What is "White" to you?

Here's my definition:

White: a (naturally) light skinned person of Caucasian ancestry with no Semitic features, hair and eye color being irrelevant in the big picture. Examples of White Caucasians: Sardinians, peninsular Italians except Calabrese, Middle Eastern farmers from the neolithic period which was pre-Semitic.

Examples of non-white Caucasians: Ancient people from the Arabian peninsula, Modern Middle Easterners, Sicilians, Calabrese, East Africans.

Neolithic farmers brought the genes for white skin to Europe but they didn't have the genes for light hair and light eyes. Hunter gatherers possessed the genes for light hair and light eyes but they didn't have the genes for light skin.

Anyone European/American who's face looks like they are white, is white to me tb h

thanks france

Anyone who clusters inside the black circled part.

>Literal Huns are white but the French aren't
t. totally white brazilian race scientist
where do you even get this shit from ? this is ruidiculous



Caucasoids of European descendance.

for me there are definitely people who are not white, e.g. negroids, east asians, sri lankans...

But then among white people, who are generally from europe, there is a continuum.
The most white are ethnic nordics and germanics, then italians and mediterraneans are still white though less white than nordics and germanics, whom we might call white-white. Slavs are fair-skinned but often have something asiatic about them which makes them slightly less white than nordics and germanics.
then Balkans and the irish among the least white of all.

technically speaking the OP is right that there are some middle eastern communities withou any arab or semite admixture that have the same pure indo-european genes that make europe white, but they are so few in number that they can be evaluated on an individual case basis, and for simplicity's sake it is easiest to say that if you're not of european stock then you're not white.

You don't understand how admixture levels work. Northern Europeans cluster less with Middle Easterners because they have less genes from the neolithic farmers and more from the hunter gatherers which were of mixed Eurasian ancestry. They're less Caucasian on absolute terms.

>peninsular Italians except Calabrese
I lolled.

>the irish among the least white of all
I never understood this, they're all red haired with freckles

Meanwhile you're all swarthy and black haired : you look like the French. You really do, take it as a compliment by the way
But the way I see it the Irish are whiter than you tb h. Just look at them.

Miriam is 100% white

Basically this. Unless you only include Western and Northern Europeans, the definition of White has to be a continuum to some extent. But, basically anyone that is of European descent can be considered white, with some leeway either way.

How is this even a topic

If there is any question whatsoever that someone is white, they aren't

You can't say welllll he's close enough because reasons so ok let's anoint him as official

You know if you are white or not, and if you aren't, you got a shit lease on life m8 and have nobody to blame but your parents tbphwy

Could the guy on the right pass as white?

"White" fits as a subracial classification among the caucasian race, and I think it should be more based on general phenotype, but always keeping in mind genotype though as inter-group variation in certain phenotypical characteristics is normally much wider than inter-group genotypical variation(i.e a dark eyed dark haired long nosed Swede is still much closer to Dolph Lundgren than any aryan looking Italian is).

Because there's no fucking consensus, you idiot. Back then, only Anglos considered themselves White and nobody else. Nobody uses "White" as a scientific term, only "Caucasian".

He has light skin, long Caucasoid skull and no Semitic features. I'd say he is. The person on the left isn't though.

Catalog OP.. fucking USE IT.

10 threads are not required.

>European ancestry

pick one

Sorry for last post - was accidental!

White = No (0) Asian, African, Australoid, or Semitic admixture.

Any, at all means you are non-white. Period.

Appearance/Phenotype means very little Only genetics is a true indication.

Inb4 mongol rape baby - yeas I am. Which is why I'm smarter than all of you.

If has white skin, light eyes and act in a civilized manner, its white.

>1 mongol and 1 shitalian

both are non white imho

But there is a consensus faggot, and it makes clear that you aren't white

I understand why that makes you mad but honestly being mad about it doesn't help anything

lots of japanese don't know White means kind of race

White: northern european that speaks a germanic language and doesn't have black hair or brown eyes

There is zero consensus, shut the fuck up. Even Germans and Swedes weren't considered white by Anglos.

This, only Northern Italians are partially white

Hungarians are not huns

Civilized people are white
Savage people are brown

This is true for every single civilization ever

Person from middle-east/europe/north africa with white skin.

>light eyes
be more specific

Anything below 4 is a nigger.

That has nothing to do with Whiteness though. Finns clearly have non-white facial features and they're the blondest people in Europe.

It has, "white" means you have light features


No it isn't.

ok well keep on fuckin that chicken OP

1,2,3,4,5 and 7
>The person on the left isn't
Why? She looks whiter

Any person of European ancestry.

How is this so hard for you motherfuckers to understand.

Caucasian is an umbrella term and includes:
- Norse/Nordic
- Germanics (includes Anglo-Saxon, etc...)
- Mediterraneans (may include people from the levant as well as Sephardic Jews)
- Aryans (Iran, Afghan, Tajik)
- People from the Caucasus
- Anatolian Turks
- Semites (Arabs, Mizrahim Jews)

That's literally it.

This is not a white person, this is a non-white with light features.

European genetic group

Unlike "Blacks" who are actually divided into several very distinct clusters, European genetics are, relative to other continents, very homogenous

She is white

She has non-Caucasian features.

only a tiny, tiny number of british people look like Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) and Russel Brand. I assume you're referring to that set of looks.

based on visiting major cities in France, Germany, the nederlads and czech republic, I'd say that white british people look more similar to German and Dutch people than to french.

Irish people have sunken nose-ridges like negroes. They are a lower tier of white.

