Another interview

>another interview
>another rejection
>this is like the 12th one

What is my fucking problem Sup Forums? Every interview I nail the technical questions but accidentally undersell myself somehow

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You're missing passion. Love what you do. *Be* what you do. When who you are and what you do are the same, you know you've found your calling.

A guy got rejected from Facebook. Years later they bought a company from him.

Ergo, in order to make more money, you need to buy a company from Facebook.

I have been unemployed for a year now.

Who are you? *What* are you? Do you even know?


I dunno man, I've never been rejected from more than 2 interviews in a row. In my last job search, I applied for two jobs and got one of them. Didn't even have the other interview.

Do you bother to do any research on the companies you're applying to, to sell them on your interest in things that they didn't bring up but you can totally tell they're looking at?

Are you white?

What position are you applying for?

Job is just a social construct

Not what I mean. I could see how it could be construed that way, but it's not what I mean.

What I mean is, when you find a pursuit that aligns so perfectly with you that you find that you've practically *become* it, you stop underselling yourself like that. You can approach with the confidence you need to wow people, a union of person and pursuit.

Thats not too bad of a situation to be in actually if you are still just starting out

Check out my situation and see how I have not killed myself yet

>Be me
>At a cybersecurity company. Think blue/red team
>Decided not making enough money and want to go for a change/challenge
>Used to be one of the best engineers on staff and had a good time at my last company
>Well I interviewed with another company, high end, more money, more employees and way more coverage, everyone here would know the company name..
>Interview with lead manager of that dept who is doing a lot of work and wants to hire more ppl asap
>I interviewed very well and they offered the job right on the spot, I asked for the highest amount I can think of at the time and they added another 5k to that and bonuses, stock options etc..
>I've been here for some time now and I like the work but I think it is hard and tough as fuck
>I'm getting paid very, very well these days and the stress of the actual job is fucking crazy
>I might fail in a month since projects I'm working on are super tough and this shit might fail
>I've never failed before, but I have to come to the realization that maybe I need another 3-6 months at this company before I'm actually good
>I think they want me to quit, but I dont really know......
>Might start looking for another job soon, I want to go back to cyber security, and what I have learned here will be useful as fuck If I can last another 3-6 months

This is probably good advice, I really enjoy programming, and while I think I am a good programmer, I just tend to not be confident about my abilities. I really hate feeling like I am bragging about myself though, don't want to come across like a douche

entry stuff, mostly java because I want something easy for now. Some web and some mobile too.
Yes I do look into the company before the interview

I got my job over someone much more competent because I had a better personality. The other guy was condescending and actually talked down to the interviewers in the interview. Then again, that might not matter in the sort of jobs you're going for.

Do you have a github where you can dump your programming projects? Is it linked on your resume?

>techical questions
Did you sound confident and friendly?
I don't know what kind of job you're going for, but in many jobs, e.g. IT support, employers prefer training outgoing people with few technical skills than introverts with many.

you have to jump aroud in order to get the $10k+ pay bumps, but moving around every 3-6 months is a red flag

Just wait for universal income, bro. It can't be more than 8 years away. Leave the work stuff to the coloureds and the working castes.

>even if I fail I get shitloads of new skills and cash
>how have i not killed myself yet

No, I probably should I guess

Yea I think I might be getting a little hard on myself, If i start studying again I'm sure I can pick up most of the stuff we're working on at this company. I was so good at every other company I've worked at but this role and what I'm working with today holy shit this is some legit shit

Are you sure the problem is with the underselling and not any other aspect? Have you asked/received feedback from the places you've applied to?

>tfw company that is about to hire you shows a red flag

>work at startup for 7 months
>a bunch of people are planning on quitting or moving on
>I start job searching because this company looks fucked and finances won't make it past june
>get a job offer from another stable company
>start date is in two weeks
>few days in get an email asking if my references are ready for calls

I am still fresh out of college but how fucked does this sound? like I just gave my two weeks notice and signed the acceptance offer with them sending me information on what I need to do next and then they asked me about my references?


Look at fucking Mr. Fucking Important over here, actually getting call backs and interviews

You think your so fucking special huh?

Load up a job profile on dice

Every week you'll get calls regardless of experience level

Wouldn't hurt. Depending on what you upload they can really help you look passionate and motivated

anyone? am I hosed?

You're fine if you listed references from school or your immediate supervisor who understands the situation. Being apart of a failed startup isn't the end of the world.

I think this goes to the root of my psychological problem, I think I'm good, but not that great. The reason why I haven't put code out is because it's good but not good enough

>be me
>know two guys at uni who went for the same job
>the guy with the weaker resume but stronger personality got the job

Gotta work on selling yourself, there's a million devs out there, gotta be interesting

Spoken like a true buzzwords vomiting cancerous HR cunt.
Heres a translation for OP: be atractive, flirt, and get in (often in more ways than one). Otherwise, play the numbers game.

