/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

THEN state the PURPOSE of your PC & BUDGET. State COUNTRY if not USA.
List GAMES/SOFTWARE you use often. List resolution & hz if gaming.
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>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 - budget builds (R5 1500x - generally all you need for 60fps with power to spare. No i5
>R5 1600 - best value for higher fps gaming & mixed usage; 1600x if you too lazy to OC
>i7-7700k - bad value but good for higher FPS; may have heat issues
>R7/Xeon - compute/Multitask/mixed use
>Threadripper/i9 soon

>G4560 iGPU is fine for desktop stuff and very light game
>1050/Ti for low budget. Drop settings if not Freesync/Gsync on newer games; RX560 if discounted
>RX570 4GB - 1080p@60+hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60+hz, inject SMAA & drop settings for some games
>1060 - Generally outperformed by the RX 580 and GSync costs more; consider only if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA)
>1070 - 1080p@90-144hz/1440p@100+hz
>1080 - 1080p@100-144+hz maxed; 1440p at lower hz.
>1080Ti - 1440p@90-144+hz; 4k@60hz in SOME games, more at lower settings
>Freesync2 & Vega soon

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity as a scratch disk
>Stop confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>Go mATX form factor for cheaper board+case
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs
>Computex May 30th

Other urls found in this thread:


Will Intel produce a better house fire than AMD?

Well it seems like my 1600X was getting pinned to 3.7GHz all-core even when cpu usage was


No. Intel has that market covered pretty thoroughly

Why dont they at least use liquid metal?
This shit is getting ridiculous.

>Why dont they at least use liquid metal?
Because their CEO's last name translates literally into "To Fuck Shit Up"

Saves money, and forces their customers to buy CPUs much more often, as the thermalpaste dries out.

>and forces their customers to buy CPUs much more often, as the thermalpaste dries out.
Oh god dammit i didn't think about that.
They probably saw that their CPUs aren't getting faster any time soon so they were going to have to take some measures to make older CPUs obsolete without releasing a better product.

For 3.7GHz you should be able to under volt a lot more than that.
I got a little lower than 1.1 volts on my 1600, so a 1600X should be able to do at least that.

How many watts does it peak at?

I cant run ryzen master since i dont got windows 10 but this is what it says in HWmonitor

Is a ryzen 1700 overkill if I'm just using a 1060 gpu?

Fellas how to do you take into account the FPS you want to average when selecting PC Components

I was thinking about 1080p at like 120hz solid.

I only play shit like Arma 3

Hell the only other game I can conceive of playing would be Cyberpunk 2077

Unless you're doing something other than gaming, in a way yes.
The problem isn't that the ryzens above 6 cores offers too much performance, it's that they perform exactly the same as the 6 cores in gaming due to games being shit at multithreading.
Only get an 8 core if you have money to spare of you actually do a lot of video work or somehting else that scales well with more cores and you need the extra 20-30% performance an 8 core has over a 6 core for it.

I have a

MSI 7850 Twin Fozr
Enermax 720W
Couple 7200 HDD
Fraktal R4

So I need a new CPU and new RAM, everything else I can reuse

Should I buy a Ryzen 1800X or i7 7700k?

I want to make music so I want to be able to open the most VSTs, for gaymin it will be good enough.


According to this the Ryzen smokes the AMD.

What about the new i9 ones?

go for the Ryzen

>3 gpus in
>still rmaing for something without coil whine
Yes I'm trying each card in 3 pcs each

>Ryzen 1800X or i7 7700k?
Go for the i7 7700k, music creation isn't that demanding and theres been reports of poor audio latency in certain audio production software on AMD Ryzen.

The only new i9 worth considering is the i7 8 core coming out, it's basically twice the price of a 7700k with twice the cores and a slightly lower all-core turbo clock.

If you're going to get ryzen get either a 1700 or 1600.
they can both overclock indistinguishably close to the same levels as their corresponding X models but are much cheaper.
The 1600 should be a little faster than a heavily overclocked 7700K in any program that can utilise it's threads well enough which judging by those videos, FL studio can and it should be sufficient performance for you.
It's gaming performance per dollar is also great.
The i9s are still going to be more expensive than ryzen for the same level of performance, but since they're built on skylake architecture they'll probably be marginally better at games, you you play at 60Hz though there's barely any difference.