Bring your pseudoscientific garbage elsewhere, she's an European girl who looks white



Anyone who has an understanding of the western culture and live in a educated manners.

Everybody else is a nigger in my book.

this lad would never be mistaken as non white even though he has dark hair and dark eyes
there's more to phenotype than colors

>half of Poland lies outside of the circle

What are you smoking?

Yes, it's pseudoscientific. Graphs found on the Internet that are always different and contradict each other

This guy could probably snap me in half and then procced to buttfuck my teams coach desu

Most Finns don't even look like that. Pic related is a Swede, are Swedes white or not?

That a pretty bad definition.

I've been to Finland and Estonia and only very few people have some features that scream asian at a first sight. The very vast majority looks fully caucasian.

He can look Middle Eastern in some photos.

And this is why white or Caucasian fail as accurate terms.

If I'm not mistaken, there's a named portion of the Irish population called the "black Irish" for those with Mediterranean features, different attitudes and darker coloring. They along with the Irish Travellers combine to make a rowdy, unpleasant, un-white but hardly distinguishable part of the Irish people that give them a unified bad rep.
Just my two cents.

He's a Sardinian guy who desperately try to prove he's white using cherry-picked pictures and retarded graphs, pity him

But they have significant non-Caucasian admixture on average. The average Finnish man has weird eyes even.

Swedes also have mongoloid admixture but way less than Finns.

But those "Asian" feature have no ties to Asia itself. They are local to that region and that's another issue. Saying features are Asian or x because epicanthic folds are exclusive to Asia or Asians at all even though many non Asians demonstrate it.

bah maybe if you only go by colors, but such an unreduced cromagnid face is so rare in the middle east that it's a clear sign he is European

>But they have significant non-Caucasian admixture on average.
Yeah, it's called slavs and/or .
No, really.
Scandinavia is like close 1/3 slavic, genetically. Add the finnish and baltic part, which a lot of it comes from Siberia, and you have people that look more asian.

It's native to the region, sure, but that doesn't mean it isn't mongoloid. It's from the ancient hunter gatherers mostly who were of mixed Eurasian heritage.

Light skin and sharing western european culture/values. That's why sandniggers and chinks don't apply but people from the americas do.


And there are plenty of Italians of different regions that look no different then middle easterners. Also what is a true Italian?

t. transcended multicultural citizen

The non-edgy answer is that all the Italians (Sardinians included) are true Italians

There are no Italians with Semitic features besides Sicilians and Calabrese.

well but it is true that especially in north east Europe some asian-like admixture is present, they don't usually come up as fully caucasian like Basques for instance

How are those weird to you? Just curious. I've never been to "white" countries, only to Estonia and Thailand.

Pic related is my eye.

there's nothing edgy about the well documented fact that Italy is a very ethnically diverse country though
we're all Italian in culture but the ethnic landscape is pretty heterogeneous, and Sardinians especially are as far from n. Italians as they are from Iberians while being even more distant from s. Italians

"white" is only used by americans with european roots.
Example: My great-great-grandfather wuz of [insert muh heritage], that makes me [insert more bullshit...]

you literally always look tired

Native to Europe so it's a euro thing what makes those features Euro.
Ainu don't look like Japs and were thought to descend from euro people's until it turned out they just were I think austronesians that adapted to the climate that looked like swarthy whites.

Yes, but the edgy thing is considering one of those groups more Italian than some other

I have this index when I think about the white ppl.
1.The white-white tier.
This includes the Nordics (No dicks lel)
2. The white tier.
These can be found all over Europe and at pretty much the majority in every European country
3. The "white" tier.
Most commonly found in Southern Europe but not in great numbers.


He looks like the East Baltid here in this picture with more Caucasian features overall.

Forgot to post my eye.

What is a true Caucasoid or Caucasian (just remember the guy who devised the term had a boner for Caucasus people.

Your eyes aren't weird, but I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the average Finnish man.

Not to me, but ok.

hi there sjürdån welcome back from raiding ireland

My eyes are average though. I live in southern Finland if that matters.

oh that's definitely true, the boot plus Sicily are a diverse place but still unique to the peninsula and thus Italian, with "Italian" even just understood as the geographical expression delimited by the alps and the med sea

we're all basally meds from the north to the south but with different additional mixture from different historical colonizers from various places

Too dark for a white person.
Mongols aint white CONFIRMED!

>autistic 17year olds think they're geneticists because of some Wikipedia articles

In modern terms, basically Caucasian = west Eurasian
pic related highlights the 6 big classical races pretty well from a more modern point of view
blue = caucasian
red = capoid
orange = negroid
green = amerindid
yellow = mongoloid
purple = australoid

They are white actually, I took the pic with my old camera which was shit.


Use the led of yout cellphone and take another one.
It may be better to see.

The green is mostly from the hunter gatherers btw.

They are bllue actually, I took the pic with my old camera which was shit.

not at all, green is based on a Siberian finding from a population that inhabited much of north Eurasia and that eventually got into the Americas
this component is called ANE usually
the hunter gatherers were very diverse, look at pic related
western ones were extremely west shifted

They mixed with each other eventually. This is why you find green in high quantities in Northern Europeans. Because they have more admixture from the hunter gatherers than the neolithic farmers. I think the yellow in Finns and Russians comes from Tatars or something.

the hunter gatherers in east Europe as you can see from the pic were indeed east shifted, due to some partial mixing with said north Eurasians perhaps, but still, they were mostly European hunter gatherers, which is why the green component is still very small compared to the blue component

pretty much this

The more North and East you go, the more mongoloid basically. Basques and Sardinians are the purest Caucasians in Europe.

Yep that's me