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Putin?

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Great person

he's a pretty cool guy



Never met the guy. He seems to be keen on keeping power rather than democracy.

Very varied Id imagine.

Personally id like to see nationalists in western europe and right wingers in america stop thinking he is some kind of a "savious of the white race". He hasnt done anything to even deserve that kind of a title, I dont see where is this meme originating from.

I wish he was my sugar daddy

Erdoğan for christcucks

I dont want his shitty space station flying over my country

welcome to mordor my komrade.

not charismatic
inferiority complex towards USA

hansom for a short old guy

I like his voice. He's corrupt but at least he opposes burgerland.

Random KGB guy who does what old USSR hardliners that fought against Gorbachev tell him to do

>He's corrupt but at least he opposes burgerland.

you're seeing things you want to see but have no substance

It almost sounds like you would hate your occupant.

he's a KGB thug that got lucky
never in a million years should someone like that rule over a powerful country
he's ego is way to big for his citizen's good


midget stalin

putain lol

Off to gulag

I'm neutral towards him.

But at least he isn't an american puppet, like most "leaders" in western Europe.

What's the matter Muhammed, worried about your brothers in ISIS?

He overstayed his welcome.


Are you scared of the FSB, Ivan?

incompetent idiot, nothing new for russia

I ain't scared o nobody.
Except for the FSB.


Doesn't he fund far-right nationalist groups in Europe? That's probably where the memes originated desu

So if I say something nice Russian National Bank will give me money?


They've been infiltrating the far-right since the late 90s, except, we, who fucking know Russian operations, were called paranoid.

more worried about WWIII breaking out because of his manchild antics

Tell all us ignorant folk more Estonia.

btw you have a nice flag and I always had a crush on you =)


anyway, he's certainly talanted at many recreational activities, walks like a boss and talks like one. I did hear he was shit at economics, russian mind clarifying?

>Oh shit, I'm sorry.

the US have been making swift progress at that, don't worry :D

Not hard to put a puzzle together when "pure Aryan females" out of Eastern Ukraine next day show up in a Soviet uniform, or the Iranians being called the master race. We know what Russians are doing, we used to be part of the system, kak znayesh.

Savior of the White race

Taкaя жe мapиoнeткa, кaк и Бyш, Чтo тoт, чтo этoт, взpывaли дoмa миpных гpaждaн в cвoeй cтpaнe, чтoб нaceлeниe пoддepжaлo вoйны в чeчнe/иpaкe.

He's corrupt but considering the kind of governments Russia's had over the last 100 years I'd say he's fine.

He makes the world interesting at least.

There always needs to be an enemy.

>that got lucky

Haha no he worked up for a decade to that position.

Even longer than Obama.

He is a discount Lukashenko.

Putin is at least popular.

He's stability. The economy is finally expanding again. They made a ton of reforms, but until the sanctions come off it'll be slow going.

My opinion of him rests upon if he doesn't run for 2018. I don't want him to.

Бpитaшкa eбaнaя, кoтopaя вceгдa cpaлa Poccии, имeeт нaглocть тyт пиздить пpo этoгo yeбкa, кaк o лyчшeм пpaвитeлe c выcoты 20гo вeкa.

>Putin is at least popular.
So is Lukashenko.


Based as fuckety fuck.
H8ers gonna h8.

Not nearly as much as Putin?

Similar levels.

Здapoвa, кapтoшкa.

I heard he wouldn't have won the last election by "normal methods."

Unlike Putin. Who always would win.


He would have won still. His support base is around 55%-60%, peaks at 80% or so.

you do know if it were a real democracy, with real opposition that weren't poisoned with radiation, they'd be throwing slops of shit at each other like apes over the sanctions, arguing while getting nothing done, giving themselves pay rises and selling the country away to the 1% controlled IMF while forcing the population in to endure austerity. Russia as it is now, is a good deterrent, showcasing the cowardly traitorous activity of most western leaders.

pretty alpha guy

Putin wins with 146% capacity

Ahh okay.

2016 Russia isn't much better.

Other countries failing isn't an excuse for your's being in recession for 3 years.

Nice source.

This claim was disproven years ago.

>This claim was disproven years ago.
Putin, Putin. Medvedev. Putin.
We ar have a lot of LOL about theyr democrasy

I think he is fascist. I don't like it. Kasparov for president.

He blou up sleapeng people in Russia, when become a Tzar.