Currently installing gentoo (funtoo) on my old thinkpad over SSH. AMA and general gentoo thread

currently installing gentoo (funtoo) on my old thinkpad over SSH. AMA and general gentoo thread

nice 5 hour compile time

Well it's not my main computer so whatever.

I love gentoo! It is literally the best operating system on the planet. I bought a coffee mug and a baseball cap with the gentoo logo on it, that way everyone at work can see how autistic I am

>not gentoo
install gentoo

what is the point of funtoo anyways? seems kind of unnecessary

dont have to wait hours to compile a kernel since it comes with one.

funtoo is marginally less likely to break because of different upgrade policies

funtoo uses git instead of wget for emerge

Portage uses rsync to update you knob, git is optional.

install gentoo and find out

I have gentoo

>dont have to wait hours to compile a kernel since it comes with one
Why use a source based distro if you don't want to compile things?

oops my bad


it's lightweight. I dont even plan to use X11, Just tmux.

>don't want to compile things
I don't mind compiling the odd application here and there but I'd prefer not to spend 8+ hours compiling linux 4.9 on a single-core processor from 2006. I should mention again this isn't my main computer.

Daily reminder that gentoo fags are NEETs with infinite time to wank to anime and run kernel makemenu config
>Do not fall for the meme. Repeat, do not fall for the meme summerfags

Fuck off Satan

best post ever, thanks satan
t. windows 10 user

kek confirms


>it's lightweight. I dont even plan to use X11, Just tmux.
Then don't compile X11...

>I don't mind compiling the odd application here and there but I'd prefer not to spend 8+ hours compiling linux 4.9 on a single-core processor from 2006. I should mention again this isn't my main computer.
You don't even have to compile the kernel that often. Besides, if it's not your main computer then you can use your main computer instead of watching the compiler output scroll by.

What did kek mean by this

ironically, these are summerfags.

shoo, shoo. go away schlomo

Good post and get



STOP watching chinese cartoons

Hey can you compile a package for me real quick? =sci-libs/atlas-3.11.38-r1::science and post build.log.


Why not exherbo?

I have promised to myself not to fall for this meme

>implying memes don't exist so that people fall for them

Am NEET Gentoo user. Can confirm.

What's this output and where can I see it?

>What's this output
any arguments against gentoo regarding compile times are wrong on modern hardware because you can compile firefox is less than 14 minutes, gcc in less than 22 minutes, and libreoffice in less than an hour.
>and where can I see it?
emerge app-portage/genlop

>emerge app-portage/genlop
Hoh, will check that out tomorrow.
>compile time arguments
You're probably correct for individual ebuilds/packages and their dependencies, but NOT for installing Gentoo itself. Desktop install required ~170 packages upon rebuilding world, plus time spent running genkernel, THEN emerging the DE I wanted made it process ~220 packages, THEN I spent some hours tweaking things to my liking. That initial install and setup can take DAYS since it's compiling from source. Folks may be coming from the precompiled-binary POV when they make this argument, but it's not wrong when it comes to the initial install.

Not really because the packages I listed are the longest, even the kernel doesnt take that long. Most of the rest in total only take a few hours of compile time. I remember years ago older hardware compiling just gcc or firefox would take hours each so the whole system would take several days straight to compile.
It stable too right now I've got uptime of 39 days.