Other urls found in this thread:

Just doing our part


If you guys hate both gays and Muslims, how do you feel about this one?

O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

>kebab removing fags
>police removing kebab
>law-abiding citizens still get to own firearms because SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

Why is the US of A the best country in the world and why can't others follow?

its 50+



Somewhere Trump is going, see see I told ya.

Amazing thing about Trump is that even though the elections are given to him on a silver platter
He'll find a way to fuck it up

Obama just called an AR Assault rifle... hope things dont escalate.

dafuq is ''alt right''?

neck beards

his muslim ban wouldnt have done anything anyway because the guy was born here

It's ok to call an AR an "assault rifle" if it has a cheeki-breeki switch, and if it doesn't he'll be caught bullshitting.

Sup Forums nazis

Sup Forums

Guys, it's not funny when it's America. Let's laugh at the terror attacks in Europe please.

Why do you keep pretending you don't belong to Russia? Even the name of your nation gut cucked by them.

>it's not funny when it's America
actually it is desu

this post on /r/islam has restored my faith in humanity

alright, thanks guys

Just American things

I expected nothing less from reddit.

The name got cucked by translators. The word "Russia" doesn't have a "rus" part in Russian language.

Faggot gonna burn in hell for all eternity and he is sorry lmao disgusting kafir

These fags deserve everything they get


>be gay
>get shot

I remember when this happened to France. All the amerifaggots saying:

What'up now?

his parents weren't

>In charge of speaking about cucks
>this post on /r/islam
Please go.

It's just a prank, bro

Wrong though, at max yours is.

>gays know what it's like to be demonized minorities
Is he living in the 60s?

the muslims wised up and went after a bunch of fags who don't have guns

targeting gays kind of nulls that though

it's like if they targeted a green party meetup

I think one digit would be enough for USA.

Have you ever read up on American history

>happened at a gay nightclub

Thats why they did not have guns.

Granted it was by police but its about the principles.

so where are the Omar memes

The nightclub was a free gun zone.


Don't forget
>Europe only has terrorist attacks because they were too racist to assimilate Muslims properly! American Muslims are way better than European ones

>be gay
>support, fund and vote for government officials who engage in unrealistic, dangerous policies in the name of forcing 'tolerance' on the populace
>get shot by some of those who were 'tolerated'

>be american
>get shot


The empire is collapsing from the inside, good.

Now they'll probably hide behind the "they hate all white people" bullshit rethoric. Fuck you and your awful country.

Filthy slander, the Prophet is alive and well

I remember that exact thread being made just a week ago about how American muslims were supposedly bro-tier and Europeans were still being racists which is why they don't integrate here.

open up my facebook and I have people saying "theres nothing we can do to keep this from happening but if I was there I would've stopped them!". Bunch of idiotic cowards. If they really wanted to do something they wouldve enlisted but they just sit on the computer all day arguing with children about gun rights.

>What'up now?

Americans keep living in their hollywood fantasies.

That's not possible. How did the shooters have guns then?

how the fuck would enlisting have prevented this you mouth breather?

Maybe they shouldn't prove him right :^)

so they call themselves ''Sia''?

>The nightclub was a free gun zone.

Just like Paris

The troops protect American freedoms, you dirty commie

Didnt happen in Texas

ask the germans you took in after the war

Hahaha. I can't wait the damage control when this happens in a good old redneck show like NASCAR.

Alright you keep waiting for that buddy.

They got shot by police, what's your point?

Omar "If you're a poof, you're off the roof" Mateen
Omar "Born this way? Then you die today" Mateen
Omar "Think I'm cute, then I have to shoot" Mateen
Omar "Can't eat cock during Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Don't eat ass during my holy fast" Mateen
Omar "Act haram you get harm" Mateen
Omar "Candy ass turned to glass" Mateen
Omar "The penetrator, no homo" Mateen
Omar "Put away that peen or get a bullet in you spleen" Mateen
Omar "Tossing grenades at pride parades" Mateen
Omar "Putting fags into body bags" Mateen
Omar "Emptying my glock on those who like cock" Mateen
Omar "Stay in the closet or you get put in a casket' Mateen
Omar "Adam and Steve, meet Smith and Wesson" Mateen
Omar "Lick a thick dick, get bricked quick" Mateen
Omar "Koran says it's a no no so gays have got to go go" Mateen
Omar "Open gaybar? Allahu Akbar" Mateen
Omar "Make the queer disappear" Mateen
Omar "Spray the gay away" Mateen
Omar "Put a mag in every fag" Mateen
Omar "Suck a cock, get the glock" Mateen
Omar "Kiss a man? BLAM" Mateen
Omar "Giving Queens the M16" Mateen
Omar "If he sucks cock he's going to get shot" Mateen.
Omar "Wiping the gay club clean" Mateen
Omar "One Man Homocaust" Mateen
Omar "The Closet Closer" Mateen
Omar "I got something to put in you" Mateen
Omar "Empty my 9 at the gloryhole line" Mateen
Omar "Fags gon' fall when I shoot 'em all" Mateen
Omar "What did he mean" Mateen
Omar "Bustin' caps in traps" Mateen
Omar "God Slay The Queen" Mateen
Omar "It's Raining Lead" Mateen
Omar "You lick bum? Die like scum" Mateen
Omar "At War with Gaybar" Mateen
Omar "Not a real Muslim" Mateen
Omar "Happy Ramabomb" Mateen

the most dangerous thing that can happen when you pull a gun in murica is getting caught in an elephant stampede

thx 4 ur servix

If those 50 fags had been sent to Syria to defend their freedoms, they wouldn't have been in the nightclub and wouldn't have been shot.

>Omar "Adam and Steve, meet Smith and Wesson" Mateen


Shut up you liberal commie

They tried it in Texas and got killed
What's your point?

If I started balding that young, I would probably shoot someone too. Worse than being a manlet.

What happens in a 50 kill streak in America?

Based Texas

I guess "some problems sofe themselves?"

My point is that comparing a shooting in a random place with two retards trying to attack an heavily guarded event is stupid.

Shouldn't be killed over it.

How did this muppet get hold of an AR-15

>Omar "Don't eat ass during my holy fast" Mateen

he went into a gun store and purchased one and after waiting the 24 hour (or 72 hour if it had a pistol grip) wait period he picked it up and took it home

It only counts if the terrorist go after the people in a gun store or shooting range, these faggots obviously didn't have guns.
The same way statistics only count if you leave out the blacks, spics and other minorities.

do you even murrica?

We're good at what we do.

>media cant decide if it was religious or not

Yeah, fat load of good that Greek faggot would have done

>netherlands rips off of aquafresh
>luxembourg rips off aquafresh ripoff

The guy was a muslim so it can only be religious, otherwise it would be too confusing.

They didn't know they where coming and the police volunteered because they didn't want everyone showing up with their guns



It was a gun free zone
He just walked pass the sign like it wasn't even there!

Someones upset

You would be surprised how shitty people can be towards you when you're gay, user. Even in first-world countries that allow gay marriage and whatnot.

>Estado Islamico asumio la autoria de la masacre de Orlando
Pictured: leftists reaction to ISIS statement

Its because we let third world people into first world countires this shit happens.

Also the fact that he committed allegiance to ISIS and all that

sven's right
that's why we need to stop them from coming to our countries and ruin everything
i don't give a fuck about fags, but it's hard to not give a fuck about mudslimes who give a fuck about fags and a lot of other things

my little pony and anime neonazis