I can sympathize with this. I started working at one of the big four in tech, everyone is amazing for the most part, and even though I get good reviews, I always feel as though they are going to throw me on a pip and drop my ass. Constant stress.

I don't know the solution, but my long term goal is to save as much as I possibly can and throw it all into investments, and never look at it again and start fresh after I move to a cheaper area.

Spoken like a pathetic waste of humanity who doesn't know what it feels like to be great at -- and passionate about -- something important and useful.

>frogposter has been passed over for the job 12 times
big deal motherfucker hahaha

Spoken like someone who knows how HR works.
If the interviewer doesn't like you you're boned, no matter how much 'passion' you have.
Passion is just 'the willingness to work hard for no reason'

Do you have any degrees?

Lol I have a better one.

Phone Interview = passed
HR Interview = passed
Technical Interview = passed
Culture Interview = 1 / 5 people felt I was not a good fit so my application was scrapped


Maybe you should look at another line of work. Part of working is selling yourself, if all you want is just to be a pajeet level job, they'll outsource it to pajeets. What they want is a guy that can talk the Pajeets into working harder for less pay or tricking them into doing so. To surpass the pajeet you have to out-think the pajeet.

You don't want to work at a place where you're not going to get along with the people who work there

Interviewers tend to like you more when you're confident about and comfortable with whatever it is you're applying to do. That's where passion comes in, and that's the whole point I'm getting at.

There's no need to be a shit about it. They're not a bunch of exploitative goblins just because they prefer people who are comfortable, competent, and even -- if possible -- enthusiastic in the prospective position.

>Passion is just 'the willingness to work hard for no reason'

If you're doing the right work, it's its own reward.

If you're a chad applying for a programming/IT position, here's what you need to do if you wanna get hired

If the manager is a brad, just act confident but laid back, make jokes, talk about sport, women, etc

if the manager is a beta, or looks like he browses Sup Forums, talk about vidya or AMD vs Intel. If that fails, just intimidate him with a strong gaze.

if the manager is a woman, flex a cep, be flirtatious, talk about how you once programmed a clock or some shit, she'll fall for the bait and think you're a super talented programmer or some shit.

I have an interview as an electrical engineering intern in the audiofool subdivision of an obscure brand. Their stuff actually looks pretty cool but
>$1500 bookshelf speakers
>$2500 turntables
I have relatively high end audio equipment and I know a bit about signals, but I do not see how the prices can be so high for speakers

For tech-related jobs, only possible candidates get invited to interviews. For you to go through 12 of them without getting a word back, you must be doing something wrong.

>unironically looking for a job kek

Some companies don't care about culture fit.

Still feels bad man.

Throughout the whole process which lasted almost 2 months I was having a great time. Hell I learned their whole stack and made a pretty good application for the technical portion.

The culture fit interview was with 1 dev 2 marketing people and 2 managers. Apparently the chick from marketing felt I was too young or some shit.

Wait they gave you an offer and start date before even calling your references? That sounds fucking weird. Though if your references are legit you won't have a problem. Still that sounds sketch.

Basically you didn't make her pussy wet like the black guy did

aka ur ugly so she thought you weren't a good fit.

How bad is it to look YOUNG when applying to an engineering job?
I'm in 21 but basically look like a teenager. Genes and shit, I've always looked much younger than I am.

it's better, anyone above 24 looking is auto binned as semi-unemployable

stop makin it feel worse man

Even outside of IT?
I'm more I the electrical mechanical field and it looks like an engineer position requires to be respectable to some degree. I feel like young looking people won't be taken serious enough for that

>I really hate feeling like I am bragging about myself though, don't want to come across like a douche

Don't let there be any question in your mind: you are the best fucking programmer in the universe, and you are exceptionally qualified for the job. Prove how fucking awesome you are to them, be enthusiastic and motivated. Take advantage of every opportunity to talk about all of the awesome projects you've worked on, illustrating both your passion for your work and your technical experience. Don't ever say "I did a project X but it still needs work and isn't polished yet" because you're talking poorly of your work --- remember that you're projects are the coolest fucking projects ever. Say "I worked on X a few summers ago, it's really cool because Y, and especially this feature Z." You have the knowledge and experience, so prove it to them, user.