I feel sorry for whatever company you're bothering with your autism.

ryzen can run on win7 if you aren't a complete tech illiterate

Seems like a bit of an exaggeration, I did a few google searches and nothing came up so I gave up.


Could I build one of these, drop a several GPUs into it and use it as a server for an internet cafe that allowed gaming and video processing?

Im trying to figure out the most efficient way to get a setup that can be used to host terminals in a cafe as well as use the GPUs for mining in the downtime.

Refund it, buy a card that doesn't have coilwhine.

Did you look at the video? Ryzen smokes the i7 in FLStudio.

Its not possible to overclock a K processor on H97 is it?

Nope. You need a Z board for overclocking

He said Ryzen Master, Ryzen.
Ryzen Master doesn't even run on W10 server or W8

if someone here has an R5 and an MSI B350 mobo can you let me know what ram kit you're running. Because compatibility is weird so even if I buy a 3200mhz kit it might only be able to run at 29xx.

Yeah you could use it to host gaming VM & do some GPU passthrough that way all the machines are running on it pretty easily
Not sure how you'd do to manage the thermals with two CPU & multiple GPUs in there though
Do consider Threadripper CPUs though, that would get you the most performance but iirc they won't release dual-socket motherboards until EPYC

whats the difference between boxed and tray when buying amd cpus?

I'm overclocking my cpu and I think I set the clock a bit too high for the voltage and when I rebooted the screen was all torn like when a game has a screen tear. I rebooted again to go into bios to try and increase the voltage but now it's just stuck on "entering setup...." and not doing anything pls help

Trays means you're buying CPU by the dozens / thousands, you usually get a discount by doing this and it's obviously not for the consumer
boxed is buying the regular way and receiving the CPU in a box instead of receiving 100 in a big box

What CPU & what clocks / voltage?
Could you take a screenshot of the entering setup screen?
What motherboard?

what're other peoples' results on overclocking their ftw3 1080ti?

Clear the bios, there may be a button for it or you may need to use the clear CMOS jumper. google image it then look in your motherboard's manual if you have trouble finding it.

I want windows 7, should I go with a i7-6700K?

I was attempting 4.6ghz at 1.26v on a 4690k. I just tried and it worked. Thanks a lot.

Getting W7 on Kaby-Lake / Ryzen isn't hard

Thanks for this.

Is it a good idea to buy used 840 PRO 250GB for 70 euro when new 850 EVO 250GB cost 95?

You should probably go 6700K anyway if it's cheaper.
There's basically no difference between skylake and kabylake if you get an unlocked CPU and you can also pick up a cheaper Z170 board if it has all the bells and whistles you need.

No not really.
That's about the price difference i'd expect if they were both new.
It's a ripoff for used.

It's an auction and 70 euro is "BuyNow" price. How much would you bid on it?

Got a i5 2300 , cheap mobo (the hxx one) and 8gb ram for 70€.
I love the jump in performance coming from a phenom II 940 ddr2 rig, especially in single threaded shit like starcraft.
That said , i'm amazed at how fucked up the intel ecosystem is.

I5 2300 -> Locked multi
H chipset mobo -> 300 mhz turbo for 1 core , 200 for 2 , 100mhz for 4 (kek).

Is getting a z chipset even worth later in the road for the non gimped turbo?
I'm enjoying my new pc but my autism screeches at a cpu being 60°C in summer , so much wasted potential due to jewery.

Depends on how much they've used it.
If they say it's "barely used" then i'd got up to 60ish, otherwise no higher than 50.
I wouldn't want to spend more than half price of a newer better SSD to find that it's got like 80TB total host writes and a tonne of reallocated sectors.

No, you'd get a better performance jump by picking up a used i7 and frankly, it would probably be cheaper than a P or Z series motherboard at this point.
When my z77 failed and i tried to find a replacement it was all $150+. Shit's a commodity now.

Ok thanks!

Rig for high end gaming. I plan on overclocking the cpu, and I wanna make sure it stays cool under load. Maybe I could get a lower watt power supply? It comes out to about 444w. I'm pretty sure this is pure meme.

send the link
AIO is overkill regardless of overclock, will get you 2-3°C less during full load at best, get an high-end air cooler instead or cheaper AIO
>LED Memory
Yes, 750w is also way over what you'd use. 550w & 600w should be what you want to get, even if you're overclocking both CPU & GPU.

