Does anyone got one of these?
I just ordered one for 50$ (45€ or 40£). I already found some sources which explain how to set up some linuix distros, but I like to know some more, escpecially if anybody for example have tried some hardware hacks / modifications etc.
Any Ideas, suggestions? I got some time for brainstorming and asking around because it won't be delivered before friday. Also I need a datasheet of the WM8850 but don't have managed to find one till now :(
7" Netbook Mini Laptop
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They're literal garbage. You just wasted $50.
You are on your own pal. You just went to a dead platform. Have fun user
Eee pc exist
Haha retard
i've got the original eee when it came out. it's fun for like 2 days until you realize the screen size kills every fun unless you only use a terminal.
Don't expect much from dis.
I have one that runs Windows Embedded Compact 7, installed Android 2.x and it was somehow worse, it had more software (I don't even know where to get software for WEC7 for ARM) but just sucks with a trackpad. The most use I've ever gotten out of it was using it as a power bank.
I know the specs are shit, but it's about the fun and learning some new things. My C64 for example is also a dead platform, but I've learned so much with that thing.
I know what you mean, I have bought a Lenovo Ideapad some years ago. It's almost the same. If I get pissed off to much, I'll simply plug a monitor into the hdmi port ;)
shity specs just make it more fun for me, I don't need a GUI for everything and I will learn more about setting up a efficient system
Does it at least produce enough heat to warm your feet? ^^
From paperweight to door stopper, how much better is it or useful as a power bank?
Should have just got a chromebook idiot
Well it's only got a 2.6Ah battery so for its size it's not too great at all, plus it most likely charges at 500mA so it's definitely not the best, but it does work
Hey, at least his door stopper can charge his phone. How about some improvements like a solar panel?
Pic related
>android 4
>huge bezels
>50 dollas
see any red flags?
Atleast it has ethernet port.
Also stop forcing that >muh thin bezels-meme
Even my 15-years old thinkpad got thinner bezels than any of the modern laptops on the market right now. Just a fucking gimmick
Do you really think I care about one of these things? I don't want to keep android, I don't care about aesthetics and even less about these 50 bucks. It's all about exploring something new and maybe learn a thing or two. So don't judge on me, you are wasting your time.
thanks for your statment
Maybe this could be interesting for you too?
Not much I can say to you, other than you fucked up. Say goodbye to that $50; money you could've spent on literally ANY other used Windows netbook and gotten way more mileage out of.
The particular line of SoC that's in these is known to be a pretty poor performer, but if you're careful about what you run and tweak the hell out of things, I can see this working out ok. First thing you need to do is get some other distro on there. Ubuntu desktop is going to be way too fat for it, but if that's all that's available, it will be better than the alternative of using Android on a laptop.
You probably won't get many kernels for it , and it will need binary blobs, and probably odd patches to build a kernel. If you find a working kennel for it on a forum, mirror that locally. Even if you don't know how to use it now, it could save your ass when you need to build a new driver or kernel. Oh yeah, you'll need to build driver modules.
Internally, don't expect much for expandability it hacks. A few gpio pins, and a serial port are as much as you can hope for. If it even has an unused USB header you could solder onto, I'd be floored.
If you're into squeezing things, this could be fun.
You can't even be sure that it will have a WM8850
Some of these have an MIPS CPU or another ARM one
read this please: I will open it anyway and it would even be more fun for me, to find something I haven't expected.
I'll tweak it till i'm satisfied with it. For now I think my first step will be a backup of the ROM. I'd like to use arch linux on it, because I'm familar with it and it's easy to tweak, also there's the AUR. The plan so far, is to install it on a 16 gb Sd-Card. Also GPIO pin's would be nice, but 'm not that kind of person who fears a soldering iron ;)
Is there a single good netbook being made today?
Suck my diiiiiick
No, tablets made them redundant.
>No, Ultrabooks made them redundant
Ultrabooks made regular laptops redundant, tablets have replaced netbooks even though it was a downgrade
Good. Fearing the iron is a bad trend among techies in recent years.
Post pictures as you go! Also /diy might be more receptive to that sort of thing.
How do you plan on removing Android?