Ethiopian Thread

Anyone into Ethiopian history?
They actually were KANGZ

I'm 100% Ethiopian

Here is a young Haile Sellasie, his non-imperial name is Makonnen Wolde Mikael.

What Ethnicity? Amharic or tigrayan?

I'm Habesha, non-black people on Sup Forums only like us because they want to claim us as non-black and/or not really African.


I'm not really from Sup Forums, actually. Just came to see if there were other Ethioboos on here. Do you study much of your people's history?

I lived it.

The Egyptians and ottomans tried also, and failed.


Post a pic of your hand. You also claimed sudanese once liar

t. Nigger Spammer

go bac 2 arika nigga

You were born in Ethiopia? How old are you?

They were niggers first and foremost

Their civilization was much older than yours. While they were conquering the ancestors of arabs and trading with Rome, your people were shitting in the woods.

Their Christianity is interesting too.

And now?
That's like saying
>b-but the ancient Greeks

Times change
But a nigger stays a nigger

Islam happened and they were cut off from Christian Europe and had to fight to survive against multiple pagan and Muslim invasions. They were surrounded by a sea of muslims, yet kept their independence for 2000 years.

You should be thanking the Romans for civilization your barbaric people.


Ethiopian Emperor's form of address:
>His Imperial Majesty
Emperor of Japan form of address:
>His Majesty
Queen of the UK and Commonwealth Realms form of address:
>Her Majesty

Why does the Ethiopian monarch outrank other monarchs?

Why don't you move to glorious shithiopia then you niggerlover

His title was Negus Negast, king of kings. The imperial part is pretty redundant.

I like Roman history too, doesn't mean I have to move there. Why are you so insecure? Just buzz off.


Actually Ethiopians were good with Arabs. First muslim migration from Mecca has went to Ethiophia

Yeah, the first muslims that were persecuted went to Axum to find refuge. But that was along time ago, Egypt, Madhist Sudan, and Adal with ottoman help all tried to conquer Ethiopia later on. Egypt and Ethiopia also were somewhat rivals,

I don't really see Ethiopians as "niggers". Black Semites, I guess.

Shut the fuck up

Racism exists everywhere, my friend.
The Ethiopians used to hunt Nilotic and "Negroids" to enslave them, or sell them to the arabs.

Anyways, I still don't get why whites are obsessed with degrading others. It's [current year].

>why whites
You mean social misfits who spend their time on 4chinz so that they can accuse stranger of being responsible for their situation?

Blackness was never something any African group I can think of ever used to describe themselves anywhere. That however does not imply we are not black in the common sense.

When we went to Israel the old people learned their blackness so now the young people have done away with that stupidity. We are black, you are a retard.

No one is saying you aren't black....
I said racism exists, deal with it. Ethiopians humiliated nilotic and bantus by selling them and enslaving them, they called them barya.
The Derg leader who had batnu features didn't even want to show himself for the first few months because he thought the elite Habesha would deride him for his features.

He is an elite. Bantu is a language and not a phenotype, go away with your cross posting because you know nothing about us.

Shanquella weren't enslaved because they were black. Their "blackness" was just used as an othering tactic to legitimize their enslavement, yet every single one of us have Ari-like ethiopic ancestry.

They were enslaved because they were around. Syrians were enslaved and others too when avaliable, one actually supposedly brought Christianity to the court that way.

Stop talking about things you have no concept of, just because you read Wikipedia doesn't mean you have any context.

Do you actually believe black Americans see you the same? You're not the same, you don't have the same skull type or features a black American does. I live in MN, we have alot of somalis and ethiopians who always fight with the local black-americans.

You can pretend to be the same, but you're not.
Germans would deride slavs for their features, not for their skin color, as would Habesha with Nilotics. They used to be hunted like wild dogs by your people.
Bantu is foremost a language family, but it correlates to the niger-congo phenotype, this is elementary science,
Racism isn't only skin color, but facial features and culture.

There is no singular Niger-Congo phenotype. Ethiopians are in fact black to African Americans.

Go to D.C. or Oakland, we are black.

We are a genetic variation of Africans but seeing as Africa is the most genetically biodiverse place it makes since.

You literally are stupid as fuck trying to tell an Ethiopian who and what we are.

No one says you're not black, can you not read?
Also, there is a niger-congo phenotype, that's like saying there's no khoi san or pygmy phenotype.....
Also genetic diversity =/= phenotype

>Go to D.C. or Oakland, we are black.
We have thousands of ethiopians and even more somalis, NO ONE SAID YOU AREN'T BLACK, I said you aren't the SAME as native-black-americans, and there is a lot of conflict here because of it. maybe it's different there.


Niger congo is not nearly as unified in phenotype. A wolof and a Igbo will not necessarily blook the same, an Akan and a Bugandan will not necessarily look the same.

Ethiopians do not have a unified phenotype, I don't take sterotpyical archetypes to mean that is the standard. Go to any city or village in Ethiopia and you will see a multitude of faces that can be found in a black American community.

You are not understanding the conversation, you are speaking of genetics and don't even realize the genetic split between pygmy groups and the disunity of so called "khoisan" groups

You literally have a Sup Forums understanding of genetics and phenotypical variation.


Lol you don't even understand the map you're looking at.

Well, you might be right. I'm not white btw, if that's what you're thinking. My limited concept of"race' is the forensic anthropological one we use here, which divides races into Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid, and so on. I apologize if I offended, that was not my intention.