A kraken x62 is actually a pretty hefty AIO
Your point still stands though, ryzen, even the 8 cores hit's it's frequency limits way before any decent heatsink is overwhelmed.
Pic related, a 4GHZ ryzen 1700 consumes 205watts in a stress test which is a good 15% less than a FX-9590 and about the same as a stock i7-6900K.
Ryzen overclocking is very much not thermally limited, it's some sort of silicon limitation, proabbly process or architectural, we'll probably find out when 7nm Zen comes

>A kraken x62 is actually a pretty hefty AIO
Whoops i read "get an high-end air cooler instead or cheaper AIO" as "get an high-end air cooler instead of a cheaper AIO" for some reason
My mistake.

What graphics card should I get if I'll start off by only playing Blizzard games (WoW, Diablo 3, overwatch) in 1080p?

Why do you people always ask questions in such a way that is impossible to answer without being asked more questions?
I'll bite, but i'm still angry.
What do you mean by start off?
What is your ideal budget
What system are you putting the GPU in
What frame rate do you want?

Those games can be easily played with a GTX1050. That's a low end gfx card though

>I'll bite, but i'm still angry.
Calm down bud. He gave plenty of info

Sorry about that man.
1080p at 60+ fps for those 3 games listed. This would be paired with a Ryzen 1600. Budget is ideally around $200 but I could go up to $300. I need the ability to play the listed games, but I would like the ability to play newer games 60+ fps if it doesn't kill the budget.

power consumption doesn't even tell the whole story, as a 7700k would heat much more than a 1800x would

See now?
That budget and newer games thing changes everything doesn't it?
This is the shit i'm talking about.
If you can find a 470/570 4GB in stock i'd go with that to reach your lower budget, wait until they come in stock if you can, there's the best option for what you want, otherwise go down to a 1050ti, it will be sufficient for most AAA games at med-high settings 60fps or push up to a 580 8gb(if you can find stock) or 1060 6GB to get a comfortable High-Ultra 1080p60.

The heat is simply dissipated more easily with the AMD chips due to the superior implementation of the IHS. The heat generated is not magically less than the power used. In other words, it heats your room up more efficiently, keeping less of the heat on the chip and more of it in your room. Over a very short time indeed, they'd reach the same level of heat output for their given power consumptions as the other most likely would, just more of it would be retained in the Intel toothpaste.

I tried 3.75 at bit lower than 1.1 and that got a bit more than 1/3rd of the way before freezing.
This finished Cinebench, but not sure it'll be stable on everything.

It might not be fully working at that voltage with a cinebench score like that.
A 3.7GHz ryzen 6 core should be around 1200 points in cinebench r15

Guys, Dell released the new Inspiron gaming desktop at Computex today, which uses Ryzen processors and can be specced up to a 1700X with a 8GB RX580 or a 6 GB 1060.

If it can beat my PC partpicker build, tell me why I should build one instead of the pre-built Dell.

Whyyy is there still two threads?

because the Intel shill got his feewings hurt and made a separate thread so he can shill without being called out for it.

Na. I just had stuff running in the background that accounts for that 9% drop, I think.

Reviewers put it at 1136 stock which should be 3.6-3.7GHz stock. I was getting 1196 with the 3.7 all core.

Vega when?

Autism battles never really end.

Yeah. that was it. Closed most stuff out.

Better than stock perf at 1.0875V and nice and cool is good for me.

Reposting here.

If that really is stable that's a very good bin.

The Asus is the best overclocker, and the Gigabyte board has the best onboard audio.

Eeny Meany miny mo. They'll all overclock to 3.8 Ghz. They may not all run the ram at the rated speed, but they will all overclock the CPU.
Ram compatibility is being updated massively with future Bios updates expected around mid-June.

Why does this keep showing 1.375 even though I have changed it to 1.275 in BIOS ?


Change it to 1.375 and see what happens.
maybe it's reading wrong or maybe the bios setting isn't followed completely if it's deemed insufficient or something.