Tell me about it.
I wanted to try the Silicon Valley but Trump has made every tech company afraid of hiring overseas.
Even as an European expert I can't get a fucking working visa sponsor.

fuck off, we're full

Threaten to break into their house and kill yourself so they get blamed if they reject you.

guess its time to blog

>be me
>have literally 10/10 gf
>join uni
>get dumped on second semester
>do like shit on third semester and never recover
>pretty much drop school with 3 semesters remaining
>pseudo-neet since then
>need job
>search for a half-time job
>all of them require us to be students or its 1+hours far from home

the problem is even worse considering im from a third world shithole

>be me
>never had a gf
>still virgin with 22
>do good in uni
>teachers love me since i do extra work
>likely get recommended for a job so i dont even have to apply anywhere
feels good to be a cuck work slave

I'm 25 and just learning programming, does this mean I'm hopeless and should just go to a trade school?

You should have gotten a double degree from a top-tier American university and top-tier university from your country.

Since you didn't disclose the country you're from and you have trouble getting a H1-B visa I'm lead to believe it's only a matter of degree and "attractiveness".

Many friends of mine from top tier French schools have gotten internships and full-time jobs there - not specifically in the Silicon Valley or the tech industry.

spend a few months learning haskell.

Maybe push the pride factor a little bit more next time. It's not actually douchey, even though I felt that way for years. Unfortunately no interviewer has the time or ability to appreciate your insight into your own shortcomings. That self-awareness is a good thing, but I learned that they'd much rather hear you suck your own dick a little, and show how much you enjoy your work. if you do acknowledge your flaws, do it briefly enough for them to think you're humble and hopeful about fixing them.

>but accidentally undersell myself somehow
How do you even do that?
I hand in my filled CV, do the questions and then they propose a salary and a place.

How do you even get rejected if you pass the questions? This is beyond me.

I remember I watched an Eli the Computer guy video about this very subject. Unless you are really fucking gifted one needs to have soft skills such as working with team mates and being able to put on a personalized face. It is almost as if you need to pay the part of a politician part time. I know a lot of autist here don't quite get what I mean but here is the video I am talking about.

Personally I had about 12 interviews to get my first IT job and once I did everything fell into place after that but you just need to break into something and convince someone you are worth taking the risk on. I had to get good at selling myself to people and tried to put on the best face for everyone and eventually I found a company willing to give me a chance.

I will give you a few things that will help you with the HR part of the interview.

>Why are you applying?
I am highly motivated and crave advancement and gaining skills

>what is your greatest weakness
say something like a function weakness like " I feel my greatest weakness is my lack of experience or not having a lot of social capital. Shit that can be improved upon

Oh and learn this because HR bitches love popping this one.

btw I only had one meeting with a HR team when my friend recommended me, and they just pushed me through. but all the other times I was met with project leads, developers, team leaders... all tech savvy.

Post ex gf

>You're missing passion.
Like 99.9% of wageslaves. Maybe what he's missing is the neurotypical drive to lie through his teeth.

You don't need to lie in order to get a job, faggot.

>only 12
those are rookie numbers

> What is my fucking problem Sup Forums?
Call them and ask about it.

It's expected as part of the interview.
>why do you want to stack shelves at our supermarket?
>for money

Fuck this shit.

>another interview
>another rejection
>time to post a interjection

kys HR scum

I assume this is a CS job?

I had 8 interviews before my EE offer. Of those:
>passed 1
>Did well at but not hired in 3 (small companies)
>Bombed 4

So 4 good interviews before a job offer. I think companies are currently seeing a lot of interviewees despite there being so many jobs available you can blink and get an interview.

I actually said this for my first retail job, the interviewer laughed and replied "well, obviously, but why here and not somewhere else" and I told him it was the closest store to my home.

Got the job on the spot.

Not so much trying to make you feel worse, just pointing out obvious but unfortunate social norms. Hardly your fault.

>i was 21, she was 16
>shy-pubecent type, 1.50 with b size chest
>her whole family are musicians
>plays keyboard, i played bass at the time so we even had our song (the cure- lovecats)
>her dad was a bass wizard wich was starting to teaching me how to git gud
>good taste in music, vidya and animu
>we always had something to talk, see above
>dat body

wanna see how it ended, give me some (you)'s

Are you a woman? Because "too young" sounds like the kind of thing women use to keep competition out of the workplace.

Same shit here. I have my projects from University, but a lot of that is spaghetti code and I don't want people to see me using nested if statements in some places and deprecated functions in others. Refactoring would take too long, so I've been tempted to put up side projects, but, shocker, I have no side projects. I know it would be 100x better for me if I did, but I suspect I have severe ADHD which I'm currently seeking help for. I feel like if I actually got a position somewhere I'd be in the clear, because I can absolutely do work that needs to be done, but struggle so hard with shit that just SHOULD be done

There's your (You)