Windows sticker comes of easily

>Windows sticker comes of easily
>Intel sticker is a pain in the ass

every time

off, sorry

Bad goy.

A thread died for /this/?

Are you new around here? Every post on this board results in another dying. That's basically how Sup Forums works.

Are /you/ new? That's the point.

This shit thread was created so one of potential value died. Don't post bullshit.

You can remove Windows from your partition, but the socket on your mainboard will stay Intel only.

You only need to take the windows sticker off, you're still using an Intel processor once you install Linux after all.

>Don't post bullshit
user, that's not bullshit. That's a concise summation of how online imageboards work. Why are you so upset? Maybe you should go back to Redd-it.

Can't tell if trolling or retarded.

You're the guy pretending you don't understand how imageboards work.

this is a relevant critique of the practices of PC manufacturers

>allowing free marketing on your computer
fucking goy

My t420's i7 sticker finally came off a few weeks ago, it was a sad day ;__;

I take off all the stickers except the CPU one. That one always stays on.

The Macbook Pro with Retina display and Emoji bar doesn't have this problem.

> Emoji bar

you should leave the Intel sticker on as a warning that the computer is compromised at the hardware level

>buy prebuilt because it's on a clearance sale and is actually a good deal
>A few years later upgrade it
>do a motherboard swap and put Ryzen in it
>sticker still says Intel

You can fix it (^_~)

What an ugly sticker
Intel makes the best stickers.