I'm making my first PC pretty soon to play at 1080p, high settings as I've read/watched that bumping up to very high/ultra/extreme isn't worth the performance hit. I don't play many AAA titles anyways - the only one in the near future will be The Witcher 3. I mostly play Dota 2, Black Desert Online, and emulate older games I missed/couldn't afford as a kid.
I've already bought a R5 1600 and a close friend is selling me their EVGA GTX 1060 6GB SC for cheap ($120 CAD) as I can't find RX 570s in stock anywhere, even on craigslist. Sellers on eBay are overpricing them (in Canada) so that's a no-go, as well. I should be good with that combination, yeah? I'm hoping to keep it around for 3 years at the least.
In regards to the adaptive sync technology for monitors I'm reading about - is it worth the cost? The Nvidia equivalent, G-Sync, is at a crazy premium... Will screen tearing be much of a problem if I just frame limit my game's FPS to my monitor's refresh rate? The input lag VSync is said to bring in order to deal with it doesn't seem too nice. Still fairly new to all this.

No changes. This is witchcraft. Are you guys changing values from Ryzen Master

The retard circlejerk general refuses to use the older thread

>Intel shill
>shill shill shill
Do you know how I know you're retarded? Fuck, forgot not to reply to trolls.

The 1060 3gb is decent, but it will struggle in certain games where it just doesn't have enough vram.
An example of this is Resident Evil 7 where its performance just tanks compared to the RX570 4GB

Well that guy obviously is, i'm using bios because windows 10 is icky.

>I should be good with that combination
Yeah, for such a price that's a very good build.
No, G-Sync isn't worth the big cost it have, and screen tearing shouldn't be much of a problem above your screen framerate, and you always will be above considering the games you're gonna play

He's getting a 6GB

Are you having the same odd readings as I do ?
I have just keyed in 1.3 for vcore and yet Ryzen Master keeps fucking showing 1.375 @ 3-9 GHz

I don't see it showing 1.375 anywhere on mine.

Which motherboard are you using ?Version ?
I'm on MSI SLI Plus v 3.33

well then its a good thing he got the 6gb version you fucking idiot.

>An example of this is Resident Evil 7 where its performance just tanks compared to the RX570 4GB
Source? Performance is fucked up on both cards if shadow cache is turned on. If it's turned off performance is as expected on both cards. You have to have >4GB VRAM to get good performance with shadow cache on

Well I thought it was because I wasn't reading voltage in ryzen master but it says my vcore is 1.156 here so probably.
Oh well.


Not using HWmonitor because it was giving me wrong readings for the CPU temp. Here this is giving me different readings, which one of those is the right one ?

It's not going to be cheaper than pcpartpicker.

Also, you get an ugly case with dell, and who knows what PSU they throw in there.

Thanks. I'll be getting Asrock just because it's cheaper then.

Who knows man.
Ryzen sensors are crazy.


babby's first ~$500 budget build here with a couple questions I couldn't answer by reading the archive:

is there anything I should invest more into for emulation? Dolphin and pcsx2 specifically
will I regret not getting more storage or a HDD instead of SSD? I think ~100 GB should be enough for the types of games I like


Let's just wait for the dust to settle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

GTX 1050/Ti outperform the 560, though they do not support freesync (which would certainly come in handy in budget builds where FPS in games doesn't stay constantly above 60)

Nvidia cards shit themselves when they run out of VRAM.
AMD cards can move in and out of VRAM from RAM while VRAM is in use much better.

There's no such thing as a "futureproof" Nvidia card, as they have planned obsolences built into them.

Dont you mean Wait™?
Seriously though how many things regarding AMD do we have to wait for now? RAM overclocking, Vega, Threadripper, 500 series stock, budget APUs, am i missing somehting?

Thanks for the input. More reading concluded that frame limiting doesn't solve the problem and tearing will happen regardless without any kind of sync in place. Just a matter of how sensitive I am to it.
Excited to be putting together a PC for the first time. Been watching so many videos all the while working for the money and its got me anxious. Only waiting on the case to come in.

Notice he says "testing is incomplete." It has been widely reported that if you want a consistent framerate in that game, you have to turn off shadow cache if the gfx card has less than 4GB VRAM.

>Update #2: after lots of weird results with graphics card that have less then 4 GB of VRAM we found out that the problematic settings is Shadow cache. If you have an up-to 4 GB graphics card, please turn it off and you'll be playing properly. The charts are now updated to reflect that.

RAM overclocking is going to be a thing soon, they released AGESA I guess. Mobo manufacturers need to release builds on it and that is going to happen mid to late June I guess. This is the only concern for me since I already own a rx 480 and I don't think I'm going to buy Threadripper or VEGA. So I guess the I could endure the wait ? :)