What's stopping you from getting a gf?

What's stopping you from getting a gf?

Nothing. A girlfriend I actually want though? That depends on whether the girl likes me or not.

lack of friends and lack of money,living in a village is the bonus

Women have inferior brains and can't recognize a truly magnificent male, instead choosing moronic brutes who can talk to them in a primitive manner which invokes their primalistic mammal breeding urges.

How small is your village?

i find women boring.
like they have nothing to talk about and doing a monologue is boring after some time.
or it is like this because i am ugly.

The curse from my previous life.

Myself. I'm ugly on the outside and the inside.

~2.5k but young people are like less then 100
and by younge i mean less then 25 years old

Lack of money. Pretty much.

Don't have money to move out, go out, date or do anything at all. In fact, I'm in this prison called university. I'm thinking of just getting a job because i'm fed up with this shit.

being an Asian with tiny D


Nothing really. I just enjoy living on my own too much to pursue one.

I'm a loser.

I don't want one.


My own nerves.

High five, bro.

I don't even have cringey stories, but women don't like me because I never bring anything to a conversation when I just meet a person.

Also, nowdays I'm a shutin, but even if that changes, I will only be the friend of the nerdiest girls (and guys)

What's wrong with nerdy girls? Hit that shit.

I'm a NEET, so its hard to meet people.

nice trips.
nerdy girls literally only bang chads. colombian guy probably has more chance with a stacey than with a nerrrd gurl

erectyle disfunction

Autism, nothing actually cringy, I just don't know how to start things.

you ever thought about going back to school, nightclubs, hobbies courses whatever? coz i mean like pussy aint knocking on your door you gotta hunt that shit down and make an effort
it´s hard not impossible

I think Colombia means girls who are also socially awkward, not the "omg I own Nintendo themed clothing! I'm such a nerd! What's an N-E-S?" type of nerdy gurrl.

lack